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Aug 2024 edition of the Catholic Post

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Aug 2024 edition of the Catholic Post

If you have been given the Catholic Post for free in your parish, PLEASE would you be able to donate £,1 to your parish for it, or even £,10 per year! S S t t J J o o h h n n W W a a l l l l J J u u l l y y 1 1 2 2 t t h h AUGUST 2024 The Light of Faith Cricket tour comes to the UK page 6 Sea Sunday Vatican approves Walsingham Feast page 3 Edition 32 Please donate £,1 to support your parish See below for details page 12 A A A u u g g u u s s t t 1 1 5 5 t t h h –, –, T T h h e e A A s s s s u u m m p p t t i i o o n n Synod’,s Instrumentum Laboris: A Blueprint for Church Unity and Renewal The Vatican has recently unveiled the Instrumentum Laboris, a pivotal document guiding the Synod on Syno dality. The second session of the Synod will take place in Rome between 2-27 October 2024. This document, a labour of extensive global consultation, outlines the path for the Catholic Church to deepen its commitment to unity, participation, and mission in a rapidly changing world. The Instrumentum Laboris, or working document, stands as a testament to Pope Francis`s vision of a more inclusive and listening Church. Grounded in the voices of laypeople, clergy, and religious from diverse backgrounds, it encapsulates the collective wisdom and hopes of the global Catholic community. The process leading to this document involved unprecedented engagement, with over a hundred thousand consultations worldwide, reflecting a truly synodal approach where every voice is valued. Central to the Instrumentum Laboris is the theme of communion, participation, and mission. It calls for a renewed focus on fostering deeper relationships within the Church and with the broader world. The document emphasises the need for inclusivity, urging the Church to reach out to marginalised communities, embrace diversity, and ensure that all members feel valued and heard. This spirit of inclusivity is envisioned to strengthen the Church’,s mission in the modern world, making it more relevant and responsive to contemporary challenges. Moreover, the document highlights the importance of active participation by all the faithful. It encourages a move away from a hierarchical model towards a more collaborative and participatory Church. This involves empowering laypeople, especially women and young people, to take on leadership roles and contribute meaningfully to the life and mission of the Church. Such an approach is expected to revitalise parishes and communities, making them vibrant centres of faith and action. The Instrumentum Laboris also addresses the Church’,s mission in the world. It calls for renewed evangelisation efforts that are rooted in listening and dialogue. The document underscores the need for the Church to engage with contemporary issues such as social justice, environmental stewardship, and human dignity. By doing so, the Church can offer a prophetic voice that speaks to the hopes and struggles of people today. Overall, the Instrumentum Laboris is a hopeful and forward-looking document. It sets the stage for a transformative Synod that seeks to renew the Church’,s commitment to being a beacon of hope, unity, and love in the world. As the Church prepares for this significant gathering, the themes of communion, participation, and mission outlined in the Instrumentum Laboris promise to inspire a new chapter of growth and renewal in the Catholic Church. Central to the Instrumentum Laboris is the theme of communion, participation, and mission. It calls for a renewed focus on fostering deeper relationships within the Church and with the broader world. For further information use the QR code below or search ‘,Instrumentum Laboris Synod’, online

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Aug 2024 edition of the Catholic Post

About the Catholic Post The Catholic Post is a new Catholic publication. It is the only National Catholic newspaper that is Carbon Neutral. It is published monthly and aims to bring news, information, faith and Catholic teaching to readers throughout the UK. About Bellcourt Ltd We have been a Catholic publishing company for 30 years. During that time we have served the Catholic community with 10 publications and around 3,000 editions of Catholic newspapers which is over 16,000,000 newspapers in total. We are still leading the way by making our publications carbon neutral by using 100% recycled newspaper, 75% of the electricity comes from Solar Power, we are also part of Carbon Balanced Print Scheme which is certified by the Carbon Land Trust - Why have a Catholic Newspaper? Pope Francis has said that Catholic newspapers can be a useful tool of evangelisation. In an address to representatives of nearly 200 Catholic newspapers, Pope Francis praised in particular the value, necessity and effectiveness of Catholic and diocesan newspapers, which he said require ",a renewed commitment", from priests and the whole church community. Pope Francis said, it is a place where the life of a diocese can be ",validly expressed", and where members of the church can ",dialogue and communicate.", ",There is an urgent need for news that is communicated with serenity, precision, completeness,", clarity and thoughtfulness and in a way that favours ",fruitful reflection", and reject samplifying a discussion that is strident, ambiguous and insinuating, he said. Pope Francis said, ",For all these reasons it is, therefore, desirable that everyone`s commitment to ensuring the existence and vitality of these periodicals is not lacking.", 01440 730399

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Aug 2024 edition of the Catholic Post

