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2024 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory
2024 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory
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2023 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory
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2022 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory
2021 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory
2021 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory

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Directory and Yearbook for the Diocese of Northampton


2024 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory

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2024 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory

DIOCESE OF NORTHAMPTON Diocesan Directory 2024 Cover Northampton_2024 with adverts.qxp_Layout 1 14/12/2023 17:22 Page 1

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2024 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory

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2024 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory

1 THE DIOCESE OF NORTHAMPTON (Province of Westminster) Consisting of the counties of Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Northamptonshire, and that part of Berkshire (formerly in Buckinghamshire) that lies to the north of the River Thames PATRONS OF THE DIOCESE: Our Blessed Lady Immaculate (8th December) St Thomas of Canterbury (29th December) Registered Charity No 234091 Front cover: Top –, Our young people share their hopes for the future of our church –, photo from the Diocesan assembly. Lower Right - Translation of the Relics of Thomas Becket and pastoral vis itation of the Papal Nuncio Archbishop Miguel Maury Buendia.

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2024 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory


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2024 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory

Contents Foreword 4 The Year in Review 6 Diocese of Northampton 15 Clergy and Religious 37 2024 Jubilarians 53 Religious Orders 54 Pastoral Areas &, Map 58 Parishes 61 Statistics 94 Chaplaincies 97 Schools 100 Shrine of the Relic Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe 105 Ordo 106 Second Collections 213 Index of Parishes by Town 214 Advertiser Index 215 Diocese Clergy &, Religious Parishes Schools Chaplaincies Ordo Contents 3 C ERTIFICATE THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT by using Carbon Balanced Paper CathCom Ltd has balanced through World Lane Trust the equiv - alent of 6.2 tonnes of carbon dioxide Certificate numbers are available from CathCom Ltd

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2024 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory

Foreword 4 FOREWORD As I write these wo r ds, those involved in the Synod on Synodality are mee ti ng in Rome. To m y mind, the key to under standing the Synod are those three wo r ds which always accompany this Synod ‐, communion, par ti cipa ti on and mission. It has been a great joy for me to witness these during m y travels around our diocese. My pasto r al episcopal visita ti ons have so f ar ta k en me to the parishes of the Slough, Luton, Bedfordshire and South Bucks Pa s toral Areas. There are four more Pa s toral Areas yet to visit. In the w or ds of my visit a ti on homily, ‘,I come amongst you as a humble pilgrim, hoping to see the face of Christ in this community of faith’,. That hope has not been disappointed. It has been encouraging to witness the man y signs of parish life with liturgical celebra ti ons, cateche ti cal and social needs ac ti on, opportuni ti es for the parish community to c ome to g ether and build a communion of rela ti onships through social func ti ons. Of course, every parish is di ff, erent. Each parish community has a di ff, erent historical story to tell. The challenges they face are similar to other parishes, and at the same ti me, unique to par ti cular communi ti es. I drive away from every parish visita ti on with the wis tf ul thought, I wouldn’,t mind being their parish priest! Amongst our diocesan ac ti vity in 2023, we w elcomed the visit of His Excellency, Archbishop Miguel Maury Buendí,a, the Apostolic Nuncio to Great Britain. During his visita ti on, His Excellency visited the Luton Pa s toral Area and witnessed some of the inte r ‐, religious life of this mul ti‐, cultural part of our diocese. He celebrated the principal Mass of our fi, rst St Thomas Becket F es ti val and blessed the St Thomas Centre during the delayed o ffi, cial opening of the Centre a ft er the pandemic. The relics of St Thomas Becket ha ve been in our Cathedral since the middle of the nineteenth century. They were received from Monsignor George Talbot, secretary to Pope Pius IX, who in turn had received them in 1852 from Bishop Mariano Ve n turi, Bishop of the Diocese of Ve r oli. Many people visited the Cathedral throughout the weekend of the Fe s ti val to v enerate the relics and seek the inte r cession of our martyred patron. The Fe s ti val also included an ecumenical walk around Northampton sites associated with St Thomas Becket and the inaugur al Becket F es ti val Lecture delivered by Dr Judith Champ. Our diocesan Assembly, Pilgrims of Hope, was held at Thorn ton College last July. This brought to g ether the fi, ve principal themes of the ini ti al listening of the diocesan consulta ti on process as we seek t o c on ti nue the journey into gr acious listening to the Holy Spirit and each other, and the prophe ti c gracious speaking which characterises authen ti c synodality. Our Assembly also looked fo r ward, as its ti tle sugge s ted, to the f orthcoming Jubilee Year in 2025. It was such a grace to be part of the Assembly with over three hundred people gathered from across the Diocese of Northampton. It was an upli ft ing day and Thornton were generous with their hospitality. As we move forwards, a new Episcopal

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Foreword 5 Vicariate of Pastoral Development has been established and we are working towards the founda ti on of a new Diocesan Pastoral Council. I wa n t t o thank T on y McNi ff, for the three years he looked a ft er our diocesan fi, nances and charitable ac ti vi ti es as our fi, rst Chief Opera ti ng O ffi, cer, and in very di ffi, cult circumstances during and immediately a ft er the pandemic. We ar e not out of the woods yet! Oliver Larkin has taken up the baton as the new COO. Whenever I come before the Lord in prayerful re fl, ec ti on on how things are going across the diocesan communi ti es and with our curial func ti ons, the ti tle of our Assembly comes to mind. We journe y fo r wards as pilgrims of hope, and we ha ve much t o be gr ateful fo r . My sincere gra ti tude to y ou all, to the cler gy who graciously bear so many burdens, to all our religious and lay faithful who are so generous in their support and commitment to communion, par ti cipa ti on and mission. May our faith, hope and love deepen in the days ahead.

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2024 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory

Diocese The Year in Review 6 It has been a busy year for our diocese as we have endeavoured to be missionary disciples walking our synodal pathway to g ether. Our diocese, like all Catholic Dioceses across the world began the year with the news that Pope Emeritus Benedict had died. Many in our diocese will remember his visit to England and those in the south of our diocese had travelled to London t o pray with him in Hy de Park, whilst those in the north had been in Co ft on Park as he bea ti fi, ed John Henry Newman (now Saint John Henry Newman). The Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency visited our diocese in January to lead training for our clergy following an invita ti on by our diocesan safeguarding team. Four training dates were o ff, ered for this insigh tf ul day focussed on the eight standards of safeguarding. At the s tart of February our young people gathered to g ether in Northampton for the annual residen ti al retreat weekend, LUX. The next ‘,LUX’, weekend is planned for 9 ‐, 11 February 2024. Later in February, Bishop David travelled to Woburn Sands to celebrate Mass for the Religious who minister across the diocese. Our diocesan trustees took the decision at the end of 2022 t o div est from Fossil Fuel, with the announcement being made in March 2023. On 19 March Bishop David celebrated his third anniversary of his Episcopal Ordina ti on. He was ordained Bishop of Northampton just a few days be fore the fi, rst lockdown in 2020. In the same week our Educa ti on Service hosted a Head Teachers’, Confe r ence at the St Thomas Cen tre and our youth joined with thousands of other young Catholics at Wembley O2 Arena for Flame, a na ti onal celebra ti on of Catholic youth. Also during March, our diocesan CDSC, the Charisma ti c Diocesan Service of REVIEW OF THE YEAR - 2023

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Diocese The Year in Review 7 Communion was launched. The CDSC aim to share the grace of bap ti sm in the Holy Spirit within the church, to build unity with other Chris ti ans, to pr omote concern for the poor and to support and to pr omote and encourage all expressions of Catholic Charisma ti c Renewal. Over 400 young co n fi, rmandi a tt ended the annual Con fi, rma ti on Confe r ence ‐, Blaze, organised by NYMO, our youth ministry o ffi, ce. This annual gathering is open to all those t eenagers preparing to receive the Sacrament. It is a joyful celebra ti on o ff, ering our youth an experience of a wider Church beyond their own parish.

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Diocese The Year in Review 8 St Te r esa’,s in Beacons fi, eld was the se tti ng for an important event for our diocese in May 2023. LoudFence is a visible display of our support and solidarity with those who have e xperienced abuse in our Church. Bishop David presided at the opening ser vice befo r e those pr esent we r e invited to ti e ribbons, messages and prayers to the tr ees outside the Church. Advo c ate f or the rights of those a ff, ected by abuse, Antonia Sobocki began LoudFence in November 2020. Since then many Chris ti an Cathedrals and Churches have hosted the event including in September 2023, the Va ti can.

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Diocese The Year in Review 9 For the last two years Caritas Northampton have partnered with some of our parishes, schools and sta ff, to take part in Love Christmas Campaigns by providing gi ft s to be included in Bags of Kindness for people living in poverty and/or loneliness in that parish or school local area. In this ti me they have been able t o dona te 1450+ gi ft bags suppor ti ng over 3300+ individuals including families with young children, the elderly, the lonely and isolated, young ca r er s, children from broken homes, children in ca r e, young people leaving the ca r e s ystem, and many others. Some of our priests celebrated signi fi, ca n t anniv ersaries of ordina ti on in 2023. Fr William Strain celebrated 60 years of priesthood. Fr William re ti red from St Augus ti ne’,s, High Wycombe in 2014 having been in the parish since 1978. Other signi fi, ca n t anniv ersaries included Fr Joe Walsh, Fr Kenneth Bowen and Fr Jose Thekkeku tt e (40 years), Fr Andrew Behrens , Fr Gerard Byrne, Fr Brian Leatherland and Fr Mirek Misiura (35 years), Fr David Barre tt , Fr Dariusz Bialowas, Canon Francis Higgins and Canon Brendan Killeen (all 30 years). Congratula ti ons to all of them. This year’,s Jubilarians Mass will be a t our Ca thedral on 7 June 2024. We los t two re ti red priests this year as we said goodbye to Fr Paul Hardy and Monsignor Peter Wilson. Fr Paul had recently re ti red having been a parish priest in Milton Keynes for almost 30 years. He also served as editor to the Diocesan newspaper ‘,The Vine’, since it began in 1988. Another priest who co n tributed greatly to diocesan lif e, Mgr Peter Wilson died on Ash Wednesday, 22 nd February 2023. Monsignor Wilson ful fi, lled a number of roles within the Diocesan Curia and he served variously as Administrator, Secretary and Treasurer of the St Francis Children’,s Society, and as Chairman and Secretary of the Sick and Re ti red Clergy Fund. In 2001 he was appointed a Chaplain to P ope John Paul II with the accompanying ti tle Monsignor, although he s ti ll liked people to c all him Father Pete r . Eternal re s t gr ant unto them O Lor d, and may perpetual light shine on them. May they re s t in peace.

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Diocese The Year in Review 10 The pilgrimage to W alsingham in 2023 was well a tt ended by over 400 pilgrims. The day began with Mass at the Ca tholic Shrine befo r e pilgrims w alked the Holy Mile with the statue of Our Lady of Walsingham. The pilgrimage ended with prayers at the original sit e of the Holy House within the Abbey Grounds. This year’,s pilgrimag e will ta k e place on 8 June. July was a busy month with several signi fi, cant Diocesan events taking place. At the start of June we celebr ated the Transla ti on of the Relics of Saint Thomas Becket. The Feast of Thomas of Canterbury takes place on the 29 th December and as this proves di ffi, cult for our Diocesan family to c ome to g ether we celebr ate the Feast of the Transla ti on of the Relics. This beau ti ful weekend of celebra ti on was a ti me for pilgrims to journe y to the Ca thedral to v enerate the Relics and connect with the martyr.

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Diocese The Year in Review 11 That same weekend and to c oincide with the ‘,Becket F es ti val’,, we f ormally Blessed and opened the St Thomas Centre. Many people from across the diocese have giv en generously to help build the centre and they we r e in vited to be pr esent at the Blessing. The Apos tolic Nuncio, Archbishop Miguel Maury Buendí,a blessed and opened the Centre as he was on his pastoral visita ti on to the diocese. The visita ti on by the Papal Nuncio to Great Britain was eagerly an ti cipated by many people throughout the Diocese. Arriving on Thursday evening, the Archbishop spent ti me in prayer with the Cathedral Chapter and Bishop’,s Council followed by a welcoming meal. On the Feast of the Transla ti on of the Relics of Thomas Becket the Ar chbishop celebrated Mass and Blessed the centre befo r e heading down the M1 t o Lut on. Whilst in Luton, the Archbishop met with refugees being supported by Chris ti an Churches in the town, visited a Mosque and met with the ecumenical Churches and Faith groups. As part of our synodal journey, our diocesan assembly t ook place at Thorn ton College where over 300 people from across our diocese gathered for a day of prayer, conversa ti on and listening. The assembly was the high point of a journey which began in October 2021, when Pope Francis announced the engagement of the people of God in the Synod on Synodality which takes place over 2023 ‐, 2024. In the summer month of August, our young people travelled to Alt on Castle for the LifeTeen Summer Camp whilst some of our older parishioners travelled to Lour des on pilgrimage with the Catholic Associa ti on. 2023 saw growth in our outreach ac ti vity in many parishes through evangelisa ti on and social ac ti on projects. In autumn, Caritas Northampton shared the news of a successful grant applica ti on to support demen ti a projects whilst those parishes suppor ti ng food banks

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Diocese The Year in Review 12 reported an ever ‐, growing number of people receiving support. Our parishes responded to the post ‐, covid need to t ackle isola ti on in the elderly with many areas o ff, ering lunch clubs, days out, bingo nights and anything that will draw communi ti es to g ether. In November, the fi, rst Mass celebra ti ng our culturally diverse diocese took place in Luton. `Celebra ti ng our Richness` was a bright, joyful occasion and it is hoped that every pasto r al area will host a similar celebra ti on. As we look f or ward to 2024, w e ar e mindful that it is designated a ‘,year of prayer’, as we journey towa r ds the Holy Year in 2025 as ‘,Pilgrims of Hope’,.

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Diocese Diocese of Northampton 15 THE DIOCESE –, A BRI E F HISTORY The Catholic Faith first came to Britain in Roman times. St Alban, our first martyr, probably suffered in the year A.D. 209. Three bishops from Britain attended the Council at Arles in A.D. 314. In 597 St Augustine came from Rome to convert the pagan Angle s, Saxons and Jutes who had invaded and settled in Britain after the departure of the Romans. His work of conversion was concentrated largely in the kingdoms of Kent and Essex. It was not until some thirty - eight years later that the area covered by our pre sent diocese received the Christian message, with the arrival of the missionary St Birinus and the foundation of his see at Dorchester on Thames in 636. But the real evangelization of the people who dwelt in our district, the Middle Angles, was achieved th rough the labours of missionaries from the isle of Lindisfarne, off the Northumbrian coast. Notable among them was St Chad, whose see, established at Lichfield in 669, included the present diocese of Northampton. A few years later, to meet local needs, Archbishop Theodore of Canterbury divided the Mercian see of Lichfield and founded the diocese of Leicester for the Middle Angles. There it remained until the ninth century when the disruption of the Scandinavian inv asions necessitated its transference to the safer original site at Dorchester on Thames. With a major reorganisation of the diocesan system in the Norman period, the ancient see of Dorchester was brought to an end. In 1072, Remigius, its last bishop, was t ranslated to Lincoln, in which jurisdiction the territory of the present diocese remained for many centuries. From the time of the Reformation until 1850, Catholic Dioceses ceased to exist in Britain. As a result of heroic sacrifice by clergy and laity alike the Faith remained alive and from 1685 to 1850 was governed by Vicars Apostolic, who reported to the Cardin al Prefect of the Roman Congregation of Propaganda Fidei. On 29 September 1850 by Letters Apostolic, issued by Pope Pius IX, the English Hierarchy was restored, and the diocese of Northampton came into being. On 13 March 1976, by the decree Quod Ecumenicum , Pope Paul Vl formed the diocese of East Anglia for the Counties of Cambridge, Norfolk and Suffolk. The territory left to the diocese of Northampton covers Bedfordshire, the old county of Buckinghamshire including the Slough area, and Northamptonshire.

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Diocese Diocese of Northampton 16 BISHOPS These are the past bishops who have had charge of the diocese: Rt Rev William Wareing Born London 16 February 1791. Ordained Priest 28 September 1815. Taught at Oscott and Sedgley. Priest at Cresswell (Staffs), Grantham, and Stamford. April 1838, Vice - President of Oscott. 1840, Vicar Apostolic of the Eastern District. 21 September 1840, con secrated Bishop of Aristopolis. Made Bishop of Northampton 1850. Retired February 1858 as Bishop of Retimo. Died 26 December 1865 at East Bergholt, Suffolk, and is buried there. Rt Rev Francis Kerril Amherst Born in London 21 March 1819. Ordained Priest 6 June 1846. Joined the third order of St. Dominic. Taught at Oscott. Priest at Stafford. Consecrated Bishop of Northampton 4 July 1858. Assistant to the Pontifical Throne 1862. Established the orphanage at She fford. Resigned as Bishop of Northampton 2 April 1879. Appointed Apostolic Administrator until 9 September 1879. Appointed Titular Bishop of Sozusa, 27 July 1880. Died at Fieldgate, Kenilworth, 21 August 1883. Buried in Northampton Cathedral. Rt Rev Arthur Grange Riddell Born 15 September 1836 at Paris. Ordained Priest 2 September 1858. Curate at Hull, then Parish Priest at Scarborough. Consecrated Bishop of Northampton 9 June 1880. Founded many new missions in the Diocese, and a Seminary, active for Catholic education. Di ed at Northampton, 15 September 1907. Buried in the Northampton Cemetery, possibly later reburied outside Northampton Cathedral. Rt Rev Frederick William Keating DD Born in Birmingham 13 June 1859. Ordained Priest 20 October 1882. Taught at Olton, Marston Green Children’,s Home, and Oscott. 1887, Vice - Rector at Olton. 1888 Priest at Wednesbury. 1898 Administrator at St. Chad’,s Cathedral, Birmingham. Consecrated Bishop 25 February 1908. Commissioned by the Government to lecture in America in World War 1. Translated to Liverpool as Metropolitan and Archbishop, 13 June 1921. Died 7 February 1928. Buried at Upholland, Lancs. Rt Rev Dudley Charles Cary - Elwes Born at Nice, 5 February 1868. Ordained Priest 30 May 1896. Priest at Peterborough and Luton and Diocesan Inspector of Schools. Consecrated Bishop 15 December 1921. Began Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes. Died 1 May 1932 Buried at Great Billing, Northampton, his family home. Rt Rev Laurence Youens Born at High Wycombe 14 December 1873. Ordained Priest, 3 June 1901 at Choubrah (Egypt). Joined Society of African Missions. Taught at Zagazi (Egypt). 1902, returned to England. Curate at High Wycombe, then Rector of Shefford Boys’, Home. Consecrated Bishop 25 July 1933. Restored the Shrine of Our Lady at Walsingham. Died at Northampton 14 November 1939. Buried at Belmont Abbey, Hereford.

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Diocese Diocese of Northampton 17 Rt Rev Thomas Leo Parker MA Born at Sutton Coldfield, 21 December 1887. Ordained Priest 29 May 1915. Bishop’,s Secretary for Salford Diocese until 1936 then Priest at Higher Broughton. Active for Catholic Education and a member of the B.B.C. Religious Affairs Committee. Domestic Prela te, 1940. 11 February 1941, consecrated Bishop. Extended the Cathedral. Present at Vatican II. 1966, appointed Assistant to the Pontifical Throne. Retired to Fox Den (Burnham) 17 January 1967 as Bishop of Magarmel. Died 25 March 1975. Buried in the Cathedr al. Rt Rev Charles Alexander Grant M A., LCL Born Cambridge 25 October 1906. Ordained Priest 16 June 1935. Priest for Cambridge, Ely and Kettering. 1955, Vicar General 1960, Monsignor. 25 April 1961, Auxiliary Bishop. Consecrated Bishop, 26 April 1967. Spoke at Vatican 11 on poverty and the immorality of weapons of mass destruction. Worked for international justice and the combating of poverty. Retired 1982 to Kiln Green , Reading). Died 24 April 1989.Buried at Woburn Sands. In 1976 the diocese was divided and the Diocese of East Anglia was formed. Bishop Clark (Auxiliary Bishop 1969 - 1976) was its first Bishop. Rt Rev Francis Gerard Thomas STL Born Stone, Staffs. 29 May 1930. Ordained Priest 5 June 1955. Priest at Leamington Spa, then further studies, Rome. 1959, taught theology at Oscott. 1968, Rector. 1979, Parish Priest at Newcastle under Lyme. 29 September 1982, ordained Bishop of Northampto n. Active in the Ecumenical movement. Initiated the Diocesan Assembly. Died 25 December 1988 aged 58. Buried at Great Billing. Rt Rev Patrick Leo McCartie Born in West Hartlepool 5 September 1925. Ordained priest, 17 July 1949. Priest at Coventry, Cotton College, Birmingham, Wolverhampton and Wednesbury. Ordained Auxiliary Bishop in Birmingham, 20 May 1977. Installed as Bishop of Northampton, 19 March 1990. Formed the Diocesan Pastoral Council, promoted the Diocesan Education Service centred in Milton Keynes, re - ordered the Cathedral and encouraged the annual Schools Mass. Retired May 2001. Died on 23 April 2020. Buried at Great Billing. Rt Rev Kevin John Patrick McDonald BA,STL,STD Born Stoke - on - Trent, 18 August 1947. Ordained priest, 20 July 1974. 1975, Priest at Stourbridge. 1976, taught moral theology at Oscott. 1985, worked at Pontifical Council for Christian Unity and became Monsignor, 1988. Parish priest, Sparkhill, 1993. Recto r of Oscott, 1998. Ordained Bishop of Northampton 2 May 2001. Commenced ‘,Build my Church’, programme. Translated to Southwark as Metropolitan and Archbishop, 8 December 2003. Retired 2009. Rt Rev Peter John Haworth Doyle Born in Wilpshire, near Blackburn, Lancashire, on 3rd May 1944. Ordained priest in St John’,s Cathedral, Portsmouth on 8th June 1968.

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Diocese Diocese of Northampton 18 Thereafter, Bishop Peter worked in parishes in the Diocese of Portsmouth –, assistant priest at St. Joseph’,s, Copnor 1968 - 70, assistant priest at St. Edward’,s, Windsor 1970 - 75, administrator at St. John’,s Cathedral, Portsmouth 1975 - 87, parish priest at St. Joseph’,s, Maidenhead 1987 - 91, and parish priest at St. Peter’,s, Winchester 1991 - 2005 and also at St. Gregory’,s, Alresford from 2004. He was a member of the Council of Priests, a Consultor and a member of the Cathedral Chapter and from 2001 a member of the Bishop’,s Council and a Vicar General. He was also Dean of Portsmouth and of Winchester, chaired various school Governing bodies, and was Chairman of the Diocesan Schools Commission and the Diocesan Religious Education Council. Ordained the twelfth Bishop of Northampton at the Cathedral of Our Lady Immaculate and St Thomas of Canterbury on 28th June 2005. Retired as Bishop of Northampton in 2020. THE BISHOP Rt Rev Dr David James Oakley, Bishop of Northampton Born in Stourbridge, in the West Midlands: 28 November 1955 Ordained priest in St Dunstan`s, Kings Heath, Birmingham: 5 July 1980 Ordained 13th Bishop of Northampton in the Cathedral of Our Lady Immaculate and St Thomas of Canterbury: 19 March 2020 RESIDENCE Bishop`s House, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW Telephone: 01604 715635 Email: bishopssecretary atnorthamptondiocese. org BISHOP`S SECRETARY Mrs Sapphire Tuckfield Email: DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS Neil Roseman Email: Phone: 07725 234700 BISHOP EMERITUS Rt Rev Peter Doyle, 12th Bishop of Northampton - 2005 - 2020 1 Grange Road, Alresford, Hampshire, SO24 9H B . Email: VICAR GENERAL Rev Canon Michael Harrison 366 Leagrave High Street, Luton, LU4 0NG Telephone: 01582 663706 Email:

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Diocese Diocese of Northampton 19 CHANCELLOR Rev Brendan Seery Bishop’,s House, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW Telephone: 01604 715635 Email: BISHOP’,S COUNCIL VICAR GENERAL : Rev Canon Michael Harrison Episcopal Vicar for the King Vicariate : Rev Christopher Perry Episcopal Vicar for the Prophet Vica r iate : Rev Simon Penhalagan Episcopal Vicar for the Priest Vicariate : Rev Anthony Brennan Episcopal Vicar for the Servant Vicariate : Rev Francis Higgins CURIAL STRUCTURE Following the introduction of vicariate structure in July 2021, Bishop David installed a senior leadership team to implement the strategic desires of the Bishop’,s Council. The senior leadership team consists of members of the executive team in roles which cover all aspects of diocesan life. All curial activity is line managed and represented through members of the senior leadership team to offer a cohesive approach to the operational and missional areas of our curial support. The senior leadership team meet in person once a month . The Chief Operating Officer and Director of Communications meet with the Bishop’,s Council once a month to communicate key points which have been bought to the senior leadership team. The senior leadership team consists of: Chief Operating Officer: Oliver Larkin Financial Controller: Honor Pacey Director of Communications: Neil Roseman Director of Mission: Maria Heath Director of Education: Collette Curtis Director of Caritas Northampton: Deacon Jim Hannigan Property Manager: Michelle Tysoe Pastoral Ministry: Avril Baigent

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Diocese Diocese of Northampton 20 KING VICARIATE Episcopal Vicar: Rev Christopher Perry f rchristopher . 01 536 203121 DIOCESAN FINANCE BOARD AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES President: The Bishop of Northampton Members: The Bishop of Northampton Rev Christopher Perry (EV) Rev Canon Michael Harrison (VG) Rev Canon Dr Brendan Killeen Rev Canon Anthony Brennan Rev Dcn Crispin Walkling Lee Kate Brooks Margaret Cripps Peter Commons Deborah Pur field Andrew Clutterbuck Siobhan Campbell Secretary to the Trustees : Mr Oliver Larkin Bishop’,s House, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW THE DIOCESAN CURIA Main Address: Bishop`s House, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW Tel: 01604 715635. Email: enquiries atnorthamptondiocese. org Website: CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Oliver Larkin, c/o Bishops House Tel: 01604 712065 Email : COO Secretary : Sa pph ire Tuckfield E mail: DIOCESAN FINANCE OFFICE Bishop`s House, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW Tel: 01604 712065. Option 2, then Option 1. Office Hours: Mon to Fri: 9.00am to 5.00pm Invoices to: Financial Controller : Honor Pacey Email : Accounts Manager : Majella Meehan Email: Accounts Assistant : Leigh - Ann Gamble Email:

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Diocese Diocese of Northampton 21 Finance Assistant: Trudie Warner Email: t Financial Accountant: Chris Nzekwe Email: Finance Assistant Apprentice: Samuel Stringer Email : HUMAN RESOURCES Bishop`s House, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW All HR enquiries through HR and Finance Administrator HR Administrator: Angela Madge. Email: angela.madge atnorthamptondiocese. org Tel: 01604 714840 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT The office of the information manager and archivist is responsible for organising, p reserving , and providing access to the organisation’,s valuable records and information. This department establishes efficient systems to manage both physical and digital document handling to ensure proper categorisation, storage, and retrieval. This involves safeguarding historical records, mai ntaining compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, and assisting researchers or stakeholders in locating relevant information. By maintaining an organised and accessible repository of information, the department also contributes to informed decisi on - making and the overall efficiency of the diocese. This includes the roles of Archivist and Data Protection Manager. Perspective researchers and enquiries should write to Ayodeji Anthony (Information Manager) at Bishop`s House, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW Information Manager : Ayodeji Anthony Information Technology: Ovidiu Serbanescu Email: DIOCESAN PROPERTY SERVICES The Diocesan Property Department provides supervision of all Diocesan property. Generally, day to day responsibility for the basic upkeep of parish buildings is overseen by the Parish Priest, but with larger scale projects, H&,S compliance related tasks and repairs being dealt with by the property team. The property team will also provide the parish with assistance and guidance on reported building defects, insurance claims, generating additional income such as rentals, sourcing contractors and many other ad hoc activities. Chair of the Trustees Property Committee: Rev Christopher Perry Email: Property Manager: Michelle Tysoe Tel: 01604 723512 Email: Property Administrator: Anthony Dumont Tel: 01604 723511 Email: a

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Diocese Diocese of Northampton 22 Diocesan Surveyor: David Wilson. Tel: 01789 490614 Mob: 07864 584288 Email: Fire &, Electrical Safety: Gareth Derham. Office: 01908 564301. Mob: 07527 583861 HEALTH AND SAFETY GOOD HEALTH AND SAFETY PRACTICE IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF US ALL. The Facilities Safety Manual issued by the Diocese has been approved by the Diocesan Trustees. It has been created in line with current legislation and regulations, guidance from the Diocesan subcommittee and advice from external experts. At parish level t he priest holds responsibility for Health and Safety, but in many cases will call upon the assistance of volunteer(s) to help achieve practical implementation. The Diocesan Health and Safety Consultants are Mentor Services and they can be contacted on 0800 634 7000. Our client number is 56690 (this number would need to be quoted in any enquiry) DIOCESAN TRIBUNAL All correspondence to be addressed to: Tribunal Office, Bishop`s House, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW. Officialis: Rev Canon Dr Brendan Killeen, BSc, STB, MA, JCL, MCL, PhD Tribunal Administrator : Miss Wendy Scott Vice - Officialis : Rev Canon John Koenig, JCL Judges: Rev Canon Seamus Keenan Rev Canon John McArdle, STB, JCL, MCL Dr. Helen Costigane, SHCJ, MA, MTh, MA (can law), JCD, PhD Defenders of the Bond: Rev Dr James Cassidy CRIC, STL, JCL, PhD Promoter of Justice : Rev Dr James Cassidy CRIC, STL, JCL, PhD Auditors: Deacon M. Fleming, V. Corben, M. Fernandez, F. Harrison, N. Stokes Secretar y : Mrs J anice Vint EDUCATION NORTHAMPTON DIOCESAN EDUCATION SERVICE St Thomas Centre, 1 Primrose Hill, Northampton, NN2 6AG Tel: 01604 953364 Email: Website: Team Administrator : Ann Collon Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9am - 4pm Director of Schools : Collette Curtis. Email: Tel: 07758 057244 Strategic leader : Pauline Cuddihy Email: Tel: 01604 437613 Governance and Admissions Adminstrator : Debbie Main Email: Tel: 01604 953369 Choral Director : Marcela Compañ,a Email:

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Diocese Diocese of Northampton 23 TRUSTEES EDUCATION SUB - COMMITTEE Members: Canon Tony Brennan, Margaret Cripps, Deacon Crispin Walkin - Lea and Melanie Kavanagh DUNS SCOTUS TRUST working on behalf of Bishop David to ensure the charitable objects of the academies in the Diocese are met Members : Christopher Rooke, Melanie Kavanagh, Brian Greene, Canon Tony Brennan Education Service Key Aims: •, To promote best practice and provide inspiration for schools to strengthen the mission of the Church, building God’,s Kingdom •, To promote excellence in everything we do in support of Catholic Education •, To provide guidance and a strategic lead in areas of Catholic life (including Relationships and Sex Education), Formation, Inspection, Religious Education and Collective Worship (Prayer and Liturgy) •, To promote collaboration and mutual support between schools and between the two existing Multi Academy Trusts in order to strengthen Catholic Education across all schools in the Diocese sharing a common mission •, To provide opportunities for formation to inspire and sustain all staff, leaders, Directors and Governors in their roles in Catholic education PASTORAL SERVICES SAFEGUARDING ADVISORY BOARD The Safeguarding Advisory Board is established to provide independent and professional advice and expertise to the Safeguarding department staff and the Safeguarding Subcommittee. A volunteer body made up of representatives of the statutory agencies and ot her professionals skilled in safeguarding matters from within the Diocese. The Advisory Board meets quarterly to consider safeguarding issues and to advise the Safeguarding Coordinator and the Bishop accordingly. Chair: Hugh Williams –, c/o Safeguarding Office, Bishops House Advisory Board Members: Hugh Williams, Neil Roseman, Kathy Franklin, Glen Bowen, Rev Dcn Peter Collins, Victoria Willett, Charlotte Gunn, Andrew Smith, Sr. Anne Morris, Fr. Andrew Behrens, Fr. Brendan Killeen SAFEGUARDING OFFICE This office advises on all aspects of safeguarding within the Diocese in respect of ministry with vulnerable groups and provides welfare support and advice to clergy. T he safeguarding team comprises of a safeguarding coordinator and a safeguarding support officer, who jointly manage the delivery of the diocesan safeguarding service.