Subscribe to *20% Discount for ALL ongoing subscriptions paid by card. All prices include delivery. For ALL of your Parishioners 100 copies: £,15.00 per month* (15p per copy) 200 copies: £,29.00 per month* (14.5p per copy) 300 copies: £,41.00 per month* (14p per copy) For some of your Parishioners 50 copies: from £,12.00 per month* (24p per copy) 10 copies: from £,9.00 per month* (90p per copy) Individual Subscriptions 1 Copy delivered by Post: £,4.00 per month* 01440 730399 MAY 2024 Every vote counts page 6 Chrism Oil from the Holy Land New life in the desert page 4 O u r L a d y o f F a t i m a 1 3 t h M a y Edition 29 Please donate £,1 to support your parish See below for details page 11 If you have been given the Catholic Post for free in your parish, PLEASE would you be able to donate £,1 to your parish for it, or even £,10 per year! There seems to be a new stirring of the Holy Spirit at the moment. People are suddenly turning up in church who haven`t been for a long time or have never been. Apparently there were so many people trying to enter Westminster Cathedral this Easter that they couldn`t all fit in! There are reports of similar things happening at parish level. People are beginning to look for deeper truth and meaning. How is the Church to deal with these new spiritual seekers? New stirring of the Spirit in the Church This is perhaps not surprising in the face of the state of the world, and the inability of politicians and world leaders to fix things. People are now beginning, perhaps, to look elsewhere for deeper truth and meaning. But how is the Church to deal with these new spiritual seekers? How do we help them open themselves up to the transforming power of the gospel message and to a personal relationship with Christ? One of the most effective evangelistic tools that have emerged in the past 60 years is a course called The Life in the Spirit Seminars. This is not an academic course, despite the name. Rather it is a series of seven sessions, often led by lay people which takes participants on a journey of conversion through a mix of talks, prayer and small group sharing. This culminates in a time of special prayer for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Through this participants come to a more conscious experience of their baptism and its meaning and are empowered by the Holy Spirit to become more effective disciples of Christ in the secular world today. Pope Francis considers the Life in the Spirit seminars to be so effective that he has asked the Charismatic Renewal to run them throughout the Church worldwide. This has been happening over the last few years, particularly in the Southwark diocese. Here the local diocesan charismatic team has partnered with the Southwark diocesan Agency for Evangelisation and Catechesis to put these on. This began during COVID with the talks and small group sharing taking place online. This year, however, as last year, the seminars will take place live at St George`s Cathedral, Southwark. They will then be beamed to a dozen or so hubs both in Southwark and Westminster dioceses. Here groups will meet locally in homes and parish halls and access the talks virtually. To register and get more info about the individual hubs and timing see: visit and search for Life in the Spirit Continued on page 3 JULY 2024 Never Again. Nagasaki survivors visit Britain page 12 A new way to mark your fi,rst Holy Communion Catholic Walking Pilgrimages in Mental Health Awareness Week 2024 page 3 Edition 31 Please donate £,1 to support your parish See below for details page 14 If you have been given the Catholic Post for free in your parish, PLEASE would you be able to donate £,1 to your parish for it, or even £,10 per year! Blessed Carlo Acutis is among a group of people who going to be declared Saints. The Vatican announced the news recently, after Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints, met with Pope Francis, who approved the promulgation of several decrees related to the causes of canonisation of several men and women. Carlo was born on 3 May, 1991, in London, England, and died on October 12, 2006, in Monza, Italy, of leukaemia at the age of 15. Pope Francis beatified Carlo in 2020 in Assisi, where he had had made multiple pilgrimages and where he was buried. The miracle recognised on Thursday is related to a woman from Costa Rica. On 8 July 2022, Liliana prayed at Blessed Carlo`s tomb in Assisi, leaving a letter describing her plea. Six days earlier, on 2 July, her daughter Valeria had fallen from her bicycle in Florence, where she was attending university. She had suffered severe head trauma, and required craniotomy surgery and the removal of the right occipital bone to reduce pressure on her brain, with what her doctors said was a very low chance of survival. Liliana`s secretary began praying immediately to Blessed Carlo Acutis, and on July 8, Liliana made her pilgrimage to his tomb in Assisi. That same day, the hospital informed her that Valeria had begun to breath spontaneously. The next day, she began to move and partially regain her speech. On 18 July, a CAT scan showed that all bleeding had disappeared, and on August 11 Valeria was moved to rehabilitation therapy. She made quick progress, and on September 2 Valeria and Liliana made another pilgrimage to Assisi to thank Blessed Carlo for his intercession. Cardinal Vincent Nichols commented: ",This is the fast-track to sainthood! Carlo Acutis, born in London, baptised in the Church of Our Lady of Dolours, Fulham Road, died at the age of 15 in 2006, computer savvy and sometimes bullied at school, he is now held before the world as an inspiration for all. ",Why? ",He understood the purpose of life. He said that he was not afraid to die because he had not wasted a minute of his life on things that didn`t please God. He had a pathway to follow. He said ",The Eucharist is the highway to heaven",. He