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Diocese Diocese of Northampton 24 The safeguarding coordinator has involvement in the development and promotion of policies across the diocese and coordinates, plans and monitors all safeguarding work, in accordance with national standards. Key responsibilities includes the management of allegations or concerns, delivery of safeguarding training to clergy and parish safeguarding representatives, provision of safeguarding advice and acts as a point of contact for anyone hurt by church related abuse. The coordinator ensures that the Bishop an d Trustees are kept up to date with all safeguarding matters through regular reports to the Safeguarding Subcommittee and Safeguarding Advisory Board. The safeguarding support officer has responsibility for managing the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) process, recruiting and supporting parish safeguarding representatives and oversees registration for training courses. The support officer is also ava ilable to provide support to clergy and religious and acts as the clerk to the Safeguarding Subcommittee and Safeguarding Advisory Board. As a diocese, we remain committed to continuous improvement of our response to and engagement with those who have been hurt by abuse. In order to support the diocese in this mission, the Healing and Reconciliation group was formed as a sub - group of the Safeguarding Advisory Board in 2019. Since this time, the group has supported a number of initiatives including: A Time to Listen (opportunities for anyone affected by abuse to speak with Bishop David in a safe and non - judgemental environment) Towards Healing and Reconciliation –, a Mass dedicated to victims and survivors of any form of abuse Safeguarding Coordinator: Danielle Dixon Safeguarding Office, Bishop’,s House, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW Tel: 01604 723514. Mob: 07833 050628 Email: Website: Safeguarding Support Officer: Laura Lester Safeguarding Office, Bishop’,s House, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW Tel: 01604 723516. Email: Clergy Advisor for Safeguarding: Rev Andrew Behrens 22 Park Avenue North, Northampton NN3 2HS Tel: 01604 713015. Email: frandrew.behrens@ Chair of the Safeguarding Sub Committee for Safeguarding: Father Brendan Killeen. Tel: 01604 402301

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Diocese Diocese of Northampton 25 Safeguarding National Days of Prayer Healing Garden –, designed and built as a place of sanctuary for survivors of abuse and all those in need of healing, created in the grounds of the Northampton Cathedral as ongoing project and open to all. A Time for Hope and Healing –, a four day event, including an opening service led by Bishop David and a LOUDfence, which represents a visual display of support for those impacted by all forms of abuse Join Us on Our Journey! The Healing and Reconciliation group would very much welcome people with lived experience of abuse to consider joining us in our endeavour. If you think that you might be able to help us in our work, whether as a group member or les s formally as an advisor, then please contact the diocesan safeguarding coordinator STATUTORY BODY HISTORIC CHURCHES COMMITTEE Historic Churches Committee - under current legislation, it is compulsory for all dioceses to have an Historic Churches Committee. Each Diocese is to have its own or combine with one or more other dioceses. The Committee is responsible for the Ecclesiastic al Exemption from Listed Building Control. In effect. the Committee replace the Local Authority as Planning Authority for the following categories of work: listed buildings, unlisted buildings in a conservation area, archaeological works. Committee Chairman: Mgr Seá,n Healy Artistic Input Rev John Danford Arts and Architecture Rev John McArdle Liturgical Commission Miss Liz Clark Practising Chartered Surveyor Mr David Raleigh Religious Rev Roy Karakkattu MSFS Council of Priests Awaiting ap pointment Representatives of English Heritage, Joint Amenities and Local Planning Authorities are invited to attend.

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Diocese Diocese of Northampton 26 COMMISSIONS LITURGY COMMISSION Pastoral Centre, 33 Westbourne Road, Luton LU4 8JD Tel: 01582 728849/722127. Email: President : Bishop of Northampton Chair : Mgr Kevin McGinnell The Second Vatican Council asked that every diocese establish a Liturgy Commission to fulfil its belief that “,zeal for the promotion and restoration of the liturgy is rightly held to be a sign of the providential dispositions of God in our time, as a movement of the Holy Spirit in His Church. It is today a distinguishing mark of the Church’, s life, indeed of the whole tenor of contemporary religious thought and action. “, Sacrosanctum Concilium n.43 In our diocese the Commission is advisory to the bishop as the first liturgist of the diocese, supportive of diocesan liturgies and offers formation for all involved in liturgy in our parishes. The Commission is formed of four departments, the members of which co - opt others as the need arises. Pastoral Rites : Mgr Kevin McGinnell, Fathers Simon Penhalagan, Gerard Byrne, Music : Teresa Brown, Helen Murphy, Marcella Campana, Christopher Langley, Katherine Peddie. Liturgical Formation : Mgr Kevin McGinnell, Liz Clark, Mary Bull, Fathers Andrew Behrens, Allan Jones CRIC, Jaismon Francis MSFS, Deacon Peter Collins Art and Architecture : Canon John McArdle (Chair) CATHEDRAL LITURGIES CELEBRATED BY THE BISHOP Rite of Election 18 February 2024 - 3pm Anniversary of Episcopal Ordination –, Tuesday March 19 2024 Palm Sunday, Easter Triduum and Easter Sunday Liturgies: Chrism Mass 28 March 2024 - 11am Pentecost Sunday Confirmation Mass at 5.15pm Celebration of Priesthood [Jubilarians] Friday 7 June [Solemnity of the Sacred Heart] or Thursday 23 May Christ the Eternal HighPriest Becket Festival: Patronage of St Thomas 6/7 July 2024 Patronal F east of the Immaculate Conception Monday 9 December Christmas Midnight Mass: 24 December 2024 OTHER DIOCESAN LITURGIES Sunday of the Word of God –, for readers 21 January 2024 - 3pm Mass for the Sick and Housebound 13 April - 3pm –, perhaps others The Gift of the Eucharist –, for Eucharist Ministers 26 May - 3pm Celebrating Marriage –, Mass to celebrate marriage and family life Celebrating Our Riches –, Mass reflecting the variety of cultures

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Diocese Diocese of Northampton 27 PROPHET VICARIATE Episcopal Vicar: Rev Simon Penhalagan f rsimon . 01 604 714556 COMMUNICATIONS The Communications Department is a service to support the mission of our Church in the Diocese of Northampton, unifying diocesan activities in the area of communication. The Department is at the service of our evangelising mission by promoting the wider messages of the Catholic Church globally, nation ally and locally. The department seek to compl e ment the communications of diocesan departments and parishes as they share the Gospel to their local communities. Through our diocesan website, social media, e - newsletter, email communications and other digita l platforms we aim to enhance the visibility of our Church through the local mission. The Department support the ministry of Bishop David through amplification of his words and ministry. The Director of Communications is also the point of contact for media requests for Bishop David Oakley. Diocesan Director of Communications: Neil Roseman Tel: 07725 234700. Email: neil.roseman atnorthamptondiocese. org Diocesan Website: Communications Apprentice: Harry Trasler Email : All content and website enquiries should be referred to the Communications Department MISSION NORTHAMPTON Mission Northampton assists the Diocese of Northampton to live out its vocation to be a missionary diocese. They enable parishes and diocesan departments to be evangelistic, working with Bishop David to develop mission strategies and policies. Supporting s chools to explore possible missionary opportunities through school chaplaincies and youth ministry. The team provide training for catechesis. The team support specific mission projects in parishes and pastoral areas, monitoring their fruitfulness and shari ng good practice between parish communities. Mission Northampton explore the possibility of new ecclesial communities or movements moving into the diocese. The Mission Northampton Team: Director of Mission Northampton Maria Heath Adviser for Adult Faith Formation, Catechetics and Chaplaincy Alex Heath Evangelisation Volunteer Yoofi Clarke Administrator Nyta Hirons

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Diocese Diocese of Northampton 28 Northampton Charismatic Diocesan Service of Communion (CDSC) “,Today, one thing ends, and another begins. A new stage of this journey is beginning. A stage marked by communion between all the members of the charismatic family, in which the mighty presence of the Holy Spirit is manifested for the good of the entire Ch urch.”, These are the words of Pope Francis spoken in June 2019 when he instructed the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life to erect CHARIS, the new and only international service with a public juridical personality to serve the entire Catholic Charisma tic Renewal (CCR) in the church. This resulted in the creation of Charismatic Diocesan Service of Communions (CDSC) teams in England and Wales. The Northampton CDSC team was commissioned by Bishop David Oakley on 18 th March 2023 to serve the church in Northampton. Its main purposes are to share the grace of baptism in the Holy Spirit within the church, to build unity with other Christians to promote concern for the poor and to support and to promote and encourage all expressions of CCR. The team currently consists of 11 lay members, a priest and a seminarian with Yoofi Clarke as the Coordinator, Mick Fagan and Jayne Fagan as Assistant Coordinator and Secretary respectively. The team can be contacted at . YOUTH MINISTRY NORTHAMPTON YOUTH MINISTRY OFFICE NYMO is the Youth Ministry Department of the Diocese of Northampton and it is also part of Mission Northampton, an initiative set up to highlight the importance of promoting the Gospel within the diocese. Ministering to young people aged 11 - 18 years and yo ung adults up to the age of 35. NYMO supports parish and pastoral area youth ministers through training and development opportunities and strategic consultancy. It supports local youth ministry through diocesan events such as the LUX residential weekend, B laze confirmation day, leadership programs, pilgrimages, World Youth Day and also supports national youth events. There are many regular opportunities for young adults which can be found on the website. RE Centre, 33 Westbourne Road, Luton LU4 8JD Tel: 01582 720627. Email: Website: w Youth Ministry Coordinator: Vicky Bunting. Email: Administrator and Event Coordinator: Fiona Murphy. Email: ECUMENICAL AND INTER - FAITH DIALOGUE Diocesan Inter - faith Coordinator Awaiting Appointment Diocesan Ecumenical Officer: Fr James Evans Email:

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Diocese Diocese of Northampton 29 ECUMENICAL COMMISSION President : Bishop of Northampton Chair: Sr Helen Haigh, Convent of Jesus &, Mary, Thornton MK17 0HJ Tel: 01280 813254. Email: Secretary: Awaiting Appointment Other Members: Rev Mgr Seá,n Healy, Teresa Brown, Anita Nancollas, Pauline Gray, Rev Dcn Peter Remmington, Sr Zoe Davis OSB COUNTY ECUMENICAL OFFICERS Beds: Vacant. Email: Berks: Mrs Louise Cole. Tel: 0118 977 6437. Email: Northants: Rev Stuart Jenkins. Tel: 07985 108092 Email: Milton Keynes: Rev Canon John Robertson (Mission Development Officer) Office: Mission Partnership Office, Foundation House, The Square, Aylesbury Street, Wolverton, Milton Keynes MK12 5HX Tel: 01908 311310. Email: BISHOP`S HOSPITAL ADVISOR Avril Baigent, Pastoral Ministry Office, Damien House, 23 High Street, Great Missenden HP16 9AA. Tel: 07823 788310. Email: BETHANY GROUP (Formerly known as Catholic Handicapped Children`s Fellowship) Looking to the needs of people with disabilities in the Diocese and organising a monthly Mass in Luton. Priest with Responsibility and Chair: Rev Canon Kevin O`Driscoll, 226 Trelawney Avenue, Langley, Slough SL3 7UD. Tel: 01753 543770 Secretary: Cliona Devereux. Tel: 01908 274216 Treasurer: Ted Leather . Tel: 01582 503533 MARRIAGE AND FAMILY LIFE The Commission consists of a small team of volunteers who support Marriage and Family Life Ministry in the Diocese providing advice and support to parishes/pastoral areas, MFL resource recommendations and organising the Diocesan annual celebration of Marri ed Life Mass. We also provide a Diocesan link to the Catholic Bishops’, Conference of England and Wales ( CBCEW ) central Evangelisation team for Marriage and Family. We would welcome others joining us - if you would like to do so, please contact Sam by em ail as below . Marriage and Family Life Commission Chair: Samantha (Sam) Canning. Email: mfl@ Secretary: Lewis Canning (South Bucks PA –, St Columba’,s) Marriage and Family Life Members: Joanna and Paul Hale (South Bucks PA –, St Aidan`s), Nigel and Rose Stokes (North Northants PA –, St Edward’,s, Kettering)

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Diocese Diocese of Northampton 30 PILGRIMAGE COMMITTEE The Pilgrimage Committee explore the opportunities for pigrimages both overseas, internationally and locally. Fr Simon Penhalagan (Chair), Neil Roseman, Fiona Furman, Deacon Michael Fleming and Canon John Udris DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO WALSINGHAM –, SATURDAY 8TH JUNE 2024 Director: Rev Dcn Michael Fleming Tel: 01604 647750. Email: WOMEN IN MINISTRY GROUP The group present the voices of women in the Diocese of Northampton and the many and varied ministries they undertake and hope to be an advocate and support to women in the Diocese, sharing and celebrating new perspectives and developments in women’,s minis try Lead Contact: Helen Burgess Email:helen.burgess@northamptondiocese. org CARITAS DIOCESE OF NORTHAMPTON The Caritas office shares the mission of the diocese by serving the poor and those in any kind. We do this by promoting charity and justice across the diocese through social action. Importantly, we also promote and support the great social action work that is ready being done throughout our parishes and schools and we share this kn owledge and skills with other interested parishes. Our role is to help grow social action throughout the diocese in all its forms based on the principles of Catholic Social Teaching so that we may live as people of God. Address: The St Thomas Centre , Northampton Cathedral , Kingsthorpe Road , Northampton , NN2 6AG Director of Caritas Northampton: Deacon Jim Hannigan Email: Caritas Northampton Administrator : Nyta Hirons Email : nyta.hirons Phone: 01604 434362 The Spirituality Network exists to support the spiritual growth of all within our Diocese by offering: •, Days of recollection, online retreats, and other prayer opportunities and resources, •, Spiritual accompaniment for those seeking it, •, Signposting for those wishing to train/develop skills in spiritual accompaniment, •, Ongoing support and resources to those who accompany others in this ministry. Coordinator: Canon John Udris Email: Phone: 01628 483696

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Diocese Diocese of Northampton 31 PRIEST VICARIATE Episcopal Vicar: Rev Anthony B rennan f r anthony.brennan 01582 662710 CONSULTATIVE BODIES CATHEDRAL CHAPTER ( erected 24 June 1852 ) AND COLLEGE OF CONSULTORS Provost: Rev Mgr Provost Seá,n Healy Canons: Revv Kevin O`Driscoll (Canon Theologian), John Udris (Canon Penitentiary) , Bennie Noonan (Secretary), Seamus Keenan, Mark Floody (Canon Precentor) , Michael Harrison, Brendan Killeen, John Beirne , Anthony Brennan, Francis Higgins Honorary Canons: Rev v John Koenig, Bosco Clarke , John McArdle, Joseph Walsh COUNCIL OF PRIESTS President: The Bishop of Northampton Vicar General: Rev Canon Michael Harrison Chair: Rev Mgr Kevin McGinnell Email: frkevin.mcginnell Members: Revv John Danford, Andrew Behrens, Canon Kevin O’,Driscoll, Canon Dr Brendan Killeen, Canon Francis Higgins, Leszek Wisniewski , Gerard Byrne , Canon Mark Floody, Gregory Marchwinski, Jose Thekkekutte, Eustace Durugbo, Mgr Sean Healy, David Nixon, Roy Karakkattu, Canon John Beirne, COUNCIL OF DEACONS Formation Team: Bishop David , Rev v Canon Tony Brennan , Deacon Tony Falcon , Deacon Peter Remmington , Deacon Brin Dunsire , Deacon Peter Griffin, Deacon John Sillitoe, Deacon Erik Kerr VICAR FOR RELIGIOUS Sr Monica Matthews SHCJ. Tel: 07979 710866 Email: CARE AND FORMATION OF CLERGY CLERGY WELFARE On - Going Clergy Formation: Pastoral Centre, 33 Westbourne Road, Luton LU4 8JD Tel: 01582 723312. Email: Monsignor Kevin McGinnell, Canons John Udris, Tony Brennan, Father Brendan Seery

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Diocese Diocese of Northampton 32 Clergy Welfare Coordinator: Madeleine West Clergy Welfare Office, Bishop’,s House, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW Tel: 01604 723515 Mob: 07342 993688 Email: maddy .west atnorthamptondiocese. org DIOCESAN VOCATIONS TEAM Chairman: The Bishop of Northampton Vocations Director: Rev Pius Amoako Email: Tel: 01582 502400. Other Members: Canon Mark Floody, Rev Jonathan Hill, Rev Simon Penhalagan DIOCESAN DIRECTOR OF THE PERMANENT DIACONATE Rev Canon Tony Brennan Email: Tel: 01536 512497 Assistants: Mrs Annette Hannigan, Deacons Eric Kerr and Crispin Walking - Lea REGISTRAR FOR DECEASED CLERGY c/o Bishop’,s House, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW Tel: 01604 715635. Email: bishopssecretary atnorthamptondiocese. org DIOCESAN STUDENTS FOR THE PRIESTHOOD AND THE PERMANENT DIACONATE STUDENTS FOR THE PRIESTHOOD Oliver Patton St Mary’,s College, Oscott Chris topher Colaco St Mary’,s College, Oscott Renver Pena English College, Valladolid PROPAEDEUTIC GROUP Rayner Willnecker St Gregory’,s, Northampton Victor Wavingana St Mary’,s, Dunstable Vincent Masterson St Joseph’,s, Luton Rowland Omamor Holy Family &, St John’,s, Luton FORMATION PROGRAMME FOR THE DIACONATE Oliver Larkin St Augustine’,s , Milton Keynes Oliver Pena St Martin de Porres , Luton Mark Lawrenson St Francis &, St Therese , Northampton Jason Bridge St Francis , Shefford

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Diocese Diocese of Northampton 33 SERVANT VICARIATE Episcopal Vicar: Canon Francis Higgins f r francis.higgins 01908 221228 This new vicariate has been created by Bishop David to support the changing shape of parish life and structures throughout the diocese, and to answer Pope Francis’, call to become a synodal church. It will do this through an emphasis on co - responsibility, listening and discerning and enabling others to do the same. In practice this will mean: •, Developing synodal structures of listening and discerning across the diocese, particularly through pastoral councils at diocesan, pastoral area and parish level •, Offering formation, to develop skills of listening and leadership together with opportunities for spiritual encounter, promoting the vocation of all the baptised. •, Working with other departments to think creatively about the shape of mission and create strategic plans, responding both to financial and demographic realities. Episcopal Vicar: Canon Francis Higgins email: Director of Pastoral Development: Avril Baigent Email: Administrator: Louise Wood Email:

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Diocese Diocese of Northampton 34 ST THOMAS CENTRE AT NORTHAMPTON CATHEDRAL Café, 1850 and the St Thomas Centre The St Thomas Centre is a versatile space, perfect for a range of events from meetings and seminars to celebration dinners. With flexible layout options, we can accommodate up to 150 for a seated event and 200 for an informal reception. For any event and catering enquiries, please get in touch with us in the first instance to make a booking To book and for further information please contact: Operations Manager: Richard Beby Email: richard@northamptondiocese . com Tel: 01604 434366 Deputy Manager : Roxanne James Email: roxanne@northamptondiocese. com Tel: 01604 435850

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Clergy and Religious Diocesan Priests A t: 01753 523147 Amoako , Rev Pius BA (Hons) Post Grad Dip (Theol) STB (Theology) (04 July 2015) (Vocations Director ) Wellington Street, Slough SL1 1XU e: History: St Edward`s, Kettering 2015-17, Milton Keynes Area Cluster 2017, Thrapston, Raunds &, Oundle 2021, St Ethelbert`s, Slough 2022. Vocations Director 2023 B t: 01908 842701 Barrett , Rev Bernard BD (Hons) MA (05 May 1990) St Francis de Sales Presbytery, 22 Stratford Road, Wolverton MK12 5LJ e: History: St Ethelbert, Slough 1990-91, Our Lady, Corby 1991-92, Cathedral 1992-94, Diocesan Director, Archconfraternity of St Stephen 1992-94, Wellingborough 1994-95, Wolverton 1995, and St Mary Magdalene, Stony Stratford 2002. t: 01234 711212 Barrett , Rev David PhB STL Dip.Couns (30 July 1993) 39-41 West Street, Olney MK46 5HH e: History: Kettering 1993-98, St Augustine, High Wycombe 1998-99, SS Philip &,, James, Bedford 2000-01, Bishops` Chaplain 2002-07, Diocesan Director and Promoter of Vocations 2003, Priest-in-Charge of Woburn Sands, 2004, Further Studies, Rome 2007-10, Burnham, 2010-12, Sabbatical 2012. St Augustine`s, High Wycombe 2018-19. Human Formator, St John`s Seminary, Wonersh 2018. Our Lady Help of Christians, Olney 2019, Director of Human Formation and Lecturer in Patristics, St John`s Seminary, Wonersh, 2020-2021, Lecturer in Patristics, Allen Hall Seminary, 2021. Director of Human Formation, Allen Hall Seminary, 2023 Barrett , Rev Richard BD JCD (01 June 1985) 105 High Street, Stony Stratford MK11 1AT e: History: Kettering 1985-88, Further Studies, Rome 1988-92, Burnham 1992-94, St Joseph, Bedford 1994-96, Kettering 1996-98, Ker Maria, Princes Risborough 1998-99, Chaplain, Bridgettine Convent, Iver Heath 1999-2001, Belmont Abbey 2001-02, Supply Work 2002. t: 01604 713015 Behrens , Rev Andrew AKC (02 January 1998) 22 Park Avenue North, Northampton NN3 2HS e: History: St Joseph, Bedford 1998-2002, St Gregory, Northampton 2002. t: 01296 483629 Beirne , Rev Canon John BA BD (08 July 1977) (VF) 56 High Street, Aylesbury, Bucks HP20 1SE e: History: (Canon 2017) St Joseph, Luton 1977-81, St Brendan, Corby 1981-88, St Wulstan, High Wycombe 1988-96, Parochial Administrator, Our Lady of Grace, High Wycombe 1995-96, Little Chalfont 1996-99, St Joseph and St Clare, Aylesbury 1999. t: 01933 353649 Bialowas , Rev Dariusz (12 June 1993) 1 Hayway, Rushden NN10 6AG e: History: Incardinated April 2006, Assistant, St Edwards, Kettering and St Joseph`s, Luton 2006, Our Lady Help of Christians, Luton 2007, on sabbatical 2022, St Peters, Rushden 2023. t: 01628 483696 Bowen , Rev Kenneth (03 May 1982, retired ) 5a Pugin House, St Peter Street, Marlow SL7 1NQ e: History: Our Lady of Lourdes, Milton Keynes 1982-86, RAChD Chaplain to the Army of the Rhine, Germany, with the rank of Captain 1986-87, Burnham 1987-92, St Clare, Aylesbury 1992-96, Thrapston and Raunds 1996-2005, Woburn Sands and Chaplain to the Catholic post-graduate students of Cranfield University 2005-17. Retired 2017. Clergy &, Religious Clergy and Religious 37

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t: 01582 662710 Brennan , Rev Canon Anthony BA (24 June 1994) (Episcopal Vicar,) 82 West Street, Dunstable LU6 1NY e: History: Burnham 1994-2000, St John Ogilvie, Corby 2000-03, Justice and Peace Coordinator 2001, Holy Cross, Bedford 2003-11 and SS Philip and James, Bedford 2007-11, Holy Family &, St John`s, Luton, 2011-19 St Mary`s, Dunstable 2019, Canon 2021. Episcopal Vicar, Priest Vicariate. , 2023. Bull , Rev Malcolm (05 December 2002) c/o Bishop`s House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW e: History: St Philip and St James, Bedford 2002-07, Officiating Priest, Olney 2007-19. Parish Administrator, Newport Pagnell 2014-17. Retired 2019. t: 01908 372315 Byrne , Rev Gerard STB (29 June 1998) 1 Sycamore Avenue, Bletchley MK2 2JE e: History: Kettering 1998-2002, St Joseph, Bedford 2002, St Brendan, Corby 2007 and St Patrick, Corby 2008 - 2023, Diocesan MC, 2007. St Thomas Aquinas and All Saints, Bletchley 2023. C t: 01582 663706 Castle , Rev Liam (25 March 2022) 366 Leagrave High Street, Luton LU4 0NG e: History: St Martin De Porres Church, Luton 2022 Cielen , Rev Jan (18 May 1986) c/o Bishop`s House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW History: (Previously with the Divine Word Fathers): Incardinated 11 September 1995, Wellingborough 1991-94, Kettering 1994-96, St Joseph, Bedford 1996, St Gregory, Northampton 1996-98, Biggleswade 1998-2008. Clarke , Canon Michael (16 June 1968, retired ) c/o Bishop`s House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW History: (Canon 2000): St George, Norwich 1968-71, St Ethelbert, Slough 1971-76, St Augustine, High Wycombe 1976-78, St Wulstan, High Wycombe 1978-84, Holy Family, Slough 1984-2002, St Peter, Marlow 2002, Retired 2010. t: 01234 352607 Coughlin , Rev Wayne (05 January 2013) Presbytery, 71 Occupation Road, Corby NN17 1EE e: History: Daventry 2013, IHM, Great Missenden 2013-17, Holy Cross and SS Philip &,, James, Bedford 2017. Corby, 2023. Coy , Rev Andrew (25 March 2021) e: History: Cathedral Hub March 2020, Bishop`s Private Secretary 2022 - 2023. Secretary to Apostolic Nuncio, Wimbledon, 2023. D t: 01832 617050 D`Autilia , Rev Benedetto BA (Hons, Theol.) STB (Theol.) (01 August 2015) St Paul`s Presbytery, 2 St Paul`s Gardens, Thrapston NN14 4FE e: History: History: St Thomas Aquinas &, All Saints, Bletchley 2015-19. St John Henry Newman, High Wycombe 2019-22. St Paul`s, Thrapston - St Thomas More, Raunds - Most Holy Name of Jesus, Oundle 2022. t: 01525 372321 Danford , Rev John (21 June 1986) The Presbytery, 5 Beaudesert, Leighton Buzzard LU7 8HZ e: History: St Gregory, Northampton 1986-90, St Augustine, High Wycombe 1990-95, Towcester 1995-99, Christ the King, Milton Keynes and Newport Pagnell 1999-2005, Leighton Buzzard 2005. Also Sacred Heart, Flitwick 2017. Clergy &, Religious Clergy and Religious 38

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t: 01582 522516 or 01582 720966 Durugbo , Rev Eustace (23 June 1990) 22a Bolingbroke Road, Farley Hill, Luton LU1 5JD e: E t: 01604 715635 Evans , Rev James STB (07 July 2001) St Thomas More Presbytery, 1 Meeting Lane, Towcester NN12 6JX e: History: (Editor, Diocesan Directory 2007-11): Daventry 2001-06, Christ the King, Milton Keynes and Newport Pagnell, 2006-2014. Aston le Walls 2014-2020, Vice Chancellor 2015. Bishop`s House 2020, St Thomas More, Towcester 2021. F Fleming , Rev John (19 March 1964, retired ) c/o Bishop`s House, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW e: History: (Previously with Benedictine Order): Incardinated May 1983, Kettering 1978, Burnham 1978-80, St Joseph, Aylesbury 1980-83, Bletchley 1983-86, Chaplain, Thornton College 1986-87, Shefford 1987-92, Guardian Angels, Aylesbury, 1992, Retired 2020 t: 01604 714556 Floody , Rev Canon Mark BD (15 June 1990) 151 Beanfield Avenue, Corby NN18 0AZ e: History: (Canon 2015) St Joseph, Luton 1990-93, Our Lady, Luton 1993-96, St John, Luton 1996-2011 and Holy Family, Luton 2001-11, Cathedral 2011, Also St Aidan`s, Northampton 2017, Northampton Cluster 2021- 2023. St Brendan`s, Corby, 2023. G Gilbride , Rev Francis ( retired ) 93 Forfey, Lisnaskea, Co. Fermanagh BT92 0HS Northern Ireland H t: 01582 663706 Harrison , Rev Canon Michael MA STB (07 July 1990) (VG) 366 Leagrave High Street, Luton LU4 0NG e: History: (Canon 2016) Our Lady, Luton 1990-92, Diocesan Youth Officer 1992-96, Our Lady, Corby 1992-97 and Parochial Administrator, St John Ogilvie, Corby 1996-97, St John Ogilvie, Corby 1997-2000, St Gregory, Northampton 2000-02, Bletchley 2002-2013 with Winslow 2009-13, St Anthony, Slough 2013-2014. Our Lady of Walsingham, Corby 2014, Also St John Ogilvie, Corby 2015-2023. Also Oundle, Thrapston and Raunds 2018-2022. Vicar General 2021. St Martin De Porres, Luton, 2023. t: 01494 673018 Healy , Rev Mgr Provost Sean STL M.Phil (26 July 1980) (VF) St Teresa`s Presbytery, 40 Warwick Road, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire HP9 2PL e: History: (Vicar General September 2001-2021, Chaplain to His Holiness 2002, Canon 2003, Administrator 2003-05, Provost 2005, Prelate of Honour 2006, Chancellor 2007-2021) Further Studies, Rome 1980-81, St Joseph, Luton 1981-87, Irish School of Ecumenics 1987-88, Diocesan Ecumenical Officer 1988, Our Lady`s, Luton 1988-90, Christ the King, Milton Keynes 1990-96, Burnham 1996-2001, Daventry 2001-17 also Aston-le- Walls from 2010-14, Beaconsfield and Bourne End 2017. t: 01908 221228 Higgins , Rev Canon Francis STB MA M.Ed (04 July 1992) (Episcopal Vicar) St Mary`s Presbytery, Aspley Hill, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes MK17 8NN e: History: Bletchley 1992-96, Holy Family, Slough 1996-98, Further Studies, Boston College USA. 1998-2000, St Margaret, Luton 2000-05, Beaconsfield and Bourne End 2005-17, Milton Keynes Area Cluster 2017, Canon 2021. Episcopal Vicar 2023. Clergy &, Religious Clergy and Religious 39

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t: 01494 523969 Hill , Rev Jonathan STB (16 December 1995) 24 Amersham Hill, High Wycombe HP13 6NZ e: History: Wellingborough 1996-99, Editor, Diocesan Ordo 1997, St Augustine, High Wycombe 2000-01, St Martin, Luton 2001-11, Holy Cross and SS Philip &,, James, Bedford 2011- 17, St Augustine`s, High Wycombe 2017, also St John Henry Newman, High Wycombe 2022. Hogarth , Rev Anthony (11 July 1970, retired ) c/o Bishop`s House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW History: Retired 2007. Hutton , Rev Patrick (21 February 2009, retired ) c/o Bishop`s House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW History: SS Philip and James, Bedford, 2009-2014, Christ the King, Bedford 2014, Retired 2020 I t: 01933 222780 Inman , Rev Paul (10 June 2012) The Presbytery, 82 Knox Road, Wellingborough NN8 1JA e: History: Previously - assistant priest at St Edward, Kettering 2012, Parish Priest at Our Lady`s, Wellingborough since 2015. J t: 01908 372315 James , Rev Jithu (27 June 2022) 1 Sycamore Avenue, Bletchley MK2 2JE e: History: St Thomas Aquinas and All Saints, Bletchley 2022. K t: 01234 352569 Keenan , Rev Canon Seamus KCHS (29 June 1980) 2 Brereton Road, Bedford MK40 1HU e: History: (Canon 2009): Kettering 1980-83, St Ethelbert, Slough 1983-89, Cathedral 1989-92, St Margaret, Northampton 1992-94, Vice Officialis, Diocesan Tribunal 1990-99, Vocations Promoter 1992-96, Duston 1994-2002, St Joseph, Bedford 2002. t: 00 353 086 08 11488 Kenny , Rev Thomas (08 July 1962, retired ) Ballynahowne, Athlane, Co. Westmeath Ireland e: History: (Previously with Carmelite Order) Incardinated December 1975, Bury St Edmunds 1970-75, Chaplain, Cardinal Newman School, Luton 1975-79, Wellingborough 1979-83, St John, Luton 1983-91, St Ethelbert, Slough 1991-93, St Joseph, Luton 1993-2005, SS Philip &, James, Bedford 2005-07, Retired 2007. t: 01604 402301 Killeen , Rev Canon Dr Brendan BSc STB MA JCL MCL PhD (11 June 1993) (JV VF) The Catholic Presbytery, Pyramid Close, Weston Favell, Northampton NN3 8DP e: History: (Canon 2017) Cathedral 1993-96 , Further Studies, Ottawa, Canada 1996-98, Christ the King, Milton Keynes 1998-99, Vice Officialis Diocesan Tribunal 1999, Towcester 1999 and Hunsbury 2002. Officialis, Diocesan Tribunal 2007. Sacred Heart, Weston Favell and Our Lady of Perpetual Succour 2021 Koenig , Canon John JCL (18 September 1970, retired ) c/o Bishop`s House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW History: (Canon 1997, Canon Penitentiary 2000): English Martyrs, Cambridge 1971-73, Pont. Eccl. Academy, Rome: 1973-75, Wellingborough 1975-79, Wolverton 1979-86, Vice-Officialis, Diocesan Tribunal 1980, Thrapston 1986-94, Kettering 1994-2019. Retired 2019. t: 01582 502400 Koshackal Jose , Rev Jobin The Holy Family, 24 Freshwater Close, Luton LU3 3TA e: Clergy &, Religious Clergy and Religious 40

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L t: 01604 491759 Lance , Rev Derek MA Cert.Ed MIACE (29 June 1975, retired ) 60 Spinney Hill Road, Northampton NN3 6DN e: History: St John, Norwich 1975-76, St Lawrence, Cambridge 1976-77, Chaplain, Thomas Becket School, Northampton 1977-88, Chaplain, Catholic Students, Northampton 1977-2002, Promoter of Spirituality 1988-2002, Diocesan Adviser on the Healing Ministry 1988-2002, Retired 2002. t: 01933 650683 Leatherland , Rev Brian Th.B Dip.Ed (03 January 1998, retired ) 102 Finedon Road, Irthlingborough NN9 5TZ History: Kettering 1998-2001, Wellingborough 2001-05, Thrapston 2005 and Oundle 2010. Retired 2018. M t: 07800 800547 Manley-Harris , Rev Eric BA (History) MA (Theology) (16 September 2003, retired ) Flat 1 Beacon Court, Second Drive, Dawlish Road, Teignmouth TQ14 8TL e: History: St Joseph, Luton 2003-04, Long Crendon 2004-2010, Retired 2010. t: 01536 512497 Marchwinski , Rev Gregory 2 The Grove, Kettering, Northamptonshire NN15 7QQ e: History: Our Lady of Walsingham 2017, St Edwards, Kettering, 2018. t: 01582 571187 McArdle , Rev Canon John STB JCL MCL (01 July 1995) 68 Gardenia Ave, Luton LU3 2NS e: History: St Augustine, High Wycombe 1995-98, Holy Family, Langley 1998-99, Further Studies, Ottawa, Canada 1999-2001, SS Philip and James, Bedford 2001-05, St Joseph, Luton 2005, Honorary Canon 2021. t: 01502 476702 McClement , Mr Neville (20 July 1958, retired ) 12 The Pightle, North Cove, Beccles, Suffolk NR34 7PR History: Burnham 1958-63, Great Yarmouth 1963-67, Lowestoft 1967-69, Newport Pagnell 1969-76, Rushden 1976-80, St Martin, Luton 1980-97, Retired 1997. t: 01582 728849 McGinnell , Rev Mgr Kevin (19 March 1990) (VF) 33 Westbourne Road, Luton, Bedfordshire LU4 8JD e: History: (Chaplain to His Holiness 2001, Episcopal Vicar for Education 2000-2021): St Joseph, Aylesbury 1990-96, Director of Religious Education 1991, Christ the King, Milton Keynes 1996-98, Our Lady of Lourdes, Milton Keynes 1998-2005, Holy Ghost, Luton 2005. t: 01582 723099 Misiura , Rev Mirek (19 June 1998) 148 Ashcroft Road, Luton LU2 9AY e: History: Incardinated December 2013. St Margaret of Scotland, Luton 2013-19. Sacred Heart, Stopsley 2019, St Augustines, Daventry 2022 Moroney , Rev Richard (15 April 1975, retired ) 7 Manor Farm Close, Luton LU4 9LA e: History: (Previously with Cistercian Order): Incardinated June 1982, St Anthony, Slough 1979-83, Kettering 1983-85, Cathedral 1985-89, St Ethelbert, Slough 1989-90, Wolverton 1990-95, Little Chalfont 1995-96, St Anthony, Slough 1996-2012, Child Protection Commission 2007, Biggleswade 2012-2017. Retired 2017. t: 02892 094300 Murray , Rev Eamon STB (15 July 2001, retired ) 3 Coolsallagh Cottages, Blackskull, Dromore, County Down BT25 1GZ N Ireland History: St Augustine, High Wycombe 2001-04, St Margaret of Scotland, Luton 2005-11, Biggleswade, 2011, Retired 2012. Clergy &, Religious Clergy and Religious 41

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N t: 01582 522516 or 01582 720966 Nnaji , Rev Ugo (26 April 2000) 22a Bolingbroke Road, Farley Hill, Luton LU1 5JD e: t: 01462 813436 Noonan , Rev Canon Benjamin (13 June 1970) 25 High Street, Shefford, Bedfordshire SG17 5DD e: History: (Canon 2006): St Joseph, Bedford 1970-79, Our Lady of Lourdes, Aylesbury 1979-91, Our Lady of Lourdes, Milton Keynes 1991-98, Shefford 1998. Also Sacred Heart, Flitwick 2015-17, St Peter`s, Biggleswade 2017. O O`Connell , Rev Kevin (29 March 1978, retired ) c/o Bishop`s House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW e: History: Cathedral 1978, St Joseph, Luton 1978-80, Catholic Communications Centre 1980-84, Catholic Missionary Society 1984-88, St Joseph, Luton 1988-90, Leave of Absence 1990-91, The Assumption, Torquay 1992, Holy Family, Slough 1993-94, Chaplain to Woodhill Prison, Milton Keynes 1994, Chaplain to Grendon Underwood and Spring Hill Prisons 1999-2001, Winslow 1994-2009. Retired 2009. t: 01753 543770 O`Driscoll , Rev Canon Kevin MA (05 July 1974) (VF) 226 Trelawney Avenue, Langely, Slough SL3 7UD e: History: (Canon 2000): Cathedral 1974-78, St Martin, Luton 1978-81, St Augustine, High Wycombe 1981-90, Biggleswade 1990-91, Bletchley 1991-2002, Holy Family, Slough 2002, Also St Augustine`s, Datchet 2017-2018. Ollard , Rev Andrew (21 September 2002) e: History: St Joseph, Luton 2002-03, Bletchley 2003-04, St John Ogilvie, Corby 2004-05, Our Lady of Lourdes, Milton Keynes 2005-08, Sabbatical 2008-10, Daventry and Aston-le-Wall, 2010-2014. Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, Chesham Bois 2014. St Bernadine of Siena 2021-2023. Sabbatical 2023 P Patey , Rev Michael BSc STL (08 September 2012) Downside School, Radstock BA3 4RJ e: History: St Joseph, Bedford, 2012-14, St Martin de Porres, Luton 2014-18, Downside School Chaplain 2022 (Clifton Diocese). t: 01604 714556 Penhalagan , Rev Simon (28 June 2008) Cathedral House, 1 Primrose Hill, Northampton NN2 6AG e: History: Cathedral 2008-10, President, Sion Catholic Community for Evangelism 2010-18. St Martin de Porres, Luton 2018-2023. EV for Prophet Vicariate 2021. Dean of Northampton Cathedral 2023. t: 01536 203121 Perry , Rev Christopher MA (Theology) (05 January 2013) Presbytery, 71 Occupation Road, Corby NN17 1EE e: History: Our Lady of Walsingham, Corby 2013, St Thomas Aquinas &,, All Saints, Bletchley 2013-2023, Our Lady of Walsingham and St John Ogilvie, Corby, 2023, EV for Servant King Vicariate 2021. Platt , Rev Graham STB (21 July 2001, retired ) 6 Montee du Christ, 11270 Fanjeaux, France e: History: Kettering 2001-02, Burnham 2002-03, St John Ogilvie, Corby 2003-04, Oundle 2004- 07, Sabbatical, France 2007-2013, Chesham Bois 2013-2014. Retired 2014. t: 01536 203121 Preece , Rev Robert (22 November 1997, retired ) c/o Bishop`s House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW History: Our Lady, Corby 1997-2011, Retired 2011. Clergy &, Religious Clergy and Religious 42

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R t: 01494 785269 Reno , Rev Alessandro BA (Hons, Psych, Theol) (18 January 2014) 432 Berkhampstead Road, Chesham HP5 3HQ e: History: San Pablo, Portoviejo 2014-15. Nestra Senora de La Paz, Manta 2015-16. St Columba`s, Chesham 2016-2023. Also Immaculate Heart of Mary, Great Missenden 2017-2023. Our Lady`s School, Chesham Bois Chaplain 2019. Incardinated June 2019. t: 01582 502400 Richardson , Rev Andrew (21 June 2008) e: History: St Edward, Kettering 2008-12, Burnham 2012-19. Holy Family &,, St John`s, Luton 2019-2023. EV for Priest Vicariate 2021-2023. St Mary`s College, Oscott 2023. t: 01604 714556 Rooke , Rev Daniel (26 September 2020) Cathedral House, 1 Primrose Hill, Northampton NN2 6AG e: History: St Augustine`s High Wycombe 2021-2023. Northampton Cathedral 2023. Diocesan Director of Missio 2023. S Sawyer , Rev Keith MA PGCE (30 June 1977, retired ) c/o Bishop`s House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW History: Cathedral 1977-80, 1979-84 RAChD (TA Commission), St Ethelbert, Slough 1980-83, St Joseph, Luton 1983-85, Wellingborough 1985-91, Winslow 1991-94 and Chaplain to HMP Woodhill Prison 1992-94, Holy Family, Slough 1994-96 and ATC Chaplain 1995-2007, Our Lady`,s, Luton 1996-2000, Supply Work 2000. Retired 2013. Sea Cadet Chaplain 2014-16. t: 01582 723254 Seery , Rev Brendan BA Hons (Theol.) MA (Canon Law) (06 February 2016) Burchard Crescent, Shenley Church End, Milton Keynes MK5 6DX e: History: Cathedral of Our Lady Immaculate, Northampton 2016-18. Milton Keynes Area Cluster 2018, Chancellor 2021, Our Lady Help Of Christians, Luton 2022 Strain , Rev William (16 June 1963, retired ) c/o Bishop`s House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW History: St George, Norwich 1963-68, St Joseph, Bedford 1968-71, St Patrick, Corby 1971-73, Marlow 1973-78, St Augustine, High Wycombe 1978. Retired 2014. Swingler , Rev Philip MA DD Dip.Ed (22 November 1997, retired ) c/o Bishop`s House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW History: Cathedral 1997-2002, St Patrick, Duston 2002-13, Retired 2013. T Turner , Rev Michael STL (20 December 1970, retired ) c/o Bishop`s House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW History: (Previously with Canons Regular of the Immaculate Conception): Incardinated 21st December 1994, St Ethelbert, Slough 1992, St Joseph, Luton 1993-97, St Martin, Luton 1997-2001, Our Lady, Luton 2001-03, Burnham 2003-10, Marlow 2010, Retired 2021. U t: 01628 483696 Udris , Canon John STL (14 July 1984) 7 St Peter Street, Marlow, Buckinghamshire SL7 1NQ e: History: (Canon 2006): Our Lady, Corby 1984-91, Kettering 1991-94, Further Studies, Rome 1994-96, Diocesan Director and Promoter of Vocations 1996-2003, Beaconsfield 1996-2003 and Bourne End 2002-03, Cathedral 2003-11, Spiritual Director, Oscott College, 2011-2021, St Peter`s Marlow 2021. Director of Spirituality Network. W t: 01933 353649 Walsh , Rev Canon Joseph BD (13 June 1982, retired ) 1 Hayway, Rushden, Northants NN10 6AG e: History: St Gregory, Northampton 1982-83, St Anthony, Slough 1983-89, St Brendan, Corby 1989-93, Little Chalfont 1993-95, Rushden 1995, Honorary Canon 2021. Clergy &, Religious Clergy and Religious 43

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t: 01908 309720 Webb , Rev Anton (12 May 2007) St Alban`s RC Parish St Laurence Room, Market Square, Winslow MK18 3AB e: History: Incardinated August 2016. Winslow and Managing Chaplain to HMP Grendon and Springhill. t: 01604 715635 Whitehouse , Rev Christopher (20 June 1980, retired ) c/o Bishop`s House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW History: Holy Family Langley 1980-84, Our Lady, Corby 1984, St Gregory, Northampton 1984-86, Cardiff Archdiocese 1986-89, St Joseph, Bedford 1989-90, St Joseph, Luton 1990-92, Shefford 1992-96, Chesham 1996-2002, Leighton Buzzard, 2002-05, Christ the King, Milton Keynes &,, Newport Pagnell 2005-06, Sacred Heart, Luton 2006-19. Retired 2019. m: 07780 796331 Wisniewski , Rev Leszek BD PGCE (17 May 1980) The Good Shepherd, 45 The Croft, Haddenham HP17 8AS e: History: Cathedral 1980-81, Polish Mission, Brighton, 1981-86, Vicariate Apostolic of Arabia, 1986-92, Argentina, 1992-94, Malaysia 1994-99, St Josephs, Aylesbury 1999-2001, Parish Priest, Strandfontein, S. Africa 2002-04, London 2004, Haddenham, June 2004 and also Long Crendon, 2010. Religious Priests A Alexander , Rev Maria Selvan St Edward`s Presbytery, Burchard Crescent, Shenley Church End, Milton Keynes MK5 6DX e: B t: 01628 605764 Balawender , Rev Marek The Presbytery, Lower Britwell Road, Slough SL2 2NL e: t: 01234 359515 Bortolazzo , Rev Giuseppe 10 Woburn Road, Bedford MK40 1EG e: C t: 01582 723099 Cassidy , Rev Dr James CRIC 148 Ashcroft Road, Luton LU2 9AY e: D t: 01628 605764 Dampson , Rev Anthony The Presbytery, Lower Britwell Road, Slough SL2 2NL e: t: 01753 886581 Davies , Rev Bob OCD (Prior &, Parish Priest) St Joseph`s Priory, Austenwood Common, Chalfont St Peter, Gerrards Cross SL9 8RY e: F t: 01753 886581 Flynn , Rev Maurice St Joseph`s Priory, Austenwood Common, Chalfont St Peter, Gerrards Cross SL9 8RY e: t: 01296 290545 Francis , Rev Jaismon The Presbytery, 13 Pevensey Close, Aylesbury HP21 9UB e: Clergy &, Religious Clergy and Religious 44

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G t: 01494 862049 Gelardi , Rev Giacomo MSC 432 Berkhampstead Road, Chesham HP5 3HQ e: Gunturu , Rev Don Bosco e: I t: 01234 352607 Ibe , Rev Alexander SMMM 2 Severn Way, Bedford MK41 7BX e: t: 01753 886581 Ituah , Rev Jerome OCD (Sub-Prior) St Joseph`s Priory, Austenwood Common, Chalfont St Peter, Gerrards Cross SL9 8RY e: J t: 01582 723099 Jones , Rev Allan R. CRIC 148 Ashcroft Road, Luton LU2 9AY e: t: 01604 751071 Joseph , Rev Benny 28 Peveril Road, Duston, Northampton NN5 6JW e: K t: 01494 727469 Karakkattu , Rev Roy Our Lady`s Presbytery, 30 Amersham Road, Chesham Bois HP6 5PE e: M t: 01604 714556 Marottikudy , Rev Shalbin MSFS (28 June 2008) Cathedral House, 1 Primrose Hill, Northampton NN2 6AG e: t: 01234 881211 Mayhead , Rev Bro John Monastary of Christ our Saviour, Turvey Mews, Turvey, Beds MK43 8DH e: t: 01753 917030 McAuliffe , Rev Frank e: t: 01753 886581 McDonald , Rev Martin St Joseph`s Priory, Austenwood Common, Chalfont St Peter, Gerrards Cross SL9 8RY e: t: 01753 886581 McGowan , Rev John St Joseph`s Priory, Austenwood Common, Chalfont St Peter, Gerrards Cross SL9 8RY e: t: 01753 578328 McGuinness , Rev Chris Holy Redeemer Presbytery, Wexham Road, Slough SL2 5QR e: t: 01234 352569 Mulupuri , Rev Galeji The Presbytery, 2 Brereton Road, Bedford MK40 1HU e: N t: 01494 785269 Nixon , Rev David (01 January 1995) 432 Berkhampstead Road, Chesham HP5 3HQ e: History: Also SS Peter &, Paul, Kirkby Clergy &, Religious Clergy and Religious 45

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t: 01753 886581 Nyamali , Rev Theophilus OCD St Joseph`s Priory, Austenwood Common, Chalfont St Peter, Gerrards Cross SL9 8RY e: O t: 01908 221228 Owen , Rev Mark CSsR St Edward`s Presbytery, Burchard Crescent, Shenley Church End, Milton Keynes MK5 6DX e: P t: 01844 345578 Payikkattu , Rev Lijo Jose St Teresa`s, New Road, Princes Risborough, HP27 0JN e: S t: 01582 662807 Suski , Rev Grzegorz SChr Our Lady of Czestochowa Presbytery, 17 Victoria Street, Dunstable, Bedfordshire LU6 3AZ e: T t: 01295 660592 Thekkekutte , Rev Jose Marie MSFS The Presbytery, Main Street, Aston-le-Walls NN11 6UF e: t: 01582 502400 Thomas , Rev Ebin (29 December 2001) The Holy Family, 24 Freshwater Close, Luton LU3 3TA e: V t: 01296 290545 Vilangappara , Rev Paul The Presbytery, 13 Pevensey Close, Aylesbury HP21 9UB e: W t: 01753 886581 Williamson , Rev John e: Z Zanadruk , Rev Andrzej Priests of the Ordinariate A t: 01604 407115 Alldrit , Rev Nicolas MA DPhil (26 May 2012) 104 Orchard Hill, Little Billing, Northampton NN4 9AG B t: 01933 674614 Broadhurst , Mgr John STh AKC DD (11 January 2011) 19 Spencelayh Close, Wellingborough NN8 4UU R t: 01604 812073 Reader-Moore , Rev Anthony BA MA (02 June 2012) 8 Knights Close, Earls Barton, Northampton NN6 0JD Priests From Other Dioceses A t: 01234 342641 Aladics , Rev Richard MA STL (Diocese of Leeds, 16 July 1988) The Presbytery, Harrowden Road, Bedford MK42 0SP e: C t: 01628 522956 Chacko , Rev Shyju (Palghat - India) 70 Eton Road, Datchet SL3 9AY e: Clergy &, Religious Clergy and Religious 46

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H Hanczewski , Rev Fr Ryszard (Poland) M t: 01234 635071 Maher , Rev Peter (Archdiocese of Westminster, retired ) 2 Holme Close, Marston, Moretaine MK43 0PT e: t: 01525 715109 Manomey , Rev Jerry MA STL (Accra, Ghana) The Presbytery, 8 Pope Close, Flitwick MK45 1JP e: McDole , Rev Ian (Covington) N Nwanzi , Rev Nicholas (Enugu, Nigeria) The Presbytery, Harrowden Road, Bedford MK42 0SP e: O t: 01908 978575 Okami , Rev Emmauel (Ilorin, Nigeria) St Augustine`s Presbytery, Langcliffe Drive, Heelands, Milton Keynes MK13 7PL e: t: 01753 663027 Onwuekwe , Rev Nathaniel (Nnewi, Nigeria) Farnham Road, Slough, Berkshire SL2 3AE e: t: 01604 701947 Orazulike , Rev Stanley (Other, 09 July 2011) Ss Francis and Therese Presbytery, Overslade Close, East Hunsbury, Northampton NN4 0RZ e: T t: 01642 292552 Turnham , Very Rev Canon Derek (Diocese of Middlesbrough, 16 June 1996) St Anne`s Church, Aylesbury Road, Wendover HP22 6JG e: W t: 01296 481776 White , Rev John (Archdiocese of Westminster, retired ) 32 Old Brewery Close, Aylesbury HP21 7SH e: Priests Serving the Polish Community B t: 01753 533861 Buba , Rev Leszek Divine Mercy Polish Mission, 48 Pitts Road, Slough SL1 3XH e: t: 01780 444242 Budzynski , Rev Andrzej Laxton Hall, Northants NN17 3AU e: K t: 07704 141192 Kopec , Rev Janusz Mill Street, Bedford MK40 3EU e: M t: 07401 917725 Manturzyk , Rev Pawell St Lawrence House Flat 1, Duke Street, Northampton NN1 3BA e: Clergy &, Religious Clergy and Religious 47

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N t: 01494 462994 Neblik , Rev Andrzej 45 Alexander Park, Queen Alexandra Road, High Wycombe HP11 2HB P t: 01753 533861 Pilak , Rev Henryk ( retired ) 48 Pitts Road, Slough SL1 3XH e: t: 01753 533861 Polasik , Rev Lukasz Divine Mercy Polish Mission, 48 Pitts Road, Slough SL1 3XH e: R t: 01582 662807 Redlinski , Rev Piotr 17 Victoria Street, Dunstable LU6 3AZ e: S Sanda , Rev Krzysztof T t: 01780 444242 Taraszka , Rev Ryszard 1 Copenhagen Road, Corby NN18 9BX e: W t: 01494 868248 Werner , Rev Roman 22 Misbourne Road, Great Missenden HP16 0BL e: Z t: 07758 689059 Zbroniec , Rev Janusz St Lawrence House Flat 2, Duke Street, Northampton NN1 3BA e: S t: 07758 689059 Stebel , Rev Pawel The Presbytery, Flat 2, St Lawrence House, Duke Street, Northampton NN1 3BA e: Permanent Deacons A t: 01494 673018 Adonis , Rev Deacon Brent (07 July 2018) 6 Holtspur Top Lane, Beaconsfield HP9 1DW e: History: Married to Lynn, St Teresa`s, Beaconsfield and St Dunstan`s, Bourne End. B t: 07943 634262 Bannan , Rev Deacon Jim (13 July 2013) 16 Popes Court, Old Bedford Road, Luton, Bedfordshire LU2 7GL e: History: married to Chris, Sacred Heart, Luton. C t: 01844 347623 Carr , Rev Deacon Richard (24 January 2004, retired ) c/o Bishop`s House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW e: History: married to Rhona, St Teresa, Princes Risborough, Retired. t: 01494 866325 Collins , Rev Deacon Peter (24 June 2017) Lillingstone, Nags Head Lane, Great Misseden HP16 0HD e: History: married to Michelle, Immaculate Heart of Mary, Great Missenden. Clergy &, Religious Clergy and Religious 48

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t: 01494 726931 Crowshaw , Rev Deacon John (24 June 2000, retired ) Hammerwood, 64 Long Park, Amersham, Bucks HP6 5LF e: History: married to Mary, St Aidan, Little Chalfont and Our Lady`s, Chesham Bois. t: 01494 762225 Curtis , Rev Deacon David (18 July 2015) (Little Chalfont) Hollytree Cottage, Latimer, Chesham HP5 1TY e: D t: 01582 582032 Derbyshire , Rev Deacon John (28 January 1978, retired ) 296 Sundon Park Road, Luton LU3 3AL e: History: married to Mary, St John the Apostle, Luton. Retired. t: 07931 607249 Dunsire , Rev Deacon Brin (20 July 2013) 2 Totteridge Avenue, High Wycombe HP13 6XJ e: History: married to Marian, St Augustine`s, High Wycombe. F t: 01525 371383 Falcon , Rev Deacon Tony BA (Hons) MSc FIBMS (28 June 2014) 35 Danes Way, Leighton Buzzard, Beds LU7 3NH e: History: married to Marilyn, Sacred Heart, Leighton Buzzard. t: 01494 785269 Felix , Rev Gerard 432 Berkhampstead Road, Chesham HP5 3HQ e: t: 01604 647750 Fleming , Rev Deacon Michael (15 July 1989) 22 Lavant Walk, Parklands, Northampton NN3 6EL e: History: married to Linda, St Gregory, Northampton. Found , Rev Deacon Peter c/o Bishop`s House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW G t: 01753 733582 Gajdus , Rev Deacon Marek (18 September 2004) 3 Hadlow Court, Slough SL1 3XQ e: History: married to Agnieszka, Our Lady of Peace, Burnham. t: 01582 580877 Grennell , Rev Deacon James (11 October 2003) 39 Blanford Avenue, Luton LU2 7AY e: History: married to Maureen, St Joseph, Luton. t: 07850 499414 Griffin , Rev Deacon Peter (16 November 2002) 178 London Road, Wollaston, Wellingborough NN29 7QS e: History: Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Wellingborough 2002-18. Olney 2018. t: 01908 649356 Guina , Rev Deacon Noel MVO MA FRAS (08 July 2000, retired ) 3 Penina Close, Bletchley, Milton Keynes MK3 7TL e: History: St Thomas Aquinas, Bletchley. Retired. Clergy &, Religious Clergy and Religious 49

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H t: 07756 685220 Hannigan , Rev Deacon James (26 July 2014) The Holy Family, 24 Freshwater Close, Luton LU3 3TA e: History: married to Annette, Holy Family and St John the Apostle, Sundon Park, Luton. t: 01536 516 005 Howard , Rev Deacon Shaun (21 December 2002, retired ) 17 Dunstan`s Close, Kettering, Northants NN15 5JE History: married to Adrianne, St John Ogilvie, Corby. Retired. t: 01462 711702 Hyde , Rev Deacon Peter (20 June 1997) 63 Hillfoot Road, Shillington, Hitchin SG5 3NS e: History: married to Jenny, St Francis of Assisi, Shefford. J t: 01753 523433 Jones , Rev Deacon Graham (27 June 2015) 12 Castleview Road, Langley, Berks SL3 7NQ e: History: married to Mary, Holy Family, Langley. K t: 01582 416152 Kerr , Rev Deacon Erik (13 July 2019) 25 Wychwood Avenue, Luton LU2 7HT e: History: married to Maureen, St Joseph, Luton. L t: 07465 607247 Lang , Rev Deacon John (20 June 2015) c/o St Peter`s Church, 7a Station Road, Biggleswade SG18 8AL e: History: married to Susan, St Peter`s, Biggleswade. Lee , Rev Deacon Gerard (05 October 2001, retired ) c/o Bishop`s House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW History: married to Linda, Our Lady of Walsingham, Corby. Retired 2016. t: 01494 677 009 Lipscomb , Rev Deacon Paul FCA KCHS (27 November 1999) Crane Cottage, 53a Warwick Road, Beaconsfield HP9 2PL e: History: married to Pauline, St Anthony, Slough. t: 01280 812997 Lovelock , Rev Deacon John (03 July 1999) 40 Gilbert Scott Road, Buckingham MK18 1PS History: St Bernardine, Buckingham. M t: 01582 728544 McGrogan , Rev Deacon Gerard MA MSc BSc CEng CPhys (15 October 2004, retired ) 272 Stockingstone Road, Luton LU2 7DE e: History: married to Margaret, Our Lady Help of Christians, Luton. Retired 2015. N t: 01844 345578 Nunn , Deacon Gordon New Road, Princes Risborough HP27 0JN e: O t: 01604 858864 O`Leary , Rev Deacon Michael (24 July 2010) 9 Orchard Close, Milton Malsor, Northampton NN7 3AY e: History: married to Christine, St Patrick, Northampton. t: 01628 415962 Ossei-Williams , Rev Deacon Michael (10 July 2010) 2 Berkeley Mews, Sandringham Court, Slough SL1 6JD e: History: married to Alexandra, Holy Redeemer, Slough. Clergy &, Religious Clergy and Religious 50

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P t: 01494 678259 Phelan , Rev Deacon Michael OBE MA (23 July 2006) (Retired) 22 Wattleton Road, Beaconsfield, Bucks HP9 1TS e: History: married to Lily, St Teresa, Beaconsfield. t: 07591 462894 Priestley , Rev Deacon Paul (20 July 2013) St John Henry Newman Presbytery, 66 Rowan Avenue, High Wycombe e: History: married to Sarah, St John Henry Newman, High Wycombe. t: 07711 953926 Pugh , Rev Deacon Philip BA (16 July 2006, retired ) 66 Westoning Road, Harlington, Beds LU5 6PD e: History: married to Janet, Sacred Heart, Flitwick Q t: 01234 950453 Quinlan , Rev Deacon Tony (09 July 2016) 59 Heronscroft, Bedford MK41 9LS e: History: married to Mariateresa, Holy Cross, Bedford and SS Philip &,, James, Bedford. R t: 01908 617298 Reidel , Rev Deacon Klaus (18 June 2011) 6 Hemingway Close, Newport Pagnell MK16 8QP e: History: married to Wendy, St Bede, Newport Pagnell and Christ the King, Kents Hill. t: 01933 388802 Remmington , Rev Deacon Peter (08 July 2017) 123 Finedon Road, Irthlingborough, Northants NN9 5TY e: History: married to Linda, St Peter`s, Rushden. t: 01628 483696 Ryan , Rev Deacon Kevin 7 St Peter Street, Marlow, Buckinghamshire SL7 1NQ e: S t: 01753 267918 Sanni , Rev Deacon Lanre Farnham Road, Slough, Berkshire SL2 3AE e: t: 01296 641889 Sillitoe , Rev Deacon John (12 July 2009) White Gables, Crabs Grove, Whitchurch, Aylesbury HP22 4JQ e: History: married to Jan, St Joseph &,, St Clare, Aylesbury. t: 01604 408407 Stewart , Rev Deacon Rory (15 July 1989) 39 Bush Hill, Abington, Northampton NN3 2PD e: History: married to Anne, St Gregory, Northampton. t: 01489 587157 Stoker , Rev Deacon Brian (24 January 2004, retired ) 65 Jellicoe, Drive, Sarisbury Green, Hampshire SO31 7NW e: History: married to Valerie, St Teresa, Princes Risborough. Retired 2015. t: 01296 623930 Swindlehurst , Rev Peter (10 June 2006) St Anne`s Church, Aylesbury Road, Wendover HP22 6JG e: History: married to Penelope. W t: 01234 353116 Walkling-Lea , Rev Deacon Crispin (09 July 2016) 66 Newnham Avenue, Bedford MK41 9PT e: History: married to Sarah, Holy Cross, Bedford and SS Philip &,, James, Bedford.Diocesan Trustee Clergy &, Religious Clergy and Religious 51

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t: 07527 115610 Walls , Rev Deacon John (12 July 2008) 51 Sitwell Close, Newport Pagnell, MK16 8QR e: History: married to Diane, St Bede, Newport Pagnell and Christ the King, Kents Hill. t: 01536 418595 Watson , Rev Deacon Keith BA (01 February 2006, retired ) 17 Rushton Road, Rothwell, Northants NN14 6HG History: married to Christine, all churches of the parish of St Edward`s, Kettering. Retired 2019. Wyer , Rev Deacon Paul (24 June 2007) c/o Bishop`s House - Diocese of Northampton, Marriott Street, Northampton NN2 6AW History: married to Maura, resident in Ireland. Clergy &, Religious Clergy and Religious 52

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2024 Jubilarians Diocesan Priests 60 Years (1964-2024) Rev John Fleming 19 March 1964 50 Years (1974-2024) Rev Canon Kevin O`Driscoll 5 July 1974 40 Years (1984-2024) Canon John Udris 14 July 1984 30 Years (1994-2024) Rev Canon Anthony Brennan 24 June 1994 Clergy &, Religious 53

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Religious Orders Women Benedictines (Olivetan) Turvey - Priory of Our Lady of Peace Tel: 01234 881432 Turvey Abbey, Turvey MK43 8DE E-mail: Website: Mother M Zoe Davis OSB (Prioress) Bon Secours Sisters de Paris Bourne End - Bon Secours Sisters de Paris House Tel: 01628 522956 St Dunstan`s Presbytery, Cores End Road, Bourne End, Buckinghamshire SL8 5AR E-mail: Sunday Mass: 10:00am Weekdays: Tue, Fri 9:30am Bridgettine Sisters Iver Heath - Bridgettine Sisters OSsS Tel: 01753 663027/663520 Guesthouse Fulmer Common Road, Iver Heath SL0 0NR E-mail: Website: Sr M Giacomina George OSsS (Superior) Sunday Mass: 9:00am Weekdays: Mon-Fri, Fri 7:30am, Sat 4:30pm Holy Days: Contact the sisters Adoration: Sun 4:00pm-5:30pm, Mon-Thu 10:00am-12:00pm (or 4:00pm&,shy, 5:30pm), Fri 4:00pm-7:30pm Daughters of Mary, Mother of Mercy Slough - DMMM Sisters Tel: 07533 272022 DMMM Community, 5 Buckingham Avenue East, Slough, Berkshire SL1 3EB E-mail: Daughters of Providence of St Brieuc Aylesbury - Daughters of Providence of St Brieuc Tel: 07811 405018/01296486004 10 Pearl Court, Croft Road, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP21 7BY E-mail: Sr Anne-Marie Frearson (Superior) Daughters of the Holy Spirit Bedford - Bedford DHS Tel: 01234 350794 188 London Road, Bedford MK42 0PS E-mail: Sr Dympna Connolly Luton - Luton DHS Tel: 01582 755917 106 Dorrington Close, Luton, Bedfordshire LU3 1XR E-mail: Northampton - Northampton DHS Tel: 01604 587423 22 Holyrood Road, Northampton NN5 7AH E-mail: Website: Sr Anne Morris DHS (Provincial) Northampton - DHS International Novitiate Tel: 01604 755296 103 Harlestone Road, Northampton NN5 7AQ Clergy &, Religious Religious Orders 54

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Olney - St Joseph`s Tel: 01234 711267 33 West Street, Olney, Buckinghamshire MK46 5HH Sr Eileen Gorman DHS (Superior) Olney - DHS Community Tel: 01234 712162 13 Aspreys, Olney, Buckinghamshire MK46 5LN Sr Josephine Walsh DHS Woburn Sands - Burlington Hall Care Home 9 Station Road, Woburn Sands MK17 8RR Woburn Sands - Support Community Tel: 01980 8584718 Aspley Court, Woburn Sands MK17 8PA Sr Regina Bond DHS, Sr Marie Hayes DHS Order of Consecrated Virgins Luton - Order of Consecrated Virgins Tel: 01582 593741 2 Pembroke Avenue, Luton LU4 9BH Sr Teresa Aluko OCV Religious of Jesus and Mary Milton Keynes - Religious of Jesus and Mary House Tel: 01280 813254 Convent of Jesus and Mary, Thornton, Milton Keynes MK17 0HJ E-mail: Sisters of Mary Immaculate (Polish) Near Corby - Sisters of Mary Immaculate Tel: 01780 444292 Laxton Hall, Near Corby, Northamptonshire NN17 3AU E-mail: Website: Sr Magdalena Michas (Superior), Sr Teresa Sabok Sisters of Our Lady Kettering - Sisters of Our Lady Tel: 01536 513956 2 Glebe Avenue, Kettering, Northamptonshire NN15 6AR E-mail: Website: Sr Aidan Richards SND (Superior) Sisters of St Brigid Slough - Sisters of St Brigid Tel: 01753 575827 47 The Cherries, Wexham, Slough SL2 5TS E-mail: Sisters of the Holy Cross Chalfont St Peter - Holy Cross Convent Tel: 01753 890108 Grange Road, Chalfont St Peter SL9 9AH E-mail: Sr Imelda Fleming HC (Leader) Society of the Holy Child Jesus Milton Keynes - Society of the Holy Child Jesus Tel: 07979 710866 9 Goring, Stantonbury, Milton Keynes MK14 6AS E-mail: Website: Sr Monica Matthews SHCJ Clergy &, Religious Religious Orders 55

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Men Benedictines (Olivetan) Turvey - Monastery of Christ our Saviour Tel: 01234 881211 Monastery of Christ Our Saviour, Jacks Lane, Turvey, Bedfordshire MK43 8DH E-mail: Website: Rev Bro John Leonard Mayhead OSB (Superior) Canons Regular of the Immaculate Conception Luton - Sacred Heart Catholic Church Tel: 01582 723099 Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, 148 Ashcroft Road, Luton LU2 9AY E-mail: Rev Dr James Cassidy CRIC (Superior) Sunday Mass: Sat 6:30pm, 9:00am, 11:00am Weekdays: Mon-Fri 9:30am Holy Days: 9:30am, 7:30pm Confessions: Sat 11:00am-11:30am Discalced Carmelites Gerrards Cross - St Joseph`s Priory Tel: 01753 886581 Austenwood Common, Chalfont St Peter, Gerrards Cross SL9 8RY E-mail: Rev Michael Spain OCD (Superior) Fransalian Fathers Duston - St Patrick Tel: 01604 751071 The Presbytery, 28 Peveril Road, Duston, Northampton NN5 6JW E-mail: Rev Benny Joseph MSFS Missionaries of St Charles Borromeo (Scalabrini Fathers) Bedford - St Frances Cabrini Tel: 01234 359515 10 Woburn Road, Bedford MK40 1EG Rev Giuseppe Bortolazzo CS (Priest) Sunday Mass: Sat 7:00pm (English), 8:30am (Portuguese), 10:00am (Italian), 11:30am (English) Weekdays: Tue-Thu 7:00pm (Italian), Fri 10:30am (Italian) Holy Days: 10:30am, 7:00pm Adoration: Fri 10:00am (Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament) Missionaries of the Poor Aylesbury - Our Lady of Lourdes Tel: 01296 290545 The Presbytery, 13 Pevensey Close, Aylesbury HP21 9UB E-mail: Rev Paul Vilangappara MOP Missionaries of the Sacred Heart Chesham - St Columba Tel: 01494 785269 432 Berkhampstead Road, Chesham HP5 3HQ E-mail: Website: Rev Giacomo Gelardi MSC (Priest), Rev David Nixon MSC (Parish Priest), Rev Gerard Felix (Deacon) Sunday Mass: 9:00am, 6:00pm Please see the newsletter on the website for Holy Days, Confessions and Adoration. Clergy &, Religious Religious Orders 56

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Society of African Missions Burnham - Our Lady of Peace Tel: 01628 605764 The Presbytery, Lower Britwell Road, Slough SL2 2NL E-mail: Website: Rev Marek Balawender SMA (Assistant Priest), Rev Anthony Dampson SMA (Parish Priest), Rev Deacon Michael Ossei-Williams Sunday Mass: 9:30am (Our Lady of Peace Church), 11:30am (Saint Andrews Shared Church, Cippenham) Weekdays: Mon-Fri 9:30am, Sat 10:00am Holy Days: 9:30am (Masses for Bank Holidays are at 10:00am), 7:30pm Confessions: Sat 5:00pm-5:45pm Adoration: Mon-Fri 8:15am-9:10am, Sat 8:45am-9:45am Society of Christ (Polish Order) Dunstable - Our Lady of Czestochowa Tel: 01582 662807 17 Victoria Street, Dunstable, Bedfordshire LU6 3AZ E-mail: Website: Rev Piotr Redlinski SChr (Superior) Sunday Mass: Sat 5:00pm (Polish), Sat 7:00pm (Polish, Milton Keynes), 8:30am (Polish), 11:30am (Polish), 2:00pm (Polish, Milton Keynes), 5:00pm (Polish, Luton), 7:00pm (Polish) Weekdays: Mon, Wed, Fri 10:00am (Polish), Tue-Wed, Fri 7:00pm (Polish), Thu 7:00pm (Polish, Milton Keynes) Holy Days: 10:00am, 7:00pm Great Missenden - Society of Christ Tel: 01494 868248 22 Misbourne Drive, Great Missenden HP16 0BL Other Religious Priests in the Diocese St Patrick`s Missionary Society (Kiltegan Fathers) Slough - Holy Redeemer Presbytery Tel: 01753 578328 Wexham Road, Slough SL2 5QR E-mail: Rev Chris McGuinness SPS Clergy &, Religious Religious Orders 57

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Pastoral Areas Northampton Pastoral Area: St Thomas of Canterbury Area Dean: Rev Canon Dr Brendan Killeen Page No Aston-le-Walls, The Sacred Heart and Our Lady 64 Daventry, Our Lady Of Charity &, St Augustine 73 Great Billing, Our Lady of Perpetual Succour 76 Northampton, Northampton, Cathedral of Our Lady Immaculate &, St Thomas of Canterbury 61 Northampton, East Hunsbury, Ss Francis and Therese 62 Northampton, Kingsthorpe, St Aidan 61 Northampton, Abington, St Gregory the Great 62 Northampton, Duston, St Patrick 63 Northampton, Towcester, St Thomas More 62 Northampton, Weston Favell, The Sacred Heart 63 North Northants Pastoral Area: St Luke Area Dean: Rev Canon Michael Harrison Page No Corby, Our Lady of Walsingham 71 Corby, St Brendan 72 Corby, St John Ogilvie 72 East Northants, Oundle, Most Holy Name of Jesus 75 East Northants, Thrapston, St Paul The Apostle 75 Kettering, St Edward 79 Rushden, St Peter 88 Wellingborough, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart 91 Bedfordshire Pastoral Area: St Josephine Bakhitta Dean: Rev John Danford Page No Bedford, Christ the King 67 Bedford, SS Philip and James 68 Bedford, St Frances Cabrini (Italian Church) 68 Bedford, The Holy Child and St Joseph 66 Biggleswade, St Peter 69 Flitwick, Sacred Heart 75 Leighton Buzzard, The Sacred Heart 80 Shefford, St Francis of Assisi 89 Milton Keynes Pastoral Area: St Paul Area Dean: Rev Canon Francis Higgins Page No Brackley, St Martin 69 Buckingham, St Bernardine of Siena 69 Milton Keynes, Christ the King 86 Milton Keynes, Our Lady of Lourdes 86 Milton Keynes, St Augustine 84 Milton Keynes, Newport Pagnall, St Bede 86 Milton Keynes, St Edward the Confessor 87 Milton Keynes, Woburn Sands, St Mary 87 Milton Keynes, St Mary Magdalene 85 Milton Keynes, Bletchley, St Thomas Aquinas 85 Olney, Our Lady Help of Christians and St Lawrence 87 Winslow, St Alban`s RC Parish 92 Wolverton, St Francis de Sales 93 South Bucks Pastoral Area: St Monica Area Dean: Rev Mgr Provost Sean Healy Page No Beaconsfield, St Teresa of the Child Jesus and SS John Fisher and Thomas More 66 Chesham, St Columba 70 Chesham Bois, Our Lady of Perpetual Succour 71 Gerrards Cross, St Joseph 76 Great Missenden, Immaculate Heart of Mary 77 High Wycombe, St Augustine Apostle of England 78 High Wycombe, St John Henry Newman 78 Marlow, St Peter 84 Parishes 59

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Luton Pastoral Area: St Alban Area Dean: Rev Mgr Kevin McGinnell Page No Dunstable, St Mary 74 Luton, Our Lady Help of Christians 81 Luton, Sacred Heart of Jesus 82 Luton, St Joseph The Worker 83 Luton, St Margaret of Scotland 83 Luton, St Martin de Porres 84 Luton, The Holy Family &, St John the Apostle 82 Luton, The Holy Ghost 81 Aylesbury Pastoral Area: St John Fisher Dean: Rev Canon John Beirne Page No Aylesbury, Bedgrove, Our Lady of Lourdes 65 Aylesbury, St Joseph, St Clare and Guardian Angels 64 Haddenham, The Good Shepherd 77 Princes Risborough, St Teresa of the Child Jesus 88 Wendover, St Anne 92 Slough Pastoral Area: St Peter Area Dean: Rev Canon Kevin O`Driscoll Page No Burnham, Our Lady of Peace and St Andrews 70 Datchet, St Augustine 73 Slough, Church of the Holy Redeemer 89 Slough, Our Lady Immaculate and St Ethelbert 89 Slough, Farnham Royal, St Anthony 90 Slough, Langley, The Holy Family 90 Parishes Pastoral Areas 60

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Parishes Key: Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Registered for Weddings Streamed Online Northampton 1 Cathedral - Area Hub t: 01604 714556 e: Address: Cathedral House, 1 Primrose Hill, Northampton NN2 6AG Website: Priests: Rev Simon Penhalagan (Dean) , Rev James Evans (resident at St Thomas More Presbytery, Towcester) , Rev Shalbin Marottikudy MSFS, Rev Stanley Orazulike (resident at Ss Francis and Therese Presbytery, Northampton) , Rev Daniel Rooke Hub Admin: Ann Comerford Hub Secretary: Philly McKenna Office Hours: 9am-5.30pm Clustered Parishes Consisting of: Cathedral of Our Lady Immaculate &, St Thomas of Canterbury Repository: Mon-Fri 10am-1pm (St Thomas Centre) Cathedral of Our Lady Immaculate &, St Thomas of Canterbury Location: 1 Primrose Hill, Northampton NN2 6AG Tel: 01604 714556 Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 8.30am, 11am, 5.15pm Weekdays: See weekly bulletin/website Holy Days: See weekly bulletin/website Confessions: See weekly bulletin/website Adoration: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament see website or newsletter for times History: 1821, Rev Magrath here. He left before the end of 1821. 1823: Chapel 30 Nov. Rev Foley on Black Lion Hill. 1825: 25 Oct. Chapel of St Andrew, Rev Foley. 1844: 25 June, Collegiate Chapel of St Felix, Bishop Wareing, 1864: 28 April, Cathedral, Bishop Amherst. 1959: Enlargement, Bishop Parker. 1960: 22 June Consecration, Bishop Parker. 1998: Re-ordered, Bishop McCartie. Hospital: Northampton General Hospital page 97 St Aidan St Aidan Church Location: Manor Road, Northampton NN2 6QJ Tel: 01604 714556 Website: Sunday Mass: 9.45am Weekdays: As announced Holy Days: see weekly bulletin/website Confessions: As announced Adoration: See bulletin/website History: 1955: 17 April Mass first said. 1956: 1 Nov. Fr Boswell served from Cathedral. 1957: Rose and Crown, Welford Road. 1964: 27 July Manor Road, Church opened 4 August. Rev C. Roberts first resident priest.2014 - 27 July Dedication of the Church. Parishes 61 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Registered for Weddings Streamed Online

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Ss Francis and Therese Saints Francis and Therese Church Location: Overslade Close, East Hunsbury, Northampton NN4 0RZ Tel: 01604 701947 Sunday Mass: 9.30am Weekdays: As announced Holy Days: As announced Confessions: As announced Adoration: As announced History: 1989: 19 Nov Church Blessed. 2000: Clustered with Towcester. St Thomas More Priest: Rev James Evans (resident at St Thomas More Presbytery, Towcester) St Thomas More Church Location: 1 Meeting Lane, Towcester NN12 6JX Tel: 01327 359151 Sunday Mass: Sat 5.30pm, 11am Weekdays: As announced Holy Days: As announced Confessions: Sat 4.45pm-5.15pm Adoration: Sat 4.45pm-5.15pm (Exposition) History: 1949: 20 Feb. St George opened, Watling Street. 1976: St Thomas More, Meeting Lane. 2000: Clustered with East Hunsbury, Northampton. Northampton 2 , Abington St Gregory the Great t: 01604 713015 e: Address: Presbytery, 22 Park Ave North, Northampton NN3 2HS Website: Facebook: StGregsNorthampton Priest: Rev Andrew Behrens Deacon: Rev Deacon Michael Fleming Parish Secretary: Caryll Comley Office Hours: Mon, Wed, Fri?9.30am - 12.30pm Sunday Mass: 9am (Family), 11am (Choir) Weekdays: Mon-Wed, Fri, Sat 9am, Thu 7pm Holy Days: 7am, 9am, 7pm Confessions: Sat 9.30am and at call Adoration: Thu 9am-11am (Exposition) History: 1926: Church site bought. 1946: 7 Oct. Fr Eric Phillips appointed first Parish Priest. 1947: 1 May. Wooden Church Blessed. 1954: 11 Feb. Present Church Blessed. 2004: 3 Sept. Church Consecrated. Hospitals: St Andrew`s and St Matthew`s Hospital page 97 Three Shires Hospital page 97 Hospice: Cynthia Spencer Hospice page 97 Parishes Parishes 62 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Registered for Weddings Streamed Online

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Northampton 3 , Weston Favell The Sacred Heart t: 01604 402301 e: Address: The Catholic Presbytery, Pyramid Close, Weston Favell, Northampton NN3 8DP Website: Priest: Rev Canon Dr Brendan Killeen (JV VF) Administrator: Lorraine Foster Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9am -12 noon Sunday Mass: Sat 5.30pm, 10.30am Weekdays: Mon, Wed, Fri 9.30am Holy Days: 9.30am Confessions: Sat 4.45pm-5.15pm Adoration: Mon 9.30am-12noon, Sat 4.30pm-5.15pm History: 1974: 25 Jul Parish formed. 1976: Jan. Church Opened, Church blessed. Northampton 4 , Duston St Patrick t: 01604 751071 e: Address: The Presbytery, 28 Peveril Road, Duston, Northampton NN5 6JW Website: Priest: Rev Benny Joseph MSFS Deacon: Rev Deacon Michael O`Leary Key Catechist: Rosemarie King (1996) St Patrick Church Location: Ashwood Road, Duston, Northampton NN5 6JR Sunday Mass: 9.30am As announced Weekdays: Mon-Fri 9.30am As announced Holy Days: 9.30am, 7pm As announced Confessions: Fri 10am-10.30am, Sat 6.45pm-7pm Adoration: Fri 10am-10.30am (also see noticeboard) Devotions: Friday of Month &,shy, Mothers` Prayer Group 1.45 History: 1941: Beginning of Mission. 1953: 26 Apr, Church blessed. 1994: 27 May Opening and Dedication of new Church. 2002: Amalgamated with Cathedral parish. Northampton 5 SS Stanislaus and Lawrence (Polish Church) t: 07758 689059 e: Address: The Presbytery, Flat 2, St Lawrence House, Duke Street, Northampton NN1 3BA Website: Priest: Rev Pawel Stebel Sunday Mass: Sat 6.30pm, 10am, 12.30pm (Wellingborough), 6.30pm Weekdays: Mon 7am, Wed-Fri 7pm Holy Days: 7pm Confessions: 30 mins before Mass Adoration: Thu 7.30pm-9pm Northampton 6 see Great Billing, Our Lady of Perpetual Succour page 76 Parishes Parishes 63 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Registered for Weddings Streamed Online

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Aston-le-Walls The Sacred Heart and Our Lady t: 01295 660592 e: Address: The Presbytery, Main Street, Aston-le-Walls NN11 6UF Website: Priest: Rev Jose Marie Thekkekutte MSFS The Sacred Heart and Our Lady Church Location: Main Street, Aston-Le-Walls NN11 6UF Sunday Mass: 10.45am Weekdays: 10am See website/newsletter Holy Days: See website/newsletter Confessions: Fri 9.30am-9.50am and by appointment Adoration: Fri 9.15am-10am (before Mass) History: 1688: First resident Priest in Parish: Warkworth Manor. 1827: 11 Jul Church opened. 1859: 5 Jun, Church consecrated. 1982: 14 Dec Re-opening of restored Church. 1991: 1 Dec, extension to Church Dedicated. SS Peter &, Paul C of E Church Location: The Square, Kings Sutton, Oxfordshire OX17 3RJ Sunday Mass: 9am Confessions: Sun 8.30am-8.50am History: Parish of SS Peter &, Paul in nr Banbury, Northants (Diocese of Northampton). This is an Anglican church that permits celebration of Catholic Mass. School: St Mary`s Primary page 100 Aylesbury 1 St Joseph, St Clare and Guardian Angels t: 01296 483629 e: Address: The Presbytery, 56 High Street, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP20 1SE Website: Priest: Rev Canon John Beirne (VF) Deacon: Rev Deacon John Sillitoe Parish Admin: Elaine Sidhu Key Catechists: Carolina Boston (2000) , Marie Woods (1998) Office Hours: Tues-Fri 9am to 2pm St Joseph Church Location: 56 High Street, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP20 1SE Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 9.30am, 11.15am As announced Weekdays: Mon, Wed, Fri 10am As announced Holy Days: 10am, 12.30pm Confessions: Sat 10am-11.30am and by appointment Adoration: As announced Devotions: Living Waters Prayer Group Tue 7.45pm-9pm As announced History: 1885: Mass Station opened in house of Mr Rock. Served from Wolverton. 1888: 7 Dec. House/Chapel Rev James Collins. 1892: 13 Dec. Iron Chapel opened. 1937: Present Church opened. Parishes Parishes 64 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Registered for Weddings Streamed Online

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St Clare`s Church Location: Elmhurst Road, Aylesbury HP20 2EA Sunday Mass: 11.30am Weekdays: Tue 10am Holy Days: 7.30pm Confessions: By appointment Devotions: Knights of St Columba 3rd Mon 7.30pm-9pm, Legion of Mary Tue 7pm-8.30pm As announced History: 1966: 28 Aug. Parish clustered with St Joseph`s. 2004: Parish merged with St Josephs. 2005: 30 Nov. New Church Consecrated. Schools: St Edward`s Junior page 100 St Joseph`s Infant page 100 St Louis Primary page 100 Hospital: Stoke Mandeville Hospital page 97 Hospice: Florence Nightingale Hospice page 97 Aylesbury 2 , Bedgrove Our Lady of Lourdes t: 01296 290545 e: Address: The Presbytery, 13 Pevensey Close, Aylesbury HP21 9UB Website: Priest: Rev Jaismon Francis MSFS Secretary: Esther Salins Key Catechists: Bernadette Larkin, Fran Woodbridge Office Hours: Tuesday, Thursday &, Friday 9:00am- 2:00pm Our Lady of Lourdes Church Location: 69 Cambourne Avenue, Aylesbury HP21 7UE Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 8.30am (Polish), 10.30am, 4th Sun 5pm (Malayalam) Weekdays: Mon, Tue, Fri, Sat 9.30am, Thu 6.30pm, 1st Fri 6.30am Holy Days: 9.30am, 6pm Confessions: Thu 7.15pm-8pm, Sat 10am-10.30am and by request Adoration: Thu 7pm-8pm (Eucharistic Adoration), Fri 10am-10.30am (Eucharistic Adoration), Sat 10am-10.30am (Saturday Adoration) Devotions: Novena to Our Lady Of Perpetual Help Tue 10am-10.30am, Holy Hour/Divine Mercy Devotion Wed 6pm-7pm, Holy Hour Thu 7pm-7.30pm, Rosary Fri, Sat 10am-10.30am, Sacred Heart Novena 1st Fri 10am-10.30am History: 1969: 9 July. Church blessed. 1994: 8 July. Consecration. Parishes Parishes 65 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Registered for Weddings Streamed Online

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Beaconsfield St Teresa of the Child Jesus and SS John Fisher and Thomas More t: 01494 673018 e: Address: St Teresa`s Presbytery, 40 Warwick Road, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire HP9 2PL Website: Priest: Rev Mgr Provost Sean Healy (VF) Deacons: Rev Deacon Brent Adonis, Rev Deacon Michael Phelan (Retired) Lay Administrator: Sarah Moroz Secretary: Lynn Adonis Office Hours: 9-1pm St Teresa of the Child Jesus and SS John Fisher and Thomas More Church Location: 40 Warwick Road, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire HP9 2PL Tel: 01494 673018 Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 8.45am, 11.30am Weekdays: Mon, Fri 9.30am, Tue-Thu, Sat 9.30am (see website) Holy Days: 10.30am, 8pm Confessions: Sat 5.30pm History: 1914: Mass Centre for Belgian refugees, Served by Belgian Priest. 1919: Mass Centre. Served from High Wycombe. Chapel on Premises of Railway Hotel. 1927: 6 Feb. First part opened. Fr Walker served from High Wycombe. 1931: First resident Priest, Mgr C.W. Smith CBE, D.S.O. 1939: Completion and reopening 10 Dec. 1947: 30 65 Sept. Consecration. 2012: New Parish Centre opened. St Dunstan Church Location: Cores End Rd, Bourne End SL8 5AR E-mail: Website: Sunday Mass: 10am Weekdays: Tue, Fri 9.30am see website Holy Days: 9.30am Confessions: At call History: 1956: 15 April. Wooden Church blessed. 1980: Present Church. 1999: Clustered with Beaconsfield. Religious: Bon Secours Sisters de Paris page 54 Bedford 1 The Holy Child and St Joseph t: 01234 352569 e: Address: The Presbytery, 2 Brereton Road, Bedford MK40 1HU Website: Priests: Rev Canon Seamus Keenan, Rev Galeji Mulupuri MC St Joseph and the Holy Child Church Location: Midland Road, Bedford MK40 1HU Sunday Mass: 8.15am, 9.30am, 11am, 6.30pm Weekdays: Mon-Sat 10.45am Holy Days: 7.30am, 10.45am, 7.30pm Confessions: Sat 11.30am-12.30pm Adoration: Thu 11.30am-7pm (Exposition) Devotions: Rosary Mon-Fri 10.20am, Mothers` Prayers 1st Mon 11.30am, SVP Mon 7pm-8pm The Diocesan Shrine of the Miraculous Relic Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe History: 1863: Beginning of Mission. 25 Dec. 1 st Mass by Fr J.P. Warmoll. 1874: 30 April Chancel and part nave opened. 1912: Additional bays. Church reopened Jan. 1964: 19 Aug. Consecrated. Parishes Parishes 66 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Registered for Weddings Streamed Online

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Our Lady of Ransom Church Location: 307 Bedford Road, Kempston MK42 8QB Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm Holy Days: 7.30pm History: 1987: 24 Sept made a separate Parish. 2000: clustered with St Joseph and the Holy Child, Bedford. Hospitals: Bedford General Hospital page 97 Manor Hospital page 97 Bedford 2 Christ the King t: 01234 342641 e: Address: The Presbytery, Harrowden Road, Bedford MK42 0SP Website: Facebook: Priest: Rev Richard Aladics Admin Worker: Liz Duggan, Jon Foster Key Catechist: Mechelle Anstead, Liz Duggan, Mary Horsman, Katherine Smith (Confirmations) Catechist: Teresa Williams Webmaster: Jon Foster Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 8.30am (Latin, Extraordinary form), 11am Weekdays: Tue 6.30pm, Wed, Thu 10am, Fri 12noon Holy Days: 10am, 7.30pm Confessions: Fri 11am-11.45am, Sat 3pm-5pm Adoration: Fri 11am (Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament) History: 1953: 12 April Church Hall. 1960: 6 June present Church Blessed. 2010: 4 June, church consecrated. Bedford 3 Holy Cross t: 01234 353116 e: Served from (and correspondence to) SS Philip and James, Bedford page 68 Website: Priest: Rev Alexander Ibe SMMM Deacons: Rev Deacon Tony Quinlan, Rev Deacon Crispin Walkling-Lea Parish Secretary: Sheila Allen Office Hours: Mon, Thu 9am-12pm Holy Cross Church Location: 355 Goldington Road, Bedford MK41 0DP Sunday Mass: Sat 5.30pm , 9am Weekdays: Tue, Wed, Fri 10.15am Please check the parish newsletter for any changes Holy Days: As announced in the parish newsletter Confessions: As announced in the parish newsletter Adoration: Wed 10.45am-11.15am (After 10.15am Mass) History: 1957: 24 Nov. Church blessed. 1966: Parish erected. 2007: Twinned with SS Philip and James, Brickhill. Consecrated 20 October 2007 Parishes Parishes 67 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Registered for Weddings Streamed Online

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Bedford 4 St Frances Cabrini (Italian Church) t: 01234 359515 e: Address: 10 Woburn Road, Bedford MK40 1EG Priest: Rev Giuseppe Bortolazzo CS Sunday Mass: Sat 7pm (English), 8.30am (Portuguese), 10am (Italian), 11.30am (English) Weekdays: Tue-Thu 7pm (Italian), Fri 10.30am (Italian) Mon - as announced Holy Days: 10.30am, 7pm Confessions: English or Italian before Mass Adoration: Fri 10am (Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament) History: 1965: 28 March. Church opened. Bedford 5 SS Philip and James t: 01234 352607 e: Address: 2 Severn Way, Bedford MK41 7BX Website: Priest: Rev Alexander Ibe SMMM Deacons: Rev Deacon Tony Quinlan, Rev Deacon Crispin Walkling-Lea Parish Secretary: Mariateresa Quinlan Office Hours: Tue 11am - 3pm Sunday Mass: 11am Weekdays: Mon, Thu, Sat 10.15am Please check the parish newsletter for any changes to Mass times Confessions: As announced in the parish newsletter History: 1967: 10 Sept opened. 1970: Separate Parish. 2007: Twinned with Holy Cross, Bedford. 2009: 1 May. Consecrated. Hospital: Bedford General Hospital North Wing page 97 Bedford 6 Sacred Heart of Jesus and St Cuthbert (Polish Church) t: 07704 141192 e: Address: Mill Street, Bedford MK40 3EU Website: Priest: Rev Janusz Kopec Sunday Mass: Sat 7pm, 9.30am, 11am (for children), 7pm Weekdays: Mon, Tue, Thu, Sat 9.30am, Wed 7pm, Fri 3pm Holy Days: 9.30am (Polish) As anunounced Confessions: Tue, Thu, Sat 9am-9.25am, Wed, Sat 6.30pm-6.55pm, Fri 2.30pm-2.55pm Before Mass Devotions: Devotion for Our Lady Wed 6.30pm, Devotion for Divine Mercy Fri 3pm, Rosary Sat 9am Parishes Parishes 68 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Registered for Weddings Streamed Online

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Biggleswade St Peter t: 01767 312013 e: Served from (and correspondence to) St Francis of Assisi, Shefford page 89 Website: Priest: Rev Canon Benjamin Noonan Deacon: Rev Deacon John Lang St Peter Church Location: 7a Station Rd, Biggleswade SG18 8AL Sunday Mass: Sat 6.30pm, 11am Weekdays: Mon, Wed, Fri 9.30am Holy Days: 7.30pm Confessions: Sat 5.45pm-6.15pm History: 1905: 12 Nov. Sun St Chapel (`The Upper Room`). Served from Shefford and Hitchin. 1924: 27 Jan. Former Sunday School building Market Square, blessed as Church. 1942: First resident Priest. Fr D. Hillier. 1958: Present site acquired. 1963: New Presbytery. 1973: 10 May present Church blessed. Hospital: Biggleswade Hospital page 97 Hospice: St John`s Hospice page 97 Bletchley see Milton Keynes, St Thomas Aquinas page 85 Bourne End see Beaconsfield, St Teresa of the Child Jesus and SS John Fisher and Thomas More page 66 Brackley St Martin t: 01280 813105 e: Served from (and correspondence to) St Bernardine of Siena, Buckingham page 69 Website: St Martin`s Church Location: Hall`s Lane, Brackley, Northamptonshire NN13 6AN Sunday Mass: 9am Weekdays: Wed 7.30pm, Fri 10am Holy Days: 7.30pm Confessions: Wed 7pm History: 1957: 28 July. Church blessed Buckingham St Bernardine of Siena t: 01280 813105 e: Address: Chandos Road, Buckingham MK18 1AL Website: Priest: Rev Don Bosco Gunturu St Bernardine of Siena Church Location: Chandos Road, Buckingham MK18 1AL Sunday Mass: Sat 5.30pm, 11am Weekdays: Tue-Thu 9.20am, Fri 7pm Holy Days: 9.20am Confessions: Fri 6.30pm, Sat 4.30pm History: 1892: 2 July House Chapel 1 st Mass. 1895: College opened, chapel blessed. 1912: New Chapel opened. 1969: College closed. 1974: 26 Oct. New Church blessed, Chandos Road. 1982: 1 Aug Church Dedicated. Hospitals: Brackley Hospital page 97 Buckingham Hospital page 97 Parishes Parishes 69 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Registered for Weddings Streamed Online

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Burnham Our Lady of Peace and St Andrews t: 01628 605764 e: Address: The Presbytery, Lower Britwell Road, Slough SL2 2NL Website: Facebook: BurnhamCatholicParish/ Priests: Rev Anthony Dampson SMA, Rev Marek Balawender SMA Deacon: Rev Deacon Michael Ossei-Williams Secretary: Venecia Godinho Office Hours: Mon - Fri 8:30am to 12:30pm Our Lady of Peace Church Location: Lower Britwell Rd, Slough SL2 2NL Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 9.30am Weekdays: Mon-Wed, Fri 9.30am, Sat 10am Holy Days: 9.30am, 7.30pm Confessions: Sat 5.15pm-5.45pm Adoration: Mon-Wed, Fri 8.15am-9.10am, Sat 8.45am-9.45am Devotions: Morning Prayer Mon-Wed, Fri 9.15am-9.30am, Rosary: Mon, Tue 10am-10.30am, Rosary Wed, Fri 10am-10.30am, 24 hrs Adoration 1st Fri 10am-10am, Hour of Grace: Praise and worship 1st Fri 7pm-8.30pm, Rosary Sat 10.30am-11am As announced History: 1930: Mass Centre opened, served from Slough. 1935: 15 Sept. Wood Church blessed and opened. Served from Beaconsfield. 1940: Fr Brennan 1st resident Priest. 1941: Became a separate Parish. 1944: Enlarged Wooden Church. 1958: 11 Feb. Present Church opened. 1962: 12 Sept. Consecration. Presently a community of The Missionary of St Paul since Sept 2019 St Andrew`s Shared Church Location: Washington Drive, Cippenham SL1 5RE Sunday Mass: 11.30am Weekdays: Thu 9.30am Holy Days: 9.30am Confessions: On request Adoration: Thu 8.30am-9.30am Devotions: Private Prayers Sat 10am-12noon History: 1970, opened as Britain`s first purpose-built shared church (with the Church of England) School: Our Lady Of Peace Primary &, Nursery page 100 Burton Latimer see Kettering, St Edward page 79 Caddington see Luton, St Margaret of Scotland page 83 Chesham St Columba t: 01494 785269 e: Address: 432 Berkhampstead Road, Chesham HP5 3HQ Website: Facebook: St Columba RC Church Priests: Rev David Nixon MSC, Rev Giacomo Gelardi MSC Deacon: Rev Gerard Felix Sunday Mass: 9am, 1st &, 3rd Sun 12noon (Polish), 6pm Weekdays: See website/newsletter Holy Days: See website/newsletter Confessions: On request History: 1909: 9 May Carmelite Foundation, Closed 1915.1948: Mass Centre opened. 1960: 1 June present Church opened &, parisherected. 1997: 11 Oct Consecration. Parishes Parishes 70 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Registered for Weddings Streamed Online

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Chesham Bois Our Lady of Perpetual Succour t: 01494 727469 e: Address: Our Lady`s Presbytery, 30 Amersham Road, Chesham Bois HP6 5PE Website: Priest: Rev Roy Karakkattu MSFS Deacon: Rev Deacon David Curtis (Little Chalfont) Parish Secretary: Deborah Rogers Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church Location: 30 Amersham Road, Chesham Bois HP6 5PE Sunday Mass: Sat 5pm (Vigil), 9am (Parish Mass), 12noon (Latin Mass) Weekdays: Mon, Tue, Thu 9.30am, Fri 7pm See website/newsletter Holy Days: 9.30am or as announced Confessions: After weekday Masses See website/newsletter Adoration: Fri 6.30pm-7pm (Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction followed by Mass) History: 1915 Church built. 1915: 7 May Church opened. 1915: 30 July Church blessed. 1953: 20 Aug. Extension Blessed. 2015: 31 July Consecration. St Aidan Church Location: Finch Lane, Little Chalfont HP7 9NE Sunday Mass: Sat 6.15pm (Vigil), 8.30am (Polish), 11am (Parish Mass) Weekdays: Fri 9.30am Holy Days: 7pm or as announced Confessions: Fri 10am (After 9.30am Mass), Sat 7pm Adoration: Fri 9am-9.30am (Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction followed by Mass) Streaming: Either the Saturday Vigil/Sunday Mass streamed - please ask Parish for details History: 1948: Mass Centre opened. 1965: 28 Feb. Church blessed &, opened. School: Our Lady`s Primary School page 100 Hospital: Amersham General Hospital page 97 Cippenham see Burnham, Our Lady of Peace and St Andrews page 70 Corby 1 Our Lady of Walsingham t: 01536 203121 e: Address: Presbytery, 71 Occupation Road, Corby NN17 1EE Website: Priest: Rev Christopher Perry Parish Secretaries: Maggie Cleary, Kay Priest Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-1pm Sunday Mass: Sat 6.30pm , 8.30am , 10am Weekdays: Mon-Thu, Sat 9.30am or as published Holy Days: Eve 6pm , 10am As announced Confessions: Sat 10am-10.30am (See newsletter) Devotions: 9.30 Mass History: 1934: Aug Wooden Hut. 1934 Dec. Wooden Church. 1938: Present Church opened. 1963: 11 June Consecration. School: Our Lady Of Walsingham Primary page 100 Parishes Parishes 71 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Registered for Weddings Streamed Online

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Corby 2 St Brendan t: 01536 202879 e: Address: 151 Beanfield Avenue, Corby NN18 0AZ Website: Priest: Rev Canon Mark Floody Office Hours: Tue 9am - 3pm, Thu 9am - 12noon and Fri 1pm - 3pm Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 9.30am, 11am Weekdays: See newsletter/noticeboard Holy Days: See newsletter/noticeboard Confessions: Sat 5pm (or by appointment) Adoration: As announced in Newsletter History: 1956: Hut and school used. 1962: 20 Dec. Present Church. 1976: Consecration. Schools: St Brendan`s Primary page 100 St Patrick`s Primary page 100 Hospital: Corby Community Hospital page 97 Corby 3 St John Ogilvie t: 01536 203121 e: Served from (and correspondence to) Our Lady of Walsingham, Corby page 71 Website: Priest: Rev Christopher Perry Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-1pm St John Ogilvie Church Location: 1 Copenhagen Road, Corby NN18 9BX Sunday Mass: 5pm Weekdays: Fri 9.30am Holy Days: 7pm Confessions: Fri after Mass (see newsletter) History: 1975, Mass said in house. 56 Norse Walk. 1980: 20 Jun Church opened. 1991: 17 Oct Church consecrated. 1996: 16 Sept. Parish clustered with OL of Walsingham. 1997: 22 Nov Parish Status restored. Corby 4 St Joseph (Polish Mission Church) t: 01536 203574 e: Address: St Joseph`s Polish Church, 49 Rockingham Road, Corby NN17 1AJ Website: Priest: Rev Ryszard Taraszka Sunday Mass: Sat 7pm, 10.30am, 4pm Weekdays: Wed-Fri 7pm Holy Days: 10.30am, 4pm Confessions: Half hour before Mass Adoration: 1st Fri 6pm Cranfield University see Milton Keynes, St Mary page 87 Parishes Parishes 72 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Registered for Weddings Streamed Online

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Datchet St Augustine t: 01753 917030 e: Address: 70 Eton Road, Datchet SL3 9AY Website: Priest: Rev Shyju Chacko Office Hours: 10am - 4pm St Augustine`s Church Location: 70 Eton Road, Datchet SL3 9AY Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 11am Weekdays: Mon-Fri 9.30am (Datchet) See newsletter Holy Days: 9.30am Confessions: Any Weekdays after the Mass or by appointment Adoration: Mon, Fri 8.30am-9.15am (Weekdays before the Mass), Fri 10am-10.30am (Benediction -Every Friday) History: 1923: Chapel. Canons Regular of the Lateran Our Lady Of Sorrows Catholic Church Location: 1 Eton Court, Eton, Windsor SL4 6BY Sunday Mass: 9.30am Holy Days: 6.30pm Confessions: Sun 9am-9.30am At call History: 1915: 20 Jan Church opened . 2012: transferred into ownership of Eton College Daventry Our Lady Of Charity &, St Augustine t: 01327 300248 e: Address: 32 London Road, Daventry NN11 4BZ Website: Priest: Rev Mirek Misiura Our Lady Of Charity &, St Augustine Church Location: 32 London Rd, Daventry NN11 4BZ Sunday Mass: Sat 5pm, 10.30am, 12.30pm (Polish) Weekdays: Mon, Thu, Fri 9.15am, Wed, 1st Fri 7pm Holy Days: 9.15am, 7pm Confessions: Sat 4.30pm Adoration: Wed 6.30pm-7pm (before Mass) History: 1880: 8 Dec. First resident Priest, Rev Thomas Fitzgerald. 1880: 15 Dec. House Chapel, London Rd, 1 st Mass. 1882: 16 April Converted stables, London Rd. 1916: 22 Oct Our Lady &, St Augustine, New St opened. 1972: 22 Nov. Our Lady &, St Augustine, London Rd, Blessed. Oct 2019 Consecration. Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Church Location: High Street, Yelvertoft, Northamptonshire NN6 6NA Sunday Mass: 9am History: 1957: 11 Feb. Church opened. Hospital: Danetre Hospital page 97 Denham see Gerrards Cross, St Joseph page 76 Desborough see Kettering, St Edward page 79 Parishes Parishes 73 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Registered for Weddings Streamed Online

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Dunstable 1 St Mary t: 01582 662710 e: Address: 82 West Street, Dunstable LU6 1NY Website: Facebook: stmarysparishdunstable Instagram: smpd.youth Priest: Rev Canon Anthony Brennan (Episcopal Vicar,) Parish Secretary: Mary Wood Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday &, Thursday mornings Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 9.30am, 11.30am Weekdays: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 9.30am On Bank Holidays Mass is at 10am Holy Days: 10am Confessions: Sat 5pm Adoration: Fri 8.45am-9.15am (Exposition and Benediction) Devotions: Rosary Tue 10am-10.30am, Mothers` Prayers 2nd &, 4th Fri 10.15am-11.15am, Rosary Sat 5.30pm-6pm History: 1895: Mass said there. 1928: Chapel Fr G. Taber 1st resident Priest. 1935: First Church opened. 1964: 15 Mar. Present Church opened. Dunstable 2 Our Lady of Czestochowa (Polish Church) t: 01582 662807 e: Address: Our Lady of Czestochowa Presbytery, 17 Victoria Street, Dunstable, Bedfordshire LU6 3AZ Website: Priests: Rev Piotr Redlinski SChr (Priest in Charge) , Rev Grzegorz Suski SChr Sunday Mass: Sat 5pm (Polish), Sat 7pm (Polish, Milton Keynes), 8.30am (Polish), 11.30am (Polish), 2pm (Polish, Milton Keynes), 5pm (Polish, Luton), 7pm (Polish) Weekdays: Mon, Wed, Fri 10am (Polish), Tue, Wed, Fri 7pm (Polish), Thu 7pm (Polish, Milton Keynes) Holy Days: 10am, 7pm Confessions: Before Mass, at call Adoration: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and the opportunity to use the Sacrament of confession half an hour before each Holy Mass Devotions: Rosary Wed 6.30pm, Stations of the Cross Wed 6.30pm History: Church opened 12th May 1968 Duston see Northampton, St Patrick page 63 Parishes Parishes 74 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Registered for Weddings Streamed Online

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East Northants Blessed Peter Wright Cluster t: 01832 617050 e: Address: St Paul`s Presbytery, 2 St Paul`s Gardens, Thrapston NN14 4FE Website: Priest: Rev Benedetto D`Autilia Clustered Parishes Consisting of: St Paul The Apostle St Paul The Apostle Church Location: Sackville Street, Thrapston NN14 4NZ Sunday Mass: 11am Weekdays: Tue, Sat 9am, Thu 10am Confessions: Sat 9.30am-10.15am and by appointment Adoration: Sat 9.30am-10.30am History: 1940: Mass Centre. 1949: 23 June. Wooden Church blessed, Grove Rd. 1964: 7 March. New Church, Sackville Street, blessed. St Thomas More Church Location: 6 Marshalls Rd, Raunds NN9 6HP Sunday Mass: Sat 5pm (Vigil Mass) Weekdays: Mon 10am Confessions: By appointment Devotions: Rosary &, Divine Mercy Fri 2pm-3pm, Stations of the Cross Fri 3pm-4pm History: 1926-33: Served from Rushden, Fr Nutt. 1926: 14 Feb. House Chapel. 1967: Present church opened and served from Rushden. 1968: Served from Thrapston. Most Holy Name of Jesus Most Holy Name of Jesus Church Location: West Street, Oundle PE8 4BH Sunday Mass: 9.15am Weekdays: Fri 10am Confessions: Sat 10.30am-11am and by appointment Adoration: Fri 10.30am-11.15am History: 1948: 8 Aug. St Wilfred, West Street blessed. 1971: Holy Name, West Street, New Church, New Site. Eton see Datchet, St Augustine page 73 Flitwick Sacred Heart t: 01525 715109 e: Address: The Presbytery, 8 Pope Close, Flitwick MK45 1JP Website: Priest: Rev Jerry Manomey Secretary: Aggie Keeble Sunday Mass: Sat 5pm , 9am, 11am Weekdays: Tue-Thu 9.30am, Fri 10am Holy Days: See website Confessions: Fri 9.30am, Sat 4.30pm By appointment Adoration: See website History: 1936: Founded from Ampthill. 1983: 18 April. Consecration of Church. Parishes Parishes 75 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Registered for Weddings Streamed Online

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Gerrards Cross St Joseph t: 01753 886581 e: Address: St Joseph`s Priory, Austenwood Common, Chalfont St Peter, Gerrards Cross SL9 8RY Website: Priests: Rev Bob Davies OCD (Prior &, Parish Priest) , Rev Jerome Ituah OCD (Sub-Prior) , Rev Martin McDonald OCD, Rev John McGowan OCD, Rev Theophilus Nyamali OCD, Rev Maurice Flynn OCD (retired) Key Catechist: Christine Cornwell (1999) Pastoral Associate: Joan Barham Office Hours: Monday 9am to 12 noon. Friday 10am to 12 noon. St Joseph Church Location: Austenwood Common, Chalfont St Peter, Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire SL9 8RY Sunday Mass: Sat 5.30pm , 7.45am , 9am , 11am , 5.30pm Weekdays: Mon-Fri 7am (in the Oratory), Mon-Fri 9am , Sat 10am Holy Days: 7am (in the Oratory), 9am , 7.30pm Confessions: Sat 10.30am-11am and by appointment throughout the week Devotions: Rosary Tue 7.30pm via Zoom-contact Parish Office for details, Thu 7.30pm in the Oratory History: 1913: 14 Sept House/Chapel opened. 1915: 29 July 1st part of Church blessed and opened. 1963: 1 May, Church finished and blessed. 1976: Consecration. The Most Holy Name Church Location: Old Mill Rd, Denham, Uxbridge, Buckinghamshire UB9 5AR Sunday Mass: 9.30am History: 1938: 27 Feb. Mass in Guide Hut. 1962: 7 Jan. Church opened and Blessed. Great Billing Our Lady of Perpetual Succour t: 01604 402301 e: Served from (and correspondence to) The Sacred Heart, Northampton page 63 Website: Priest: Rev Canon Dr Brendan Killeen (JV VF) Administrator: Lorraine Foster Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-12noon Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church &, Diocesan Shrine Location: High Street, Great Billing NN3 5EA Sunday Mass: 9.15am Weekdays: Tue, Thu, Sat 9.30am Holy Days: See website/newsletter Confessions: Sat 10am-10.30am Adoration: Wed 2pm-3pm (and Rosary), Sat 10am-12noon Devotions: Diocesan Shrine to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, Corpus Christi Procession, Veneration of Icon to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour History: 1874: Oratory in Billing Hall. 1878: 8 Sept. Present Church opened. 2006: 8 Sept. Erected as Diocesan Shrine. Parishes Parishes 76 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Registered for Weddings Streamed Online

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Great Missenden Immaculate Heart of Mary t: 01494 862049 e: Served from (and correspondence to) St Columba, Chesham page 70 Website: Priests: Rev David Nixon MSC, Rev Giacomo Gelardi MSC (resident at 432 Berkhampstead Road, Chesham) Deacons: Rev Deacon Peter Collins, Rev Deacon David Curtis (Little Chalfont) Parish Secretary: Keyna Godward Immaculate Heart of Mary Church Location: 23 High Street, Great Missenden HP16 9AA Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 11am, 12.20pm (Polish, 2nd and 4th Sun) see website Weekdays: Wed 10am As announced Holy Days: See website/newsletter Confessions: On request Adoration: Wednesday after Mass - See website/newsletter History: Pre 1954: Mass in Surgery. 1954: Mass in House and Hall. 1964: 5 July Present Church. 2007: 16 June Church dedicated. Hospital: Chiltern Hospital page 97 Haddenham The Good Shepherd t: 01844 290178 e: Address: The Presbytery, 45 The Croft, Haddenham, Buckinghamshire HP17 8AS Website: Priest: Rev Leszek Wisniewski Key Catechist: Angela Robertson Office Hours: Friday 10am to 3pm The Good Shepherd Church Location: 45 The Croft, Haddenham, Buckinghamshire HP17 8AS Tel: 07780 796331 Sunday Mass: Sat 5pm, 9.30am Weekdays: Mon, Wed, Fri 9.30am please check bulletin Holy Days: Eve 5pm, 9.30am Confessions: 1st Fri 9am (French, Polish &, Spanish), 1st Sat 10am (before Devotions) Adoration: 1st Fri 9.30am (After Mass: Benediction with Litany of Sacred Heart of Jesus) Devotions: Mass Rosary &, Adoration 1st Sat 10.30am History: 1965: 16 May Converted buildings blessed. 1990: 14 Jun New Church blessed. Our Lady of Light Church Location: 4 Chearsley Rd, Long Crendon, Buckinghamshire HP18 9BS Sunday Mass: 11am Confessions: On request History: 1963: 6 Sept Fr Wilbur Boswell appointed to start Mission. 1971: 13 May Church Blessed. Parishes Parishes 77 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Registered for Weddings Streamed Online

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High Wycombe 1 St Augustine Apostle of England t: 01494 523969 e: Address: The Presbytery, 24 Amersham Hill, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP13 6NZ Website: Priests: Rev Jonathan Hill, Rev Alessandro Reno Deacon: Rev Deacon Brin Dunsire Sunday Mass: 9am, 11am, 6pm Weekdays: Mon-Fri 9.30am, Sat 9.30am (check newsletter) Holy Days: 9.30am, 6.30pm Confessions: Sat 10.15am-11am Adoration: Sat 10am-11am (Adoration/exposition after Mass) Devotions: Rosary Mon, Fri 10am, Prayer Group upper room Mon 8pm History: 1889: July Rev H Beale sent there. 1889: 3 Nov House Chapel, High Street. 1894: 11 Apr Church, Castle Street opened. 1957: 29 Sept. New Church, Amersham Hill. Consecrated 19 Oct 2018. Hospital: Wycombe General Hospital page 97 Hospice: South Bucks Hospice page 97 High Wycombe 2 St John Henry Newman t: 01494 472526 e: Address: Parish Office, St Wulstan`s, Hollis Road, Totteridge, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP13 7UN Website: Priests: Rev Jonathan Hill, Rev Alessandro Reno Deacon: Rev Deacon Paul Priestley Parish Secretary: Ann Masat Office Hours: Tues, Thurs, Fri 10am - 3pm St Wulstan Church Location: Hollis Road, Totteridge, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP13 7UN Sunday Mass: 9am Weekdays: Tue, Fri 10am Holy Days: Newsletter - As announced Confessions: Sat 11.30am-12noon History: 1970: First Church. 1991: 9 Nov. New Church opened and dedicated. 2010: Oct. Became part of new Parish of Saint John Henry Newman. Our Lady of Grace Church Location: 29 Squirrel Lane, Booker, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP12 4RY Sunday Mass: Sat 5pm, 11am Weekdays: Thu 7pm Holy Days: Newsletter - As announced Confessions: Thu 6.30pm-7pm History: 1981: Church built. 1995: 3 Jan. Parish clustered with St Wulstan`s. 2010: Oct. Became part of new Parish of Saint John Henry Newman. Parishes Parishes 78 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Registered for Weddings Streamed Online

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Iver Heath Bridgettine Convent t: 01753 663027 e: Served from (and correspondence to) St Anthony, Slough page 90 Website: Priest: Rev Nathaniel Onwuekwe (resident at Farnham Road, Slough) Bridgettine Convent Chapel Location: Fulmer Common Rd, Iver Heath SL0 0NR Sunday Mass: Sat 4.30pm, 9am Weekdays: Mon-Fri 7.30am Holy Days: 7.30am Confessions: Sat by request Adoration: Mon-Fri 10am (Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament), Mon-Fri 4pm (Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Rosary &, Evening Prayer) History: 1931: Convent Chapel. Kempston see Bedford, The Holy Child and St Joseph page 66 Kettering St Edward t: 01536 512497 e: Address: 2 The Grove, Kettering, Northamptonshire NN15 7QQ Website: Priest: Rev Gregory Marchwinski Sister: Sr Aidan Richards SND Secretary: Ewa Kirchner Key Catechist: Mary Everington St Edward Church Location: 2 The Grove, Kettering, Northamptonshire NN15 7QQ Website: Sunday Mass: Sat 6.30pm, 8.30am, 10.30am, 1pm (Polish) Weekdays: See website/newsletter Holy Days: As announced Confessions: See website/newsletter or on request Adoration: See website/newsletter Devotions: See website/newsletter History: 1891: 20 Sept Mass in rented Hall, Rev H Stanley. 1892: 1 Jun House/Chapel. 1893: 11 Jan. First St Edward`s Church, Rev Allies. 1940: 20 Oct. New Church opened. 1946: 24 Sept. Consecration. St Nicholas Owen Church Location: Kettering Road, Burton Latimer NN15 5LP Sunday Mass: As announced Weekdays: See website/newsletter Holy Days: As announced History: 1972: 2 March, Blessed. Holy Trinity Church Location: Victoria St, Desborough NN14 2LX Sunday Mass: As announced Weekdays: See website/newsletter Holy Days: As announced Confessions: After Mass As announced History: 1972: Church opened. Parishes Parishes 79 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Registered for Weddings Streamed Online

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St Bernadette Church Location: Rock Hill, Rothwell NN14 6BY Sunday Mass: As announced Weekdays: See website/newsletter Holy Days: As announced Confessions: As announced History: 1959: 19 June. Church blessed. Schools: St Edward`s Primary page 100 St Thomas More Primary page 100 Hospitals: Kettering General Hospital page 97 St Mary`s Hospital page 97 Hospice: Cransley Hospice page 97 King`s Sutton see Aston-le-Walls, The Sacred Heart and Our Lady page 64 Laxton Laxton Hall (Polish Residental Home) t: 01780 444292 e: Address: Laxton Hall, Near Corby, Northamptonshire NN17 3AU Priest: Rev Andrzej Budzynski Sisters: Sr Magdalena Michas (Superior) , Sr Teresa Sabok Sunday Mass: 10am, 12noon (Polish) Please seek permission before attending Mass Weekdays: Mon-Fri 7am (Polish) Confessions: Sun 11.30am Before Mass Adoration: 1st Sat 2pm-5pm Devotions: Polish Thu 4.30pm-5pm History: 1924: 13 Nov. Dominican College opened. 1926: 31 Jan. Chapel Blessed. 1970: 3 Dec. Polish Franciscan Fathers. Since 1970 Laxton Hall has as been converted into a residential care home. P.C.M Housing Association Ltd, owns the Home. which is staffed by the Polish Sisters of Mary Immaculate, and Polish-speaking staff. Leighton Buzzard The Sacred Heart t: 01525 372321 e: Address: 5 Beaudesert, Leighton Buzzard LU7 1HZ Website: Priest: Rev John Danford Deacon: Rev Deacon Tony Falcon Sunday Mass: Sat 6.15pm, 9am, 11am Weekdays: Mon, Thu, Fri 10am Holy Days: 7pm See website/newsletter Confessions: Sat 5.45pm-6pm Adoration: See newsletter History: 1892 Mass said there by Rev Henry Parkes from Wolverton. 1895: 31 Oct. House/Chapel. Fr Reilly 1 st resident priest. 1897: 16 Dec. Iron Chapel opened. 1953: 19 Jun New Church. Little Chalfont see Chesham Bois, Our Lady of Perpetual Succour page 71 Long Crendon see Haddenham, The Good Shepherd page 77 Parishes Parishes 80 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Registered for Weddings Streamed Online

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Luton 1 Our Lady Help of Christians t: 01582 723254 e: Address: Presbytery, 52 Castle Street, Luton LU1 3AG Website: Facebook: Our Lady Help of Christians, Luton Priest: Rev Brendan Seery (Pastor) Parish Admin: Charlotte Seery Office Hours: Mon, Tue, Wed, 10am - 2pm Sunday Mass: 9.30am, 11.30am, 5pm Weekdays: Mon-Wed 7.30am, Mon, Wed, Fri 12.45pm, Sat 9.30am Holy Days: 7.30am, 12.45pm Confessions: Mon, Wed, Fri 12noon-12.30pm, Sat 9am-9.30am Adoration: Mon, Wed, Fri 12noon-12.30pm, Sat 9am-9.30am History: 1884: 20 Jan. House Chapel, Rothersay Road, served by Rev Joseph A O`Connor. 1886: 25 Dec. Iron Chapel, Castle St opened. 1910: 8 Nov. New Church, Castle St opened. 1959: Church enlarged. Hospital: Luton and Dunstable General Hospital page 97 Luton 2 The Holy Ghost t: 01582 722127 e: Address: Parochial House, 33 Westbourne Road, Beach Hill, Luton LU4 8JD Website: Facebook: holyghostluton X (Twitter): at holyghostluton Priest: Rev Mgr Kevin McGinnell (VF) Parish Secretary: Caroline Anderson Office Hours: 9am-2pm Monday-Friday The Holy Ghost Church Location: 33 Westbourne Road, Beach Hill, Luton LU4 8JD Tel: 01582 728849 Sunday Mass: 8.30am, 10am, 11.30am Weekdays: Mon, Wed 9am, Tue, Fri 7.30pm, Thu 11am Holy Days: 11am, 7.30pm Confessions: Fri 8pm-8.25pm and on request Adoration: Fri 8pm-8.25pm Devotions: Fri 8pm-8.25pm Syro Malabar: 1st Sat 3pm, 3rd Sat 10am Syro Malankara: 2nd Sat 2pm, 4th Sat 10.30am Language Masses: Polish Mass - Sun 5pm History: 1964. Church Blessed 7 June 1965 Parishes Parishes 81 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Registered for Weddings Streamed Online

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Luton 3 Sacred Heart of Jesus t: 01582 723099 e: Address: 148 Ashcroft Road, Luton LU2 9AY Website: Priests: Rev Allan R. Jones CRIC, Rev Dr James Cassidy CRIC (Assistant Parish Priest) Deacon: Rev Deacon Jim Bannan Parish Secretary: Bernadette Horsted Parish Hall: Wesley Weekes ( Office Hours: Mon, Wed, Fri 10am - 12noon Sunday Mass: Sat 6.30pm, 9am, 11am Weekdays: Mon-Fri 9.30am Bank Holidays 10am Holy Days: 9.30am, 7.30pm Confessions: Sat 11am-11.30am Devotions: Morning Prayer Sun 8.15am, Evening Prayer Sat 5.45pm Rosary before Mass Mon-Fri. at 9.10 am History: 1942: 8 March Mass Centre at St Thomas` Institute. 1948: Mass in Hall or House, Fr George Walker first resident Priest. 1950: 26 Nov. Church Blessed and Opened. 1953: 26 Oct. Erected Parish, Fr George Walker first Parish Priest. 2008: 30 Sept. Consecrated. School: Sacred Heart Primary page 100 Luton 4 The Holy Family &, St John the Apostle t: 01582 502400 e: Address: The Holy Family, 24 Freshwater Close, Luton LU3 3TA Website: Priests: Rev Ebin Thomas, Rev Jobin Koshackal Jose (Assistant Priest) Deacon: Rev Deacon James Hannigan Parish Secretary: Paula Glen Office Hours: Tues &, Fri 10am - 2pm The Holy Family Church Location: 24 Freshwater Close, Luton LU3 3TA Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 9am, 12noon Weekdays: Tue, Fri 9.30am Holy Days: 7.30pm Confessions: Sat 5.15pm-5.45pm Adoration: Fri 8.30am-9.30am (Adoration) History: 1976: Opening of Mission. 1983: New Church. 2002: Joined as one Parish with St John the Apostle. St John the Apostle Church Location: 296 Sundon Park Road, Luton LU3 3AL Sunday Mass: 10.30am Weekdays: Mon, Thu 9.30am Holy Days: 9.30am Adoration: Mon 8.30am-9.30am (Adoration) Hospice: Keech Hospice Care page 97 Parishes Parishes 82 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Registered for Weddings Streamed Online

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Luton 5 St Joseph The Worker t: 01582 571187 e: Address: 68 Gardenia Avenue, Limbury, Luton LU3 2NS Website: Priest: Rev Canon John McArdle Deacons: Rev Deacon Erik Kerr, Rev Deacon James Grennell (retired) Parish Secretary: Mireille McIntosh Pastoral Worker: Deirdre Mitchell Office Hours: 9am - 1pm Monday - Friday Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 9am, 11am Weekdays: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 10am As announced Holy Days: 10am, 7pm As announced Confessions: Sat 10am-10.30am and on request Adoration: Fri 10.30am-11.30am (after morning Mass) History: 1937: Temporary Church opened. 1960: 11 Feb. New Church opened. School: St Joseph`s Primary page 100 Luton 6 St Margaret of Scotland t: 01582 522516 or 01582 720966 e: Address: 22a Bolingbroke Road, Farley Hill, Luton LU1 5JD Website: Priests: Rev Eustace Durugbo, Rev Ugo Nnaji Parish Secretary: Julie Jones Office Hours: 9am to 12pm St Margaret of Scotland Church Location: Bolingbroke Road, Farley Hill, Luton LU1 5JD Sunday Mass: 9am, 11am Weekdays: Mon-Wed, Fri 9am Holy Days: 9am, 7pm Confessions: Sat 11.30am-12noon History: 1956: Hall completed for Mass. 1958: 10 May. Parish erected, Fr Jenkinson first Parish Priest. 1960: 23 Nov. Formal opening of new Church. St Thomas Church Location: Manor Road, Caddington, nr Luton LU1 4HH Sunday Mass: Sat 5pm History: 1964: 30 Aug. Church blessed School: St Margaret Of Scotland Primary page 100 Parishes Parishes 83 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Registered for Weddings Streamed Online

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Luton 7 St Martin de Porres t: 01582 663706 e: Address: 366 Leagrave High Street, Luton LU4 0NG Website: Facebook: StMartinsLuton/ Priests: Rev Canon Michael Harrison (VG) , Rev Liam Castle Administrator: Elaine Goodship Office Hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs &, Fri 9.15am-1.15pm Sunday Mass: Sat 6.30pm, 9am, 11am Weekdays: Tue, Fri 9.30am, Wed 12.30pm, Thu 6.30pm Holy Days: 9.30am, 6.30pm Confessions: Sat 5.30pm-6pm Adoration: Tue 10am (Adoration), Thu 7pm (Adoration), Sat 5.30pm-6.15pm Devotions: Rosary before Sunday 11am Mass History: 1962: Start of Mission. 1979: 5 Nov. New Church blessed. 2001: 4 May. Church consecrated. School: St Martin De Porres Primary page 100 Hospital: L&,D General Hospital page 97 Marlow St Peter t: 01628 483696 e: Address: 7 St Peter Street, Marlow, Buckinghamshire SL7 1NQ Website: Facebook: StPetersMarlow Priests: Canon John Udris, Rev Kenneth Bowen (retired) Deacon: Rev Deacon Kevin Ryan Sunday Mass: 9am, 11am, 5.30pm Weekdays: Mon-Sat 10am see newsletter Holy Days: 10am, 7.30pm Confessions: Sat 10.30am-11am, Sat 6pm-6.30pm (or at request) Adoration: Sat 10.30am-11am Devotions: Rosary Tue 9.30am-9.50am History: 1844: House Chapel, Fr Peter Coop MA. 1846: 29 July Church consecrated and opened. 1970: 4 Nov. Blessing and opening of extended Church. School: St Peter`s Primary page 100 Milton Keynes 1 St Augustine t: 01908 978575 e: Address: St Augustine`s Presbytery, Langcliffe Drive, Heelands, Milton Keynes MK13 7PL Website: Priest: Rev Emmauel Okami Secretary: Mary Ndagire Office Hours: Tue, Wed, Fri 10am-1pm St Augustine Church Location: Langcliffe Drive, Heelands, Milton Keynes MK13 7PL Sunday Mass: Sat 7pm (Polish), 8am, 9.30am, 11.30am, 2pm (Polish), 6.30pm Weekdays: Mon-Wed 9.30am (usually), Fri 7pm, Sat 9am (Usually) Holy Days: See website/newsletter Confessions: Fri 6pm Adoration: Fri 6pm (Exposition) History: 1974: May. Masses began in Parish. 1975: Dec. Mass in Christ Church Ecumenical Centre. 1981: Sept. Blessing and Dedication of Church. 2007: Consecration of Church. Parishes Parishes 84 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Registered for Weddings Streamed Online

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Milton Keynes 2 St Mary Magdalene t: 01908 564363 e: Served from (and correspondence to) St Francis de Sales, Wolverton page 93 Website: Priest: Rev Bernard Barrett (resident at St Francis de Sales Presbytery, Wolverton) Parish Secretary: Dawn Clark St Mary Magdalene Church Location: 105 High Street, Stony Stratford MK11 1AT Tel: 01908 842701 Sunday Mass: 9.15am Weekdays: See website/newsletter Holy Days: 10.30am Confessions: Sat 10.30am-11.30am (usually) Devotions: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Wed (see the newsletter for exact times). First Fri and First Sat devotions each month. See the website or newsletter for full details. History: 1954. 1958: 25 Sept. Church Blessed. 1984: 24 Nov. Church consecrated. 2002: Joined as one Parish with St Francis de Sales, Wolverton. School: St Mary Magdalene Primary page 100 Milton Keynes 3 , Bletchley St Thomas Aquinas t: 01908 372315 e: Address: 1 Sycamore Avenue, Bletchley MK2 2JE Website: Priests: Rev Gerard Byrne, Rev Jithu James Parish Secretary: Jo Cerrone Office Hours: 11am to 2.30pm Monday to Friday St Thomas Aquinas Church Location: 1 Sycamore Avenue, Bletchley MK2 2JE Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm Weekdays: Mon, Wed, Fri 10am, Thu 7pm, Sat 9.30am Holy Days: As advertised Confessions: Sat 10am-10.30am Adoration: Mon 10.30am-11am (Adoration &, Benediction), Sat 10am-10.45am As announced Devotions: Holy Rosary Mon, Wed, Fri 9.30am-9.50am, Holy Rosary and Devotions Sat 10am-10.45am History: 1901: Mass in House. 1920: 30 May, Church Street Church opened. 1956: 14 Jun, New Church, Sycamore Ave blessed. 1981: Jun, Church consecrated. 2006: Parish renamed `St Thomas and All Saints`. All Saints Church Location: Shenley Rd, Bletchley MK3 6HG Sunday Mass: 9am, 11am, 6.30pm Weekdays: Tue, Thu 10am, Tue 7pm Holy Days: As advertised Confessions: Thu 9.30am-9.55am Adoration: Tue 10.30am-6.45pm (Adoration &, Benediction) Devotions: Holy Rosary Tue, Thu 9.30am-9.50am History: 1965: New Church 2006: Meeting room added. Schools: Bishop Parker Primary page 100 St Thomas Aquinas Primary page 100 Parishes Parishes 85 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Registered for Weddings Streamed Online

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Milton Keynes 4 St Barnabas - Area Cluster t: 01908 221228 e: Address: Parish Office, 1 Frithwood Crescent, Kents Hill, Milton Keynes MK7 6HQ Priests: Rev Canon Francis Higgins (Episcopal Vicar, resident at St Mary`s Presbytery, Woburn Sands) , Rev Mark Owen CSsR (resident at St Edward`s Presbytery, Milton Keynes) Deacons: Rev Deacon Klaus Reidel, Rev Deacon John Walls Administrator: Gillian McIntyre Admin Assistant: Emily Elvin Pastoral Assistant: Philip Allsop Clustered Parishes Consisting of: Our Lady of Lourdes St Paul`s School Location: Moorgate, Leadenhall, Milton Keynes MK6 5NA Sunday Mass: 9.30am, 2nd Sun 5pm (Tamil Mass), 1st Sun 6pm (Malayalam) Holy Days: See website/newsletter History: 1974: Parish founded. 1976: Church opened and blessed. 2001: 10 Feb. Church dedicated. Ecumenical Church of Christ the Cornerstone Church Location: 300 Saxon Gate West, Milton Keynes MK9 2ES Sunday Mass: Sat 5.30pm (Vigil) Weekdays: Mon 12.30pm Holy Days: 12.30pm Confessions: Sat 5pm History: 1987: First Mass in town centre. 1992: Church opened. Hospital: Milton Keynes University Hospital page 97 Christ the King Church of Christ the King Location: Frithwood Crescent, Kents Hill, Milton Keynes MK7 6HQ Sunday Mass: 9.30am (The Community Church Service), 11.30am Holy Days: See website/newsletter Confessions: By appointment History: 1993: 28 Nov. Church opened and Ecumenically dedicated. School: St Bernadette`s Primary page 100 Hospice: Willen Hospice page 97 St Bede St Bede Church Location: High Street, Newport Pagnell, Buckinghamshire MK16 8EN Sunday Mass: 8.30am Weekdays: Fri 10am Holy Days: See website/newsletter Confessions: By appointment History: 1953: 8 Mar. Chapel of St Bede opened. 1957: First resident Priest, Fr H Hartmann. 1963: 5 May. Parish erected. 1987: Dec. Dedication of renovated Church. 1999: Clustered with Christ the King Milton Keynes. Parishes Parishes 86 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Registered for Weddings Streamed Online

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St Mary St Mary Church Location: Aspley Hill, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes MK17 8NN Sunday Mass: 11am Weekdays: Tue 10am Holy Days: See website/newsletter Confessions: By Appointment History: 1926: First Mass in Fir Tree Hotel. 1929: Fr. C. Banham, first resident Priest. 1932: Wooden Church, Theydon Avenue. 1956: 2 July, New Church blessed &, opened. 1957: 8 May, consecration. Religious: Daughters of the Holy Spirit page 55 St Edward the Confessor St Edward the Confessor Church Location: Burchard Cresent, Shenley Church End, Milton Keynes MK5 6DX Sunday Mass: 10am Weekdays: Thu 10am See website/newsletter Holy Days: See website/newsletter History: 1991: 7 June, Church opened and dedicated. Newport Pagnall see Milton Keynes, St Bede page 86 Olney Our Lady Help of Christians and St Lawrence t: 01234 711212 e: Address: 39-41 West Street, Olney MK46 5HH Website: Priest: Rev David Barrett Deacon: Rev Deacon Peter Griffin Parish Secretary: Denise Wallinger Office Hours: Tuesday 9am -2pm Friday 9am-1pm Sunday Mass: Sat 6.30pm, 10.30am Weekdays: Mon No Mass, Tue, Fri, Sat 10am , Thu 10am (Service of Word and Communion) See Newsletter/noticeboard Holy Days: 10am , 7pm Confessions: Sat 10.30am-11.20am, Sat 5.45pm-6.15pm (And on request) Adoration: Fri 9.15am-10am , Sat 10.30am-11.30am History: 1899: March. Parish moves from Weston Underwood. Mass in Hall, Fr C de Wiart. 1900: 18 Nov. Opening of Chapel. 1952: 26 Aug. Consecration. 1990: 15 Oct. Renovated Church Blessed. Renovated Church Hall 2017. Dedicated September 2017. Oundle see East Northants, Blessed Peter Wright Cluster page 75 Parishes Parishes 87 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Registered for Weddings Streamed Online

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Princes Risborough St Teresa of the Child Jesus t: 01844 345578 e: Address: New Road, Princes Risborough HP27 0JN Website: Facebook: groups/Stteresasparish/ Priest: Rev Lijo Jose Payikkattu MSFS Deacon: Deacon Gordon Nunn Admin Worker: Suzanne Mancini Office Hours: Mon, Wed, Fri 9am-12.30pm Sunday Mass: Sat 6.30pm, 9.30am Weekdays: As announced in weekly bulletin Holy Days: As announced in weekly bulletin Confessions: Mon 9am-12.30pm (or on request), Wed, Fri 9am-12.30pm Adoration: Weekdays 30 mins before the Mass Devotions: Fortnightly Prayer Group Tue 7.30pm-8pm History: 1923: 11 Feb. Mass said for the first time in Hall. 1928: 27 May Iron Hut. 1938: 6 June New Church Blessed and opened. 1945: 3 Oct. Consecration. Raunds see East Northants, Blessed Peter Wright Cluster page 75 Rothwell see Kettering, St Edward page 79 Rushden St Peter t: 01933 353649 e: Address: 1 Hayway, Rushden NN10 6AG Website: Facebook: St. Peter Apostle RC Church, Rushden Priest: Rev Dariusz Bialowas Deacon: Rev Deacon Peter Remmington Secretary: Charmaine Augustus Sunday Mass: Sat 6.30pm, 10am Weekdays: See parish newsletter/website Holy Days: 9.30am, 7.30pm Confessions: see parish newsletter Adoration: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament see newsletter Devotions: Rosary Wed 7.10pm History: 1902: 31 Aug. House Chapel (9 Alfred St.) Fr James Shore. 1905: 5 March Temporary Church (Higham Rd) opened. 1956: 27 May. New Church (Higham Rd.) opened. Parishes Parishes 88 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Registered for Weddings Streamed Online

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Shefford St Francis of Assisi t: 01462 813436 e: Address: St Francis of Assisi Presbytery, 25 High Street, Shefford SG17 5DD Priest: Rev Canon Benjamin Noonan Deacon: Rev Deacon Peter Hyde Sunday Mass: 9am, 5.15pm Weekdays: Tue, Thu 9.30am, Sat 11am As announced in weekly bulletin Holy Days: 9.30am Confessions: Sat 10.30am-10.55am (and by request after Sat Mass) Adoration: Wed 7pm (Exposition), Fri 10am (Exposition) Devotions: Prayer Group 1st Mon 8pm, Fatima Devotions 1st Sat 10am History: Riding Mission 1720s. 1728: House Chapel. 1791: St George`s Chapel. 1868: Fr Wm. Collis arrived. 1884: 8 July St Francis Church opened. 1894: 3 July. Consecrated. 1880-1907: Diocesan Seminary. 1869-1974: Boy`s Home. Slough 1 Our Lady Immaculate and St Ethelbert t: 01753 523147 e: Address: Wellington Street, Slough SL1 1XU Website: Priest: Rev Pius Amoako (Vocations Director ) Secretary: Millie Almeida Treasurer: John McNiece Safeguarding: Rosina Majoni (07939548823) Estate Manager: John Idigo Sacristan: Roque Diaz, Natalina Siqueira Sunday Mass: 9am, 11am, 6.30pm Weekdays: Mon, Thu, Sat 10am, Tue No Mass, Wed 6.30pm, Fri 12.30pm Please check website &, bulletin Holy Days: 10am, 6.30pm Confessions: Wed 4pm-6pm, Thu 10.30am-1pm, Fri 10am-12.30pm, Sat 10.45am (By appointment) Adoration: Wed 4pm-6.30pm, Thu 10.30am-1pm, Fri 10am-12.30pm Devotions: Adoration &, Benediction Fri 12noon-12.30pm, Prayer, Praise and Worship Last Fri 7pm-9pm As announced History: 1885: 4 Nov. Herschel Street Chapel blessed, Fr Joseph Clementine. 1910: 19 April. New Church consecrated. 1910:20 April. Opening of Church. School: St Ethelbert Primary &, Nursery page 100 Religious: Daughters of Mary, Mother of Mercy page 54 Hospital: Upton Hospital page 97 Slough 2 Church of the Holy Redeemer t: 01753 578328 e: Address: Wexham Road, Slough SL2 5QR Website: Priest: Rev Chris McGuinness SPS Parish Secretary: Helen O`Neil Sunday Mass: 9am, 11am Weekdays: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 9.30am, Wed 7.15pm (Reading of the Word and Communion) Holy Days: 7.30pm Confessions: Before and after all Masses and on request History: 1968: Church completed. 1969: 5 March blessing of the Church. 1980: Created a separate Parish. 1990: New Church opened. School: St Ethelbert Primary &, Nursery page 100 Hospital: Wexham Park Hospital page 97 Parishes Parishes 89 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Registered for Weddings Streamed Online

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Slough 3 , Langley The Holy Family t: 01753 543770 e: Address: 226 Trelawney Avenue, Langley, Slough, Berkshire SL3 7UD Website: Priest: Rev Canon Kevin O`Driscoll (VF) Deacon: Rev Deacon Graham Jones Secretary: Lisa Chau Key Catechist: Veronica Russell Parish Assistant: Kieran McKeown Sunday Mass: Sat 5pm, 9.30am, 11.30am Weekdays: Tue, Wed, Fri 10am If you are visiting please ring to confirm times Holy Days: As announced Confessions: 1st Sat 10am (Reconciliation Service), 2nd &, 3rd Sat 10am-11am (Individual Confession) Adoration: Fri 10.30am (After Morning Mass) Devotions: After Morning Mass Tue 10.30am, 1st Fri 7pm History: 1955: Mass in local school. 1957: Church built, and parish separated from St Ethelbert`s. 1968: consecrated, 8th May. School: Holy Family Primary page 100 Slough 4 , Farnham Royal St Anthony t: 01753 267918 e: Address: Farnham Road, Slough, Berkshire SL2 3AE Website: Priest: Rev Nathaniel Onwuekwe Deacons: Rev Deacon Paul Lipscomb, Rev Deacon Lanre Sanni Secretary: Steph Simonetti Office Hours: Tue, Wed, Fri 9-1pm Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 8am, 10.30am Weekdays: Mon-Wed, Fri 9.30am (Rosary &, Mass) Holy Days: See website/newsletter History: 1934: 22 July first Mass by resident Priest. 1943: Aug. Permanent Chapel, Weekday Mass, Wyvis Lodge. Sunday Mass in School. 1943: Nov. Separated from St Ethelbert`s. 1964: 22 Feb. New church opened. School: St Anthony`s Primary page 100 Religious: Daughters of Mary, Mother of Mercy page 54 Slough 5 Polish Church of Divine Mercy t: 01753 533861 e: Address: 48 Pitts Road, Slough SL1 3XH Website: Facebook: ParafiaSlough Priests: Rev Leszek Buba, Rev Janusz Zbroniec Deacon: Rev Deacon Marek Gajdus Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm (Polish), 8am (Polish), 10am (Polish), 12noon (Polish), 6pm (Polish, Cancel during the summer bank holiday time) Weekdays: Tue-1st &, 3rd Fri 7pm (Polish), Wed, Fri 10.15am (Polish), 1st Sat 8am (Polish), Sat 6pm (Polish) Confessions: Tue-Thu 5.30pm-6.45pm (Polish), 7.15am-7.45am (Polish), 1st &, 3rd Fri 8pm-9pm (Polish), Sat 5pm-5.50pm (Polish) Adoration: Tue-Fri 6pm-6.45pm, 1st Fri 8pm-8am, Sat 5pm-5.45pm Devotions: The Adoration with cannons Taize 1st Fri 8pm-9pm History: 1970. Land in Pitts Rd acquired. 1980: Adjoining Polish Centre acquired. 1984: Church and Catholic Centre completed and dedicated. Parishes Parishes 90 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Registered for Weddings Streamed Online

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Stony Stratford see Milton Keynes, St Mary Magdalene page 85 Thrapston see East Northants, Blessed Peter Wright Cluster page 75 Turvey Monastery of Christ Our Saviour t: 01234 881211 e: Address: Monastery of Christ Our Saviour, Jacks Lane, Turvey, Bedfordshire MK43 8DH Website: Priest: Rev Bro John Mayhead OSB History: We share worship with Priory of Our Lady of Peace, run a guesthouse and host Psychotherapy training courses and groups including a joint spirituality/psychotherapy group on a monthly basis. Turvey Priory of Our Lady of Peace t: 01234 881432 e: Address: Priory of Our Lady of Peace, Turvey Abbey, Turvey MK43 8DE Website: Prioress: Zoe Davis Sunday Mass: 8.30am (Turvey Abbey Chapel) Weekdays: Mon-Fri History: In 1981 Turvey Abbey became home to the Benedictine community of the Priory of Our Lady of Peace. Religious: Benedictines (Olivetan) page 54 Wellingborough 1 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart t: 01933 222780 e: Address: 82 Knox Road, Wellingborough NN8 1JA Website: Priest: Rev Paul Inman Parish Secretary: Liz O`Boyle Key Catechist: Mary Donaldson Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church Location: 82 Knox Rd, Wellingborough NN8 1JA Sunday Mass: Sat 6pm, 9am, 12.30pm (Polish) Weekdays: Mon 9.15am, Wed 12.30pm, Fri 10am, Sat 6pm Holy Days: 7pm Confessions: Sat 5pm-6pm Adoration: Wed 12noon-12.30pm Devotions: Divine Mercy Chaplet Wed 12noon, Rosary Sat 5.30pm History: 1868: Served from Northampton. 1871: First resident Priest, Fr Nicholas Darnell. 1881: 21 July. House Chapel opened. 1884: Aug. Iron Chapel opened. 1886: 2 Sept. New Church opened. 1954: 4 May Consecration. Parishes Parishes 91 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Registered for Weddings Streamed Online

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St Edmund Campion Church Location: Henshaw Rd, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire NN8 2BE Sunday Mass: 10.30am, 5.30pm Weekdays: Tue 12noon, Thu 9.15am Confessions: Sun 5pm-5.30pm Adoration: Tue 11.30am-12noon Devotions: Charismatic Prayer Group of Jesus Mon 7.30pm-9pm, SVP Conference 1st &, 3rd Mon 7.30pm-8.45pm History: 1972: 2 June, blessed. Hospital: Isebrook Hospital page 97 Wendover St Anne t: 07753 633713 e: Address: St Anne`s Church, Aylesbury Road, Wendover HP22 6JG Priest: Very Rev Canon Derek Turnham Deacon: Rev Peter Swindlehurst Sunday Mass: 9am Weekdays: Mon, Wed, Thu, Sat 9.30am, Tue 10.15am Holy Days: As announced Confessions: Sat 10am-10.30am Adoration: Sat 10am-10.30am History: 1951: 1 April Church opened, London Rd. 1961: 11 Dec. New site, Aylesbury Rd Church opened: 1968 Church sharing agreement with Wendover Free Church. Winslow St Alban`s RC Parish e: Address: St Laurence Anglican Church, St Laurence Room, Market Square, Winslow MK18 3AB Website: Priest: Rev Anton Webb Sunday Mass: 1st Sat 6pm (1st Saturday of month only), 11.30am (Every Sunday except after 1st Saturday) Holy Days: 6pm (If a Holy Day falls on a Friday, it is celebrated as a Vigil on the Thursday at 6pm. Please check Parish Newsletter) Confessions: 1st Sat 5.30pm History: Old RC Chapel, 1941. 1948: 12 Sept. Blessed. Closed 2016: 13 April. Woburn Sands see Milton Keynes, St Mary page 87 Parishes Parishes 92 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Registered for Weddings Streamed Online

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Wolverton St Francis de Sales t: 01908 842701/564363 e: Address: Parish Centre - for correspondence, 105 High Street, Stony Stratford, Milton Keynes MK11 1AT Website: Priest: Rev Bernard Barrett (resident at St Francis de Sales Presbytery) Parish Secretary: Dawn Clark Office Hours: Mon - Fri 9am to 12 noon St Francis de Sales Church Location: Radcliffe Street, Wolverton MK12 5LJ Sunday Mass: Sat 6.30pm, 11.30am Weekdays: See website/newsletter Holy Days: 7.30pm Confessions: See website/newsletter Devotions: Divine Mercy Sun 12.30pm Marian Procession (May) Healing Mass twice a year (usually Feb &, Oct) but see website/newsletter History: 1865: Mass in Hall, Rev WM Blackman. 1867: Trinity Sunday, Church and first resident Priest, Fr WM Blackman. 1981: 24 Jan. Church consecrated. Yelvertoft see Daventry, Our Lady Of Charity &, St Augustine page 73 Parishes Parishes 93 Loop System Disabled Facilities Disabled Access Facilities &, Access Disabled Parking Registered for Weddings Streamed Online

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Parishes Statistics 94 PARISH RETURNS 2022 Catechumens Baptisms Receptions 1st Holy Communion Confirmation Marriages Funerals Mass Attendance Northampton Pastoral Area: St Thomas of Canterbury CATHEDRAL 13 56 11 60 55 16 91 845 Sacred Ht, ASTON - le - WALLS 0 0 0 8 0 1 3 68 Sacred Ht, WESTON FAVELL 0 35 0 32 1 1 10 176 Shrine, GREAT BILLING 0 15 0 0 0 1 3 101 SS Francis &, Therese 0 5 0 10 0 2 3 194 St Aidan`s 0 15 0 5 0 2 6 135 St Augustine`s DAVENTRY 1 6 0 0 0 0 22 190 St Gregory`s 0 40 0 16 7 1 19 268 St Patrick`s, DUSTON 0 13 0 12 0 0 8 125 St Thomas More, T`CESTER 2 7 0 12 0 1 9 129 North Northants Pastoral Area: St Luke Mst Hly Nm Jesus, OUNDLE 0 1 0 4 13 1 3 79 OL of Walsingham, CORBY 9 56 1 82 46 9 51 324 Sacred H &, OL, W`BOROUGH 3 50 1 103 48 10 41 703 St Brendan`s, CORBY 5 31 0 10 41 5 29 271 St Edward`s, KETTERING 0 49 0 83 44 4 35 578 St John Olgivie, CORBY 0 2 0 2 3 0 2 72 St Patrick`s, CORBY 0 0 0 25 16 0 0 73 St Paul`s, THRAPSTON 0 4 0 0 0 0 3 111 St Peter`s, RUSHDEN 0 8 0 16 25 0 14 221 Bedfordshire Pastoral Area: St Josephine Bakhitta Christ the King 9 43 2 61 52 6 12 525 Holy Child &, St Joseph`s 1 32 0 28 20 10 14 505 Holy Cross 13 15 0 3 0 0 22 234 OL Of Ransom, KEMPSTON 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 63 Sacred Heart, FLITWICK 0 31 0 66 0 0 26 139 Sacred Heart, L BUZZARD 3 28 1 18 7 4 23 305 SS Philip &, James 13 11 0 12 0 4 30 121 St Frances Cabrini 0 15 0 25 0 11 40 251 St Francis Assisi, SHEFFORD 0 10 0 6 0 4 12 106 St Peter`s, BIGGLESWADE 0 10 1 15 1 5 6 148

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Parishes Statistics 95 Milton Keynes Pastoral Area: St Paul Christ the King, KENTS HILL 0 13 0 46 0 0 2 194 OL H lp of Christians, OLNEY 1 9 5 14 12 1 9 187 OL of Lourdes 0 6 0 24 0 2 2 407 St Albans, Winslow 0 15 0 33 23 0 10 41 St Augustines, HEELANDS 0 58 0 91 0 4 21 794 St Bede`s, N PAGNELL 0 6 0 11 0 0 2 105 St Bernardine`s, BUCK ’, HAM 0 12 0 12 0 2 4 255 St Edward the Confessor 0 9 0 19 88 14 11 236 St F s de Sales/St Mary Mag 11 7 2 12 3 4 4 183 St Mary`s, WOBURN SANDS 0 20 0 14 0 11 19 173 St Thomas Aqu ’, as/All Saints 81 48 4 105 27 6 37 723 South Bucks Pastoral Area: St Monica IHM, GT MISSENDEN 3 5 0 10 2 1 7 66 OL of Pep Succour, C BOIS 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 St Aidan`s, L CHALFONT 0 12 0 25 40 3 11 156 St Augustine`s, H WYC 0 50 1 35 0 2 25 387 St Columba`s, CHESHAM 18 14 0 8 0 1 8 113 St Dunstan`s, BRN END 0 6 0 4 4 0 5 105 St John Henry Newman 0 15 0 12 0 1 5 213 St Joseph`s, G CROSS 0 82 0 47 60 14 30 390 St Peter`s, MARLOW 2 39 0 28 19 8 18 213 St Teresa`s, BEACONSFIELD 54 42 1 32 21 6 19 293 Luton Pastoral Area: St Alban Holy Family 0 84 2 83 29 5 47 245 Holy Ghost 0 12 0 13 22 5 28 518 Our Lady Help of Christians 45 9 0 30 22 1 24 618 Sacred Heart of Jesus 0 31 0 66 0 0 26 439 St John the Apostle 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 403 St Joseph the Worker 0 29 1 55 36 11 26 488 St Margaret`s 0 13 0 42 0 0 5 163 St Martin De Porres 2 45 2 42 33 3 32 267 St Mary`s, DUNSTABLE 3 83 1 66 39 22 48 554 Aylesbury Pastoral Area: St John Fisher OL of Lourdes &, Wendover 0 19 0 30 23 1 10 494 St Joseph`s/St Clare`s 0 47 0 75 34 5 24 505 Good Shepherd, H`HAM 0 1 0 4 0 2 12 81 OL of Light, L CRENDON 0 2 0 0 0 1 3 51 St Teresa`s, P RISBOROUGH 0 14 0 11 5 0 6 142

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Parishes Statistics 96 Slough Pastoral Area: St Peter Holy Family 7 64 0 57 51 12 32 723 Holy Redeemer, WEXHAM 0 6 0 24 0 1 7 121 OL of Peace, BURNHAM 0 39 0 35 11 5 27 319 St Anthony`s 3 40 0 37 17 3 18 169 St Augustine`s, DATCHET 0 8 0 0 73 2 3 80 St Ethelbert`s 17 42 1 40 24 15 5 540 TOTALS 319 1,647 37 2,006 1,097 273 1,173 19,209

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Chaplaincies 97 CHAPLAINCIES University Chaplaincies Coordinator : Avril Baigent, Pastoral Ministry Advisor . Tel: 07823 788310. Email: Higher Education Buckingham University Rev Bosco Gunturu - St Bernadine of Siena Parish, Buckingham Tel: 01280 813105 Email: Univ. of Bedfordshire (Bedford Campus) Lead Chaplain –, Helen Burgess Email: helen.burgess Univ. of Bedfordshire (Luton Campus) Fr Eustace Durugbo Email: freustac Univ. of Bedfordshire (Milton Keynes Campus) Milton Keynes Parish Cluster. Tel: 01908 221228 Email: Cranfield University Milton Keynes Parish Cluster. Tel: 01908 221228 Email: University of Northampton Fr Andrew Behrens , St Gregory’,s Parish. Tel: 01604 713015. Email: Hospital Chaplaincies Bishop’,s Advisor: Avril Baigent, Pastoral Mi nistry Office, Damien House, 23 High Street, Great Missenden HP16 9AA. Tel: 07823 788310. Email: Main General Hospitals Many of these hospitals are served by a team of local priests. Where this is the case, it is better to ring the hospital chaplaincy direct and they will contact the priest on - call for that day and, for urgent calls, ring the hospital switchboard. Kettering General Hospital –, hospital chaplaincy via the switchboard t: 01536 492000. St Edward’,s, Kettering t: 01536 512497 Northampton General Hospital –, Northampton Cathedral t: 01604 714556 St Andrew’,s and St Matthew’,s Hospital, Northampton –, St Gregory’,s t: 01604 713015 Milton Key ne s University Hospital –, hospital chaplaincy team t: 01908 996061 ext 86061. Milton Keynes Cluster t: 01908 221228 Bedford General Hospital –, Dcn Tony Quinlan 01234 950453

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Chaplaincies Chaplaincies 98 Luton and Dunstable General Hospital –, Rev Liam Castle 01582 663706 or if out of office hours, please ask the ward staff to contact the Duty Chaplain at any time. Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Aylesbury –, hospital chaplaincy team t: 01296 316675 Wycombe General Hospital –, hospital chaplaincy team t: 01494 425072. St Augustine’,s, High Wycombe t: 01494 523969 Wexham Park Hospital, Slough –, Dcn Michael Ossei - Williams t: 01753 633660 Chaplaincy at smaller hospitals and hospices, below, is mainly provided by parishes rather than individual named priests. Amersham General Hospital Little Chalfont Barratt Maternity Unit, Northampton Great Billing Bedford General Hospital North Wing SS. Philip &, James Biggleswade Hospital Biggleswade Brackley Hospital Buckingham Buckingham Hospital Buckingham Chiltern Hospital, Great Missenden Great Missenden Corby Community Hospital St Brendan’,s, Corby Danetre Hospital Daventry Isebrook Hospital Wellingborough L &, D General Hospital (Maternity) Holy Ghost, Luton Manor Hospital, Biddenham St Joseph’,s. Bedford Marlow Community Hospital Marlow Rushden Hospital Rushden St Mary’,s Hospital Kettering Three Shires Hospital St Gregory’,s, Northampton Upton Hospital St Ethelbert’,s, Slough Hospices for the Dying South Bucks Hospice, High Wycombe St Augustine, High Wycombe Cransley Hospice, Kettering St Edward, Kettering Florence Nightingale Hospice, Aylesbury St Joseph’,s , Aylesbury Pasque Hospice, Luton Holy Family, Luton St John’,s Hospice, Moggerhanger St Peter, Biggleswade Cynthia Spencer Hospice, Northampton St Gregory, Northampton Willen Hospice, Milton Keynes Milton Keynes Area Cluster

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Chaplaincies Chaplaincies 99 Prison Chaplaincies Catholic Bishops’, Conference of England and Wales National Catholic Chaplain for Prisons: Rev Paul Douthwaite BA Hons PGCE Tel: 020 7901 4857. Email: Her Majesty’,s Prison and Probation Service Roman Catholic Internal HQ Advison: Rev Dcn Paul Hargreaves Tel: 07562 433656. Email: Bishop’,s Diocesan Coordinator: Mr Charlie Sweeney Tel: 01788 523921 . Email: Bedfordshire H.M . Prison Bedford Rev Canon Seamus Keenan, 2 Brereton Road, Bedford MK40 1HU. Tel: 01234 352569 Email : Giovanna P ayne Immigration Centre, Yarl`s Wood Rev Wayne Coughlin. Tel: 01234 353116 Buckinghamshire Young Offenders Institution, Aylesbury M ary Armitage : H.M . Prison Grendon Rev Anton Webb, Winslow Hall, Sheep St, Winslow MK18 3HL. Tel: 01908 309720 Email: H.M . Prison Spring Hill Rev Anton Webb, Winslow Hall, Sheep St, Winslow MK18 3HL. Tel: 01908 309720 Email: H.M . Prison Woodhill Northamptonshire H.M. Prison Five Wells Fr Giovanna Payne H.M. Prison Onley Mr Charlie Sweeney. Tel: 01788 523529 H.M . Prison Ryehill Mr Charlie Sweeney. Tel: 01788 523300 Ext 4410 Chaplain to Gypsies, Roma and Travellers Father Dan Mason. Tel: 020 7476 4129 Email:

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Schools Schools 100 Directory of Catholic Schools Our schools are in local area partnerships. Many belong to our two Multi Academy Trusts which are intended to cover the whole diocese A. O ur Lady Immaculate Catholic Acad emies Trust (Bedford, North Northants, Northampton and Milton Keynes) Senior Executive Lead er : Tony Bishop Email: B. S t Thomas Catholic Academies Trust (Luton, Slough and Buckinghamshire) Senior Executive Lead er : Joe Richardson Email: Bedford Catholic Schools Partnership –, St Francis of Assisi Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Academy Trust St John Rigby Primary Address: Polhill Ave, Bedford MK41 9DQ Tel: 01234 401900 Headteacher: Mrs M McGettigan Email: I/C RE: Mrs C Ward Pupils: 386 Chaplain: Mrs Mary Ward St Joseph’,s and St Gregory’,s Primary Address: Chester Rd, Bedford MK40 4HN Tel: 01234 352062 and Address: Biddenham Turn, Bedford MK40 4AT Tel: 01234 268649 Headteacher: M s G Otter Email: I/C RE: Pupils: 390 Chaplain: Ms H Harbron - Applegarth St Thomas More Secondary Address: Tyne Crescent, Bedford MK41 7UL Tel: 01234 400222 Headteacher: Mr M Bonner Email: I/C RE: Mrs B Lovesey Pupils: 9 20 Chaplain: Buckinghamshire Catholic Schools Partnership –, SS John Fisher &, Thomas More St Thomas Catholic Academies Trust St Michael’,s (4 - 19 Years) Address: Daws Hill Lane, High Wycombe HP11 1PW Tel: 01494 535196 Executive Headteacher: Mr s L Baker Email: Head of School (Secondary): Mrs R Morgans Head of School (Primary): Mrs D Collins I/C RE: Mr J Keating and Mrs D Allard (Primary) Mrs B Meaney(Secondary) Pupils: 2108 Chaplain: Miss M Corcoran ( 11 - 19 Years ) Address: Weedon Road, Aylesbury HP19 9PG Tel: 01494 535196 Head of School: Mr A Palmer Email: office - I/C RE: Miss N McEnery Chaplain: Ms A Senanayake

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Schools Schools 101 St Joseph’,s Infant Address: Hazell Avenue, Aylesbury HP21 7JF Tel: 01296 484618 Headteacher: Mrs A Taylor Email: I/C RE: Mrs A Taylor Pupils: 17 5 St Edward’,s Junior Address: Hazell Avenue, Aylesbury HP21 7JF Tel: 01296 424544 Headteacher: Mrs S Harris Email: I/C RE: M s T Fahey Pupils: 256 St Joseph’,s Primary Address: Priory Road, Chalfont St Peter, Bucks SL9 8SB Tel: 01753 887743 Headteacher: Mrs C Lovegrove Email: I/C RE: Mrs S Davies Pupils: 3 79 Our Lady’,s Primary Address: Amersham Rd, Chesham Bois, Amersham HP6 5PL Tel: 01494 726390 Headteacher: Mr M Holdsworth Email: I/C RE: Mrs I Gardner Pupils: 21 6 Chaplain: Rev A Renò, St Louis Primary Address: Harris Court, Aylesbury HP20 2XZ Tel: 01296 488915 Headteacher: Mrs C Machin Email: I/C RE: Miss C Sitkowski and Miss C De Kock Pupils: 419 St Peter’,s Primary Address: Prospect Road, Marlow SL7 2PJ Tel: 01628 472116 Headteacher: Miss A McCluskey Email: I/C RE: Miss A McCluskey Pupils: 1 28 Luton and Dunstable Catholic Schools Partnership –, St Alban (Luton and Central Bedfordshire Local Authority) St Joseph’,s Primary Address: Gardenia Avenue, Luton LU3 2NS Tel: 01582 572964 Headteacher: Mrs M Murphy Email: I/C RE: Mrs S Killian Pupils: 7 32 Sacred Heart Primary Address: Langford Drive, Luton LU2 9AJ Tel: 01582 730781 Headteacher: Mrs H Winslet &, Mrs S Murray Email: I/C RE: Mrs A Hannigan Pupils: 39 9 St Thomas Catholic Academies Trust St Margaret of Scotland Primary Address: Rotheram Avenue, Luton LU1 5PP Tel: 01582 723430 Headteacher: Mr S Chiswell Email: I/C RE/Chapain: Mrs C Forde Pupils: 4 02 St Martin de Porres Primary Address: Pastures Way, Luton LU4 0PF Tel: 01582 617600 Headteacher: Mrs H Gallagher &, Mrs A Barnaville Email: I/C RE: Ms K Banville Pupils: 429

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Schools Schools 102 S t Mary’,s Primary Address: Dunstable Rd, Caddington, Luton LU1 4BB Tel: 01582 602420 Interim Headteacher: Mr s L Waldram Email: I/C RE: Mrs A Dowling Pupils: 230 and St Vincent’,s Primary Address: Hammersmith Gardens, Dunstable LU5 5RG Tel: 01582 862456 Interim Headteacher: Mr s L Waldram Email: I/C RE: Mrs A Dowling Pupils: 217 Cardinal Newman Secondary Address: Warden Hill Road, Luton LU2 7AE Tel: 01582 597125 Headteacher: Mr A Bull Email: I/C RE: Mr L Makokha Pupils: 169 6 Chaplain: Ms J Porter Milton Keynes Catholic Schools Partnership –, St Paul (Milton Keynes Local Authority) St Thomas Aquinas Primary Address: St Mary`s Avenue, Bletchley, Milton Keynes MK3 5DT Tel: 01908 373977 Executive Headteacher: Mr R Mundy Email: office@st - I/C RE: Mrs K Hackett Pupils: 2 6 7 a nd Bishop Parker Primary Address: Barton Rd, Bletchley, Milton Keynes MK2 3BT Tel: 01908 372129 Executive Headteacher: Mr R Mundy Email: I/C RE: Ms J Shone Pupils: 191 St Bernadette’,s Primary Address: Tewkesbury Lane, Monkston Park, Milton Keynes MK10 9PH Tel: 01908 692438 Headteacher: Mrs J Zamora Email: I/C RE: Ms J Pughe Pupils: 4 28 St Mary Magdalene Primary Address: Ardwell Lane, Greenleys, Milton Keynes MK12 6AY Tel: 01908 321746 Headteacher: Mrs R Jones Email: office@st - marymagdalene.milton - I/C RE: Mrs K Williams Pupils: 38 6 St Monica’,s Primary Address: Currier Drive, Neath Hill, Milton Keynes MK14 6HB Tel: 01908 606966 Headteacher: M iss N Shanahan Email: stmonicas@st - I/C RE: M iss J Collins Pupils: 402 St Paul’,s Comprehensive (11 - 19years) Address: Phoenix Drive, Milton Keynes MK6 5EN Tel: 01908 669735 Headteacher: Mrs J Hoarty Email: enquiries@st - I/C RE: Miss L Maw Pupils: 1 8 61 Chaplain: Mrs A Hoskins Thornton College (Independent) Address: Convent of Jesus &, Mary, Thornton, Milton Keynes MK17 0HJ Tel: 01280 812610 Headteacher: Dr L Shaw Email: I/C RE: Mrs S Olejnik (Primary), Mrs S Murphy (Secondary) Pupils: 407

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Schools Schools 103 Northampton –, St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Schools Partnership (Northamptonshire Local Authority) St Mary’,s Primary Address: Main Street, Aston - le - Walls, Daventry NN11 6UF Tel: 01295 660258 Headteacher: Mrs L Concannon Email: head@stmarys - pri.northants - I/C RE: Mrs L Concannon Pupils: 66 Chaplain: Fr J Conroy Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Academies Trust Chaplain: Rose Darwin The Good Shepherd Primary Address: Kingsland Gardens, Northampton NN2 7BH Tel: 01604 714399 Headteacher: Mrs C Dodds Email: I/C RE: M iss D Smith Pupils: 3 0 4 St Gregory’,s Primary Address: Grange Road, Northampton NN3 2AX Tel: 01604 403511 Executive Headteacher: Mrs K Yuen Email: Head of School: Miss S Marum I/C RE: Miss S Marum Pupils: 267 and St Mary’,s Primary Address: Woodside Way, Northampton NN5 7HX Tel: 01604 581011 Executive Headteacher: Mrs K Yuen Email: admin@ Head of School: Mrs J Blincow I/C RE: M rs J Blincow Pupils: 20 5 Thomas Becket School Address: Becket Way, Kettering Rd North, Northampton NN3 6HT Tel: 01604 493211 Headteacher: Mr P McCahill Email: I/C RE: Mr F Asare Pupils: 8 84 North Northamptonshire Catholic Schools Partnership –, St Luke (Northamptonshire Local Authority) St Patrick’,s Primary Address: Patrick Road, Corby NN18 9NT Tel: 01536 744447 Headteacher: Mrs L Blair Email: bursar@stpatricks.northants - I/C RE: Mrs J Holloway Pupils: 2 36 Our Lady Immaculate Academies Trust St Brendan’,s Primary Address: Beanfield Ave, Corby NN18 0AZ Tel: 01536 202491 Executive Headteacher: Mrs L Brydon Email: sbpoffice@st - luke - I/C RE: Mrs L Baron - Edgely Pupils: 30 7 St Edward’,s Primary Address: Eastleigh Road, Kettering NN15 6PT Tel: 01536 481430 Executive Headteacher: Mrs L Brydon Email: sepoffice@st - luke - I/C RE: Pupils: 1 83 St Thomas More Primary Address: Northampton Road, Kettering NN15 7JZ Tel: 01536 512112 Headteacher: Mr s S Howes Email: stmoffice@st - I/C RE: M rs S Howes Pupils: 21 6

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Schools Schools 104 Our Lady’,s Primary Address: Henshaw Road, Wellingborough NN8 2BE Tel: 01933 224900 Headteacher: Miss E Gribble Email: head@ourladysprim.northants - I/C RE: M s J Thorpe Pupils: 3 84 Chaplain : Our Lady of Walsingham Primary Address: Occupation Road, Corby NN17 1EE Tel: 01536 203805 Headteacher: Mrs M Hayes Email: olpoffice@st - luke - I/C RE: Mrs S O’,Bernie Pupils: 3 81 Chaplain: Ms M Clowes Slough Catholic Schools Partnership –, St Peter (Slough Local Authority) Holy Family Primary Address: High Street, Langley SL3 8NF Tel: 01753 541442 Headteacher: Mrs S Benn Email: I/C RE: Mrs D O’,R e il ly Pupils: 4 64 Our Lady of Peace Primary &, Nursery Address: Derwent Drive, Burnham SL1 6HW Tel: 01628 661886 Headteacher: Mrs J Holden Email: I/C RE: Mr N Stopps Pupils: 4 85 St Bernard’,s Grammar Address: Langley Road, Slough SL3 7AF Tel: 01753 527020 Headteacher: Mr P Kassapian Email: secretary@st - I/C RE: Pupils: 10 89 Chaplain: Mrs S Denny St Bernard’,s Preparatory (Independent) Address: Hawtrey Close, Slough SL1 1TB Tel: 01753 521821 Headteacher: Mrs A Verma Email: I/C RE: M s J Perry Pupils: 2 32 Chaplain: Mrs J Hupalo St Thomas Catholic Academies Trust St Anthony’,s Primary Address: Farnham Road, Farnham Royal, Slough SL2 3AA Tel: 01753 645828 Headteacher: Mrs S Oppe Email: I/C RE: Ms A Crosbie Pupils: 5 08 St Ethelbert’,s Primary &, Nursery Address: Wexham Road, Slough SL2 5QR Tel: 01753 522048 Headteacher: Mrs F Maynard Email: I/C RE: Ms R Evans Pupils: 4 3 9 St Joseph’,s High Address: Shaggy Calf Lane, Slough SL2 5HW Tel: 01753 524713 Executive Head: Mr C Stapleton Email: office@st - I/C RE: Mr T Ojakovoh Pupils: 9 41 Pupil numbers are as of April 202 3 School and College Chaplaincies Coordinator: Alex Heath : a Chaplaincy Provision in schools is diverse throughout the Diocese and local clergy provide essential pastoral support. Some schools have appointed Chaplaincy Coordinators who work in schools and with local clergy to coordinate Chaplaincy provision.

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Shrine of the Relic Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe TEXT PAGE CONTENTS TO BE ADDED Shrine of the Relic Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe 105

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Ordo Ordo 107 9.2(%3%&,24&,F2",/0#57/2+&, &, G?HI&, at2)%5+./.%3A@,+-#$3&, !",#$%&,`$()*$+,&,$%-&,)%&,.",+-&, J%#3/3&, K1LMF&,`M!*CME@&, L%52",.#&, K25#+&, 17/.2+#)&,L%52",.#&, !",#$%&,` ()`#*",+,%*-`. ∗, /0+)1",+*`",2#",`",2+`3,13+,*`#,+`)1",`%)&,$40+0`%)`",2+`5 !", ` +0%",%1)`16`",2+`718#)`9%**#$:`1,`2#,+`<,++)`810%6%+0:`#)0`",2+`",+=",*` &,#)`<,+`614)0`1)`",2+`>,%",4,?@`A66%&,+`B+<,*%",+` 2",",3*CDDBBBE$%",4,?@166%&,+E1,?E4-DF#$+)0#,D!)61DGFH #00%",%1)*E*2",8$`#)0`61$$1B%)?`",2+`$%)-`61,`",2+`&,+$+<,,#",%1)E` (/0123&,(/4056/7&,,5789614182&, C0%&,M++.<,%",3#",$&,24&,/0%&,9%-.(#/.2+&,24&,/0%&,`0,",(0&,.3&,0.=0%",&,.+&,/0%&,2",-%",&,24&, 7",%(%-%+(%&,/0%&,@,+-#$3&,.+&,1",-.+#",$&,C.5%&,.+&,/0%&,C#B)%&,24&,E./,",=.(#)&,9#$3&, #+-&,32&,5#$&,B%&,2B3%",<,%-&,2+&,/0%&,+%#",%3/&,@,+-#$8&,.4&,-,",.+=&,/0%&,3%#32+&,24&, 1",-.+#",$&,C.5%>,&,N G)%,+,*#$`I1,8*`61,`",2+`F#$+)0#,`#)0`",2+`>,%",4,?%&,#$`J+#,` KLM O&, &, &, *+42",5#/.2+&,(2+/#.+%-&,.+&,/0%&,K25#+&,L .33#)&,.3&,+2/&,-,7).(#/%-&,.+&,/0%&,1",-28&, B,/&,=%+%",#)&,+2/%3&,2+&,/0%&,3%#32+3&,#+-&,325%&,4%#3/3&,(#+&,B%&,42,+-&,.+&,/0%&, E./,",=$&,7#=%3&,24&,/0%&,9.2(%3#+&,P%B3./%>,&, &,&,

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Ordo Ordo 108 Season of Advent Sunday FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT Purple 3 December ( The memoria of St Francis Xavier is not observed ) Lectiona r y Yea r B (The yea r of Mark/John) Psa l ter: Week 1 C YCLE OF P RAYER : M IGRANT ’, S D AY : P RAY FOR M IGRANTS AND R EFUGEES †, Dcn George Brooker 2015 (Burnham) Monda y First Monda y of Advent Purple 4 December (Optional , St John Damascene, Priest and Doctor) White D IOCESAN P RAYER : T HE P ROPHET V ICARIATE Tuesda y First Tuesda y of Advent Purple 5 December (Optional, St Birinus, Bishop) White D IOCESAN P RAYER : T HE P ASTORAL A REA OF N ORTHAMPTON Wednesda y First Wednesda y of Advent Purple 6 December (Optional , St Nicholas, Bishop) White D IOCESAN P RAYER : J USTICE AND P EACE C OMMISSION †, Fr Thomas Walters 1974 (Olney)

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Ordo Ordo 109 Season of Advent Thursda y St Amb rose , B ishop an d Doctor of the Church White 7 December †, Mgr Provost John Freeland 1940 (Thornton College) †, Dcn Francis Shepherd 2019 (Farnham Royal) First Vespers of the Immaculate Conception Friday IMMACU L ATE CONCEPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY White 8 December Principal Patron of the Diocese Patronal Solemnity: The Cathedral and churches at Dunstable, Laxton, Turvey, Slough (Wellington St) D IOCESAN P RAYER : T HE D IOCESE , THE B ISHOP . No Frida y a b stinence On this day in 2003 Bishop Kevin McDonald was translated to Southwark as Metropolitan and Archbishop †, Fr Christopher Madden 1981 (St Pancras, Ipswich) †, Mgr Canon John Malone 1970 (Cathedral) †, Fr Wilbur Boswell 2007 (Long Crendon) Sa t urda y First Sa t urda y of Advent Purple 9 December (Optional, St Juan Diego Coalhtlatzin) White D IOCESAN P RAYER : P OLISH S ISTERS OF M ARY I MMACULATE (L AXTON H ALL ) †, Fr Kevin Jones 1957 (St John, Norwich) †, Fr Brendan Gorman 2013 (Christ the King, Bedford) Sunday SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT Purple 10 December ( The memoria of Our Lady of Loreto is not observed ) Psa l ter: Week 2 †, Fr Lawrence Howlin 1992 (St Neots)

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Ordo Ordo 110 Season of Advent Sunday SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT Purple 10 December ( The memoria of Our Lady of Loreto is not observed ) Psa l ter: Week 2 †, Fr Lawrence Howlin 1992 (St Neots) Monda y Second Monda y of Advent Purple 11 December ( Optional, St Damasus 1, Pope ) White St Anne, Wendover: Anniversa r y of Opening †, Fr Bernard Davenport 2012 (Chesham Bois) Tuesda y Second Tuesda y of Advent Purple 12 December ( Optional, Our Lady of Guadaloupe ) White D IOCESAN P RAYER : M ISSIONARIES OF THE S ACRED H EART (C HESHAM ) Wednesda y St Lucy, Virgin a n d Ma r tyr Red 13 December D IOCESAN P RAYER : S OCIETY OF A FRICAN M ISSIONS (B URNHAM ) †, Fr Bernard Hyde 1961 (Cathedral )

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Ordo Ordo 111 Season of Advent Thursda y St John of the Cross, (Priest a n d Doctor of the Church) White 14 December †, Fr George Wrigglesworth 1900 (Kings Lynn) †, Fr Gerard Conlon 1966 (St Joseph, Luton) Frida y Second Frida y of Advent Purple 15 December On this day in 1921 Fr Dudley Cary - Elwes was ordained as 5th Bishop of Northampton †, Canon John Cosser 1950 (Wellingborough) †, Fr Laurence Nicholson 1969 (St Mary, Ipswich) Sa t urda y Second Sa t urda y of Advent Purple 16 December Sunday THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVE NT —, GAUDETE Purple or Rose 17 December Psa l ter: Week 3

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Ordo Ordo 112 Season of Advent Sunday THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVE NT —, GAUDETE Purple or Rose 17 December Psa l ter: Week 3 Monda y Third Monda y of Advent Purple 18 December D IOCESAN P RAYER : A MICUS C LERO †, Fr Constantine Ketterer 1940 (Ely) †, Fr David Johnston 1979 (Kirtling) Tuesda y T hird Tuesda y of Advent Purple 19 December †, Dcn John Thompson 2013 ( St Joseph , Luton) Wednesda y Third Wedn esda y of Advent Purple 20 December †, Fr Alf r ed Bull 1980 (St Mary Magdalene, Ipswich)

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Ordo Ordo 113 Season of Advent Thursda y Thi rd Thursda y of Advent Purple 21 December (Optional commemoration of St Peter Canisius , Priest and Doctor of the Church) On this day in 1118 St Thomas Becket was born Frida y Third Frida y of Advent Purple 22 December St Frances Cabrini , Bedford: Patronal Solemnity †, Mgr Charles Smith 1954 (Beaconsfield) Sa t urda y Third Saturda y of Advent Purple 23 December ( Optional commemoration, St John of Kanty, Priest ) †, Fr Charles Wendling 1886 (Wolverton) Sunday Fourt h Sunday of Advent Purple Morning Psa l ter: Week 4 24 December C YCLE OF P RAYER : D AY OF PRAYER FOR EXPECTANT MOTHERS On this day in 1294 Cardinal Benedetto Gaetani, Rector in commendam of St Laurence, Towcester was elected as Pope Boniface VIII Sunday Evening First Vespers of the Nativity and Vigil Mass White

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Ordo Ordo 114 Season of Advent /Christmas Sunday Fourt h Sunday of Advent Purple Morning Psa l ter: Week 4 24 December C YCLE OF P RAYER : D AY OF PRAYER FOR EXPECTANT MOTHERS On this day in 1294 Cardinal Benedetto Gaetani, Rector in commendam of St Laurence, Towcester was elected as Pope Boniface VIII Sunday Evening First Vespers of the Nativity and Vigil Mass White Monday THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD White 25 December Ma s s during the night, a t da w n a n d during the da y Not EP IV †, Canon John Henry Thompson 1968 (Aldeburgh) †, Bishop Francis Thomas 1988 (9 th Bishop of Northampton) Tuesda y ST STEPHEN , THE FIRST MARTYR Red 26 December D IOCESAN P RAYER : A LTAR S ERVERS †, Bishop William Wareing 1865 ( 1 st Bishop of Northampton ) Wednesda y ST JOHN, APOSTLE AND EVANGELIST White 27 December St John , Luton: Patrona l Solemnity †, Fr Brian Godden 2009 (St Ethelbert, Slough) †, Fr Joseph Williams 2013 (St Martin, Luton)

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Ordo Ordo 115 Season of Christmas Thursda y THE HOLY INNOCENTS , MARTYRS Red 28 December D IOCESAN P RAYER : D AUGHTERS OF P ROVIDENCE OF S T B RIEUC (A YLESBURY ) †, Fr John Fennell 1997 (Wellingborough) Frida y ST THOMAS BECKET , BISHOP AND MARTYR Red 29 December Solemnity in the Ca t hedra l , fea s t in the Diocese Seconda r y pa t ron of the Diocese and the Ca t hedra l Pa t ron of the English Pa s tora l Clergy No Frida y ab stinence On this day in 1170 St Thomas Becket was murdered in Canterbury Cathedral Sa t urda y SIXTH DAY WITHIN THE OCTAVE OF THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD White 30 December †, Fr Louis Boulin 1902 (Aston - le - Walls) Sunday THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH White Morning Psa l ter Week 1 31 December Holy Family, Luton: Patrona l Solemnity Holy Family, La n gley: Patrona l Solemnity †, Mgr Canon Bernard Marshall 1946 (Cambridge) †, Fr Denis Roberts 1969 (Great Billing) Sunday Evening First Vespers of Mary, the Holy Mother of God

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Ordo Ordo 116 Season of Christmas Sunday THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH White Morning 31 December Holy Family, Luton: Patrona l Solemnity Holy Family, La n gley: Patrona l Solemnity †, Mgr Canon Bernard Marshall 1946 (Cambridge) †, Fr Denis Roberts 1969 (Great Billing) Sunday Evening First Vespers of Mary, the Holy Mother of God Monda y SOLEMNITY OF MARY, THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD White 1 Ja n ua r y 2024 Tuesda y S ai nts Ba s il the Grea t a n d Gregory Na z ia n zen, Bishops a n d Doctors of the Church White 2 Ja n ua r y Psa l ter Week 1 D IOCESAN P RAYER : T HE P ASTORAL A REA OF S LOUGH Wednesda y Feria White 3 Ja n ua r y (Optional, the Most Holy Name of Jesus) White Holy Na m e Oundle: Pastora l Solemnity Holy Na m e Denha m : Pastora l Solemnity †, Fr Guy Pritchard 1983 (Ely) †, Dcn Jim Griffin 2011 (Great Missenden)

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Ordo Ordo 117 Season of Christmas Thursda y Feria White 4 Ja n ua r y D IOCESAN P RAYER : M INISTRY TO M ARRIAGE AND F AMILY L IFE Frida y Feria White 5 Ja n uary D IOCESAN P RAYER : T HE B ISHOP ’, S O FFICE AND S TAFF Sa t urda y Feria White 6 Ja n ua r y †, Fr Thomas Walters 1974 (Olney) †, Provost William Wainwright 1983 (Peterborough) White 1 st Vespers a n d Vigil Mass of the Epipha n y of the Lord Sunday THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD White 7 Ja n ua r y (The memoria of St Raymond of Penyafort is not observed) The Holy Na m e, Denha m : Anniversary of Blessing †, Fr Arthur Speight 1990 (St James, Ipswich)

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Ordo Ordo 118 Season of Christmas/Ordinary Time Sunday THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD White 7 Ja n ua r y (The memoria of St Raymond of Penyafort is not observed) †, Fr Arthur Speight 1990 (St James, Ipswich) Monda y THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD White 8 Ja n ua r y Christma s tide ends . †, Fr Henry Stanley 1924 (Gorleston) †, Fr Patrick Connelly 2008 (Stoney Stratford) Tuesda y Feria Green 9 Ja n ua r y Tuesda y in the first week of O rdina r y T ime Psa l ter Week 1 Weekda y L ectiona r y Yea r 2 D IOCESAN P RAYER : S PIRITUALITY N ETWORK Wednesda y Feria Green 10 Ja n ua r y

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Ordo Ordo 119 Season of Ordinary Time Thursda y Feria Green 11 Ja n ua r y †, Canon Herbert Gray 1952 (Gorleston) Frida y Feria Green 12 Ja n ua r y ( Optional St Ael r ed of Rievaulx , Abbot ) White St Augustine, Datchet: Anniversa r y of opening †, Fr Charles Flynn 1943 (Sudbury) Saturda y Feria Green 13 Ja n ua r y ( Optional St Hilary of Poitiers ) White ( Optional Our Lady on Saturday ) White Sunday SECOND SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME Green 14 Ja n ua r y Psa l ter Week 2 C YCLE OF P RAYER : D AY OF PRAYER FOR PEACE ON EARTH

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Ordo Ordo 120 Season of Ordinary Time Sunday SECOND SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME Green 14 Ja n ua r y Psa l ter Week 2 C YCLE OF P RAYER : D AY OF PRAYER FOR PEACE ON EARTH Monda y Feria Green 15 Ja n ua r y †, Fr Patrick Duffy 1928 (Huntingdon) †, Fr Alf red Wilson 1936 (Shefford) †, Fr Donald Breen 2005 (St Joseph, Luton) Tuesda y Feria Green 16 Ja n ua r y Wednesda y St Anthony of Egypt, Abbot White 17 Ja n ua r y †, Fr George Fressanges 1944 (St John , Norwich)

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Ordo Ordo 121 Season of Ordinary Time Thursda y Feria Green 18 Ja n ua r y T HE W EEK OF P RAYER FOR C HRISTIAN U NITY BEGINS TODAY †, Mgr Provost Joseph Tonks 1943 (Cathedral) †, Fr Derrick Morgan 1984 (Chesham) †, Rev Henry Reed 2011 (Beaconsfield) Frida y Feria Green 19 Ja n ua r y ( Optional St Wulstan, Bishop ) White T HE W EEK OF P RAYER FOR C HRISTIAN U NITY St Wulsta n , High Wycombe: Patronal Solemnity †, Canon T homas Fitzgerald 1915 (St John , Norwich) Sa t urday Feria Green 20 Ja n ua r y ( Optional St Fabian, Pope and Martyr ) Red ( Optional St Sebastian, Martyr ) Red ( Optional Our Lady on Saturday ) White T HE W EEK OF P RAYER FOR C HRISTIAN U NITY Ou r Lady o f Sorrows, Eton: Anniversa r y of opening Sunday THIRD SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME Green 21 Ja n ua r y The memoria of St Agnes is not observed Psa l ter Week 3 C YCLE OF P RAYER : S UNDAY OF THE W ORD OF G OD T HE W EEK OF P RAYER FOR C HRISTIAN U NITY Next Sunda y optiona l second collection for ra c ia l justice †, Fr Ernest Shebbeare 1936 (Woodbridge) †, Canon Leonard Tomlinson 1983 (Chesham Bois)

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Ordo Ordo 122 Season of Ordinary Time Sunday THIRD SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME Green 21 Ja n ua r y The memoria of St Agnes is not observed Psa l ter Week 3 C YCLE OF P RAYER : S UNDAY OF THE W ORD OF G OD T HE W EEK OF P RAYER FOR C HRISTIAN U NITY Next Sunda y optiona l second collection for ra c ia l justice †, Fr Ernest Shebbeare 1936 (Woodbridge) †, Canon Leonard Tomlinson 1983 (Chesham Bois) Monda y Feria Green 22 Ja n ua r y ( Optional St Vincent, Deacon and Martyr ) Red T HE W EEK OF P RAYER FOR C HRISTIAN U NITY D IOCESAN P RAYER : E CUMENICAL P ARTNERSHIPS OF THE D IOCESE †, Fr David Cox 1956 (St Ethelbert, Slough) †, Fr Stephen Reith 2009 (Leighton Buzzard) †, Canon Stan Condon 2012 (Woburn Sands) Tuesda y Feria Green 23 Ja n ua r y T HE W EEK OF P RAYER FOR C HRISTIAN U NITY D IOCESAN P RAYER : E CUMENICAL C OMMISSION †, Fr James McDermott 1999 (St John Ogilvie, Corby) †, Fr Arthur Tomlinson 2001 (Lowestoft) Wednesda y St Francis de Sa l es, Bishop a n d Doctor of the Church White 24 Ja n ua r y T HE W EEK OF P RAYER FOR C HRISTIAN U NITY St Francis de Sales, Wolverton: Anniversa r y of Dedica t ion St Francis de Sa l es, Wolverton: Pa t rona l Solemnity †, Fr William Fippard 1895 (Sudbury)

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Ordo Ordo 123 Season of Ordinary Time Thursda y CONVERSION OF ST PAUL THE APOSTLE White 25 Ja n ua r y T HE W EEK OF P RAYER FOR C HRISTIAN U NITY ENDS TODAY St Paul, Thra p ston: Pa t rona l Solemnity Sa c red Hea r t, Weston Fa v ell : Anniversa r y of Blessing Frida y S ai nts Timothy a n d Titus , Bishops Red 26 Ja n ua r y †, Canon Matthias Lane 1886 (Stoke-by-Nayland) †, Fr John Reffitt 1988 (Swaffham) Sa t urda y Feria Green 27 Ja n ua r y ( Optional, St Angela Merici, Virgin ) White ( Optional, Our Lady on Saturday ) White †, Fr George McCann 2015 (Beaconsfield) Sunday FOURTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME Green 28 Ja n ua r y The memoria of St Thomas Aquinas is not observed Psa l ter Week 4 St Thoma s Aquina s Bletchley: Patrona l Solemnity C YCLE OF P RAYER : D AY OF PRAYER FOR R ACIAL J USTICE Optiona l second collection for Ra c ia l J ustice

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Ordo Ordo 124 Season of Ordinary Time Sunday FOURTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME Green 28 Ja n ua r y The memoria of St Thomas Aquinas is not observed Psa l ter Week 4 St Thoma s Aquina s Bletchley: Patronal Solemnity C YCLE OF P RAYER : D AY OF PRAYER FOR R ACIAL J USTICE Optiona l second collection for Ra c ia l Justice Monda y Feria Green 29 Ja n ua r y †, Fr Francis Rudd 1973 (Southwold) Tuesda y Feria Green 30 Ja n ua r y Wednesda y St John Bosco, Priest White 31 Ja n ua r y La x ton Ha l l: Anniversa r y of blessing of the Cha p el †, Fr William Bodley 1900 (Oxburgh) †, Fr Joseph Sweeney 1993 (St James Ipswich) †, Canon James Galvin 2006 (St Margaret, Luton)

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Ordo Ordo 125 Season of Ordinary Time Thursda y Feria Green 1 Februa r y D IOCESAN P RAYER : T HE P ASTORAL A REA OF B EDFORD Frida y THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD White 2 Februa r y C YCLE OF P RAYER : D AY OF PRAYER FOR C ONSECRATED L IFE Holy Na m e, Oundle: Anniversa r y of Blessing Sa t urda y Feria Green 3 Februa r y ( Optional St Blaise, Bishop and Martyr ) ( Optional St Ansgar, Bishop ) ( Optional Our Lady on Saturday ) Red White White D IOCESAN P RAYER : T HE S TAFF OF B ISHOP ’, S H OUSE Sunday FIFTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME Green 4 Februa r y Psa l ter Week 1

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Ordo Ordo 126 Season of Ordinary Time Sunday FIFTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME Green 4 Februa r y Psa l ter Week 1 Monda y St Agatha , Virgin a n d Ma r tyr Red 5 Februa r y D IOCESAN P RAYER : R ELIGIOUS S ISTERS OF J ESUS AND M ARY (M ILTON K EYNES ) †, Canon Gerard Roberts 1976 (Beaconsfield) Tuesda y St Paul Miki a n d Compa n ions, Ma r tyrs of Ja p an Red 6 Februa r y D IOCESAN P RAYER : S ISTERS OF S T B RIGID (S LOUGH ) †, Fr Louis Allen 1931 (Peterborough) †, Fr John Osborne 2009 (St Patrick, Corby) Wednesda y Feria Green 7 Februa r y †, Canon Lawrence Richmond 1872 (Cathedral) †, Archbishop Frederick Keating 1928 (4 th Bishop of Northampton) †, Fr James Reidy 1983 (St Mark, Ipswich)

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Ordo Ordo 127 Season of Ordinary Time Thursda y Feria Green 8 Februa r y ( Optional St Jerome Emiliani, Priest ) ( Optional St Josephine Bakhita, Virgin ) White White C YCLE OF P RAYER : D AY OF PRAYER FOR VICTIMS OF TRAFFICKING †, Fr Robert Manley 1983 (St George, Norwich) †, Mgr Paul Donovan 2017 (St Augustine, High Wycombe) Frida y Feria Green 9 Februa r y Sa t urda y St Schola s tica, Virgin White 10 Februa r y Sunday SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME Green 11 February The memoria of Our Lady of Lourdes is not observed Psa l ter Week 2 C YCLE OF P RAYER : D AY OF P RAYER FOR THE U NEMPLOYED C YCLE OF P RAYER : D AY OF P RAYER FOR THE S ICK AND THEIR C ARERS Our La d y, Yelvertoft: Anniversa r y of opening St Joseph the Worker, Luton: Anniversa r y of Opening Our La d y of Lourdes, Milton Keynes: Patrona l Solemnity Our La d y of Lourdes, Aylesbury: Pa t rona l Solemnity On this day in 1941 Mgr Thomas Leo Parker was ordained 7th Bishop of Northampton

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Ordo Ordo 128 Season of Ordinary Time / Lent Sunday SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME Green 11 Februa r y The memoria of Our Lady of Lourdes is not observed Psa l ter Week 2 C YCLE OF P RAYER : D AY OF P RAYER FOR THE S ICK AND THEIR C ARERS C YCLE OF P RAYER : D AY OF P RAYER FOR THE U NEMPLOYED Our La d y, Yelvertoft: Anniversa r y of opening St Joseph the Worker, Luton: Anniversa r y of Opening Our La d y of Lourdes, Milton Keynes: Patrona l Solemnity Our La d y of Lourdes, Aylesbury: Pa t rona l Solemnity On this day in 1941 Mgr Thomas Leo Parker was ordained 7th Bishop of Northampton D IOCESAN P RAYER : H EALTHCARE C HAPLAINCIES Monda y Feria Green 12 Februa r y Tuesda y Feria Green 13 Februa r y D IOCESAN P RAYER : M INISTRY FOR THOSE WITH DISABILITIES , THEIR CARERS AND F AMILIES Wednesda y ASH WEDNESDAY Purple 14 Februa r y The memoria of Saints Cyril and Methodius is not observed Psa l ter Week 4 (Da y of fast a n d a b stinence) †, Provost John Warmoll 1885 (St Joseph, Bedford) †, Canon Michael Dwane 1913 (Lynford)

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Ordo Ordo 129 Season of Lent Thursda y Lent Feria Purple 15 Februa r y †, Canon John Dalton 1874 (Norwich) †, Fr Vincent Weitz 1991 (Princes Risborough) Frida y Lent Feria Purple 16 Februa r y †, Fr Cyril Banham 1963 (Felixtowe) Sa t urda y Lent Feria Purple 17 Februa r y ( Optional commemoration : Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order ) †, Mgr Provost Christopher Scott 1922 (Cambridge) †, Canon Henry O’,Connor 1952 (Lynton) †, Fr Kenneth Chapman 1983 (Wymondham) Sunday FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT Purple 18 Februa r y Psa l ter Week 1 C YCLE OF P RAYER : C ANDIDATES FOR THE S ACRAMENTS OF I NITIATION Next Frida y is the CAFOD Lent Fast Da y Next Sunda y second collection for CAFOD

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Ordo Ordo 130 Season of Lent Sunday FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT Purple 18 Februa r y Psa l ter Week 1 C YCLE OF P RAYER : C ANDIDATES FOR THE S ACRAMENTS OF I NITIATION Next Frida y is the CAFOD Lent Fast Da y Next Sunda y second collection for CAFOD Monda y Lent Feria Purple 19 Februa r y †, F r John Harris 2013 (St Gregory, Northampton) Tuesda y Lent Feria Purple 20 Februa r y †, Fr Gerald Flanagan 1995 (Iver Heath) †, Fr Gerard Moir 1965 (Clapham Park) †, Fr Michael Finch 1985 (Beaconsfield) Wednesda y Lent Feria Purple 21 Februa r y ( Optional commemoratio n: St Peter Damian, Bishop and Doctor of the Church ) †, Fr John Scott 1878 ( Sawston Hall)

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Ordo Ordo 131 Season of Lent Thursda y THE CHAIR OF ST PETER THE APOSTLE White 22 Februa r y St Peter, Biggleswade: Pa t rona l Solemnity St Peter, Ma r low: Pa t rona l Solemnity St Peter, Rushden: Pa t rona l Solemnity St Anthony, Fa r nha m Roya l : Anniversary of Opening Frida y Lent Feria Purple 23 Februa r y ( Optional commemoration: St Polycarp, Bishop and Martyr ) C YCLE OF P RAYER : CAFOD L ENT F AST D AY . P RAY FOR THE NEEDY AND HUNGRY OF THE WORLD †, Fr Wilfrid Johnson 1994 (Wellingborough) Sa t urda y Lent Feria Purple 24 Februa r y †, Bishop Joseph Rudderham 1979 (Bishop of Clifton from 1949) †, Fr William Gaffney 1985 (Marlow) †, Fr Michael O’,Brien 1985 (Norwich Cathedral) Sunday SECOND SUNDAY LENT Purple 25 Februa r y Psa l ter Week 2 C YCLE OF P RAYER : C ANDIDATES FOR THE S ACRAMENTS OF I NITIATION 2 nd Collection for CAFOD Fa s t Da y On this day in 1908 Rev Dr Frederick Keating was ordained 4 th Bishop of Northampton

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Ordo Ordo 132 Season of Lent Sunday SECOND SUNDAY LENT Purple 25 Februa r y Psa l ter Week 2 C YCLE OF P RAYER : C ANDIDATES FOR THE S ACRAMENTS OF I NITIATION 2 nd Collection for CAFOD Fa s t Da y On this day in 1908 Rev Dr Frederick Keating was ordained 4 th Bishop of Northampton Monda y Lent Feria Purple 26 Februa r y ( Optional commemoration: Blessed Robert Drury, Martyr ) †, Fr Joseph Pham 2020 (Farnham Royal) Tuesda y Lent Feria Purple 27 Februa r y ( , Optional Commemoration: St Gregory of Narek, Abbot and Doctor of the Church ) Wednesda y Lent Feria Purple 28 Februa r y St Aida n , Little Cha l font: Anniversa r y of Blessing †, Fr Charles Reil ly 1916 ( Woodbridge)

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Ordo Ordo 133 Season of Lent Thursda y Lent Feria Purple 29 Februa r y Frida y ST DAVID, BISHOP, PATRON OF WALES White 1 Ma r ch C YCLE OF P RAYER : W ORLD D AY OF P RAYER (F ORMERLY W ORLD W OMEN ’, S D AY OF P RAYER ) Sa t urda y Lent Feria Purple 2 Ma r ch St Nichola s Owen, Burton La t imer: Anniversa r y of Blessing Sunday THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT Purple 3 Ma r ch Psa l ter Week 3 C YCLE OF P RAYER : C ANDIDATES FOR THE S ACRAMENTS OF I NITIATION

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Ordo Ordo 134 Season of Advent Sunday THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT Purple 3 Ma r ch Psa l ter Week 3 C YCLE OF P RAYER : C ANDIDATES FOR THE S ACRAMENTS OF I NITIATION Monda y Lent Feria Purple 4 Ma r ch ( Optional commemoration: St Casimir, Confessor ) D IOCESAN P RAYER : T HE V ICAR G ENERAL AND HIS O FFICE Tuesda y Lent Feria Purple 5 Ma r ch Wednesda y Lent Feria Purple 6 Ma r ch

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Ordo Ordo 135 Season of Lent Thursda y Lent Feria Purple 7 Ma r ch ( Optional commemoration: SS Perpetua and Felicity, Martyrs ) St Paul, Thra p ston: Anniversa r y of Blessing †, Fr Damien Walne 2015 (Great Billing) Frida y Lent Feria Purple 8 Ma r ch ( Optional commemoration: St John of God, Religious ) †, Fr Bernard Quinlan 1922 (Sheff,ord) †, Fr Arthur Chadwick 2004 (Thornton College) Sa t urda y Lent Feria Purple 9 Ma r ch ( Optional commemoration: St Frances of Rome, Religious ) †, Fr Edward Sco 1935 (St George, Norwich) †, Fr Reginald Atkinson 1983 (Peterborough) Sunday FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT Purple or Rose 10 Ma r ch Psa l ter Week 4 C YCLE OF P RAYER : C ANDIDATES FOR THE S ACRAMENTS OF I NITIATION

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Ordo Ordo 136 Season of Lent Sunday FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT - LAETARE Purple or Rose 10 Ma r ch Psa l ter Week 4 C YCLE OF P RAYER : C ANDIDATES FOR THE S ACRAMENTS OF I NITIATION Monda y Lent Feria Purple 11 Ma r ch St John Ogilvie, Corby: Tra n sferred Pa t rona l Solemnity †, Fr David Harris 1925 (High Wycombe) Tuesda y Lent Feria Purple 12 Ma r ch †, Fr Cyril Snowden 1966 (Sudbury) Wednesda y Lent Feria Purple 13 Ma r ch †, Fr John Ketterer 1973 (Hunstanton) †, Fr David Woodard 1988 (Oundle) †, Fr John Glen 1996 (Christ the King, Bedford)

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Ordo Ordo 137 Season of Lent Thursda y Lent Feria Purple 14 Ma r ch Frida y Lent Feria Purple 15 Ma r ch St Mary, Dunsta b le: Anniversa r y of Opening Saturda y Lent Feria Purple 16 Ma r ch †, Mgr Bruno Sco - James 1984 (Walsingham) Sunday FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT Purple 17 Ma r ch The