lived each day cheerfully, `always united with Jesus`. ",A joyful, courageous, generous, faith-filled teenager. A saint for our day and everyday. And a Londoner! A star!", In the decree, Pope Francis announced he will convene a Consistory of Cardinals to deliberate the canonization of Blessed Carlo Acutis, as well as Blessed Giuseppe Allamano, Marie- Lé,onie Paradis, and Elena Guerra. Carlo Acutis Vatican Media/CBCEW/ICN ",A joyful, courageous, generous, faith-filled teenager. A saint for our day and everyday. And a Londoner! A star!", Bl Carlo Acutis to be declared a Saint The decrees also recognised a miracle attributed to Blessed Giuseppe Allamano (1851- 1926), an Italian-born priest who founded the Consolata Missionaries. The miracle regarded the healing of an indigenous man in Cape Verde named Sorino Yanomami, who was attacked by a jaguar on February 7, 1996, in the Amazonian forest. Even though his brain was left partially exposed, Sorino survived the ordeal thanks to surgery in Boa Vista and the intercession of Blessed Allamano after several members of his congregation prayed a novena for Sorino. Pope Francis also recognized a miracle attibuted to the intercession of Venerable Giovanni Merlini (1795-1873), an Italian-born priest of the Missionaries of the Most Precious Blood. The Pope recognized the martyrdom of a Polish priest - Servant of God Stanislav Kostka Streich (1902-1938)- and a Hungarian-born laywoman - Servant of God Má,ria Magdolna Bó,di (1921-1945) - both of whom were killed in hatred of the faith by communists. The decrees also recognized the heroic virtues of the Servants of God Guglielmo Gattiani (Italian Capuchin priest, 1914-1999), Ismaele Molinero Novillo (Spanish layman, 1917-1938), and Ismaele Molinero Novillo (Italian layman, 1911-1974). The Pope also approved the ",favourable votes of the Ordinary Session of the Cardinals and Bishops for the canonization of Blessed Emanuele Ruiz and 7 Companions, of the Order of Friars Minor, and Francesco, Abdel Mooti, and Raffaele Massabki, Lay Faithful, killed in hatred of the Faith in Damascus (Syria) between July 9 and 10, 1860.", For more information about Carlo Acutis, visit his website at S S t t J J o o h h n n W W a a l l l l J J u u l l y y 1 1 2 2 t t h h AUGUST 2024 The Light of Faith Cricket tour comes to the UK page 6 Sea Sunday Vatican approves Walsingham Feast page 3 Edition 32 Please donate £,1 to support your parish See below for details page 12 If you have been given the Catholic Post for free in your parish, PLEASE would you be able to donate £,1 to your parish for it, or even £,10 per year! A A u u g g u u s s t t 1 1 5 5 t t h h –, –, T T h h e e A A s s s s u u m m p p t t i i o o n n Synod’,s Instrumentum Laboris: A Blueprint for Church Unity and Renewal The Vatican has recently unveiled the Instrumentum Laboris, a pivotal document guiding the Synod on Synodality. The second session of the Synod will take place in Rome between 2-27 October 2024. This document, a labour of extensive global consultation, outlines the path for the Catholic Church to deepen its commitment to unity, participation, and mission in a rapidly changing world. The Instrumentum Laboris, or working document, stands as a testament to Pope Francis`s vision of a more inclusive and listening Church. Grounded in the voices of laypeople, clergy, and religious from diverse backgrounds, it encapsulates the collective wisdom and hopes of the global Catholic community. The process leading to this document involved unprecedented engagement, with over a hundred thousand consultations worldwide, reflecting a truly synodal approach where every voice is valued. Central to the Instrumentum Laboris is the theme of communion, participation, and mission. It calls for a renewed focus on fostering deeper relationships within the Church and with the broader world. The document emphasises the need for inclusivity, urging the Church to reach out to marginalised communities, embrace diversity, and ensure that all members feel valued and heard. This spirit of inclusivity is envisioned to strengthen the Church’,s mission in the modern world, making it more relevant and responsive to contemporary challenges. Moreover, the document highlights the importance of active participation by all the faithful. It encourages a move away from a hierarchical model towards a more collaborative and participatory Church. This involves empowering laypeople, especially women and young people, to take on leadership roles and contribute meaningfully to the life and mission of the Church. Such an approach is expected to revitalise parishes and communities, making them vibrant centres of faith and action. The Instrumentum Laboris also addresses the Church’,s mission in the world. It calls for renewed evangelisation efforts that are rooted in listening and dialogue. The document underscores the need for the Church to engage with contemporary issues such as social justice, environmental stewardship, and human dignity. By doing so, the Church can offer a prophetic voice that speaks to the hopes and struggles of people today. Overall, the Instrumentum Laboris is a hopeful and forward-looking document. It sets the stage for a transformative Synod that seeks to renew the Church’,s commitment to being a beacon of hope, unity, and love in the world. As the Church prepares for this significant gathering, the themes of communion, participation, and mission outlined in the Instrumentum Laboris promise to inspire a new chapter of growth and renewal in the Catholic Church. Central to the Instrumentum Laboris is the theme of communion, participation, and mission. It calls for a renewed focus on fostering deeper relationships within the Church and with the broader world. For further information use the QR code below or search ‘,Instrumentum Laboris Synod’, online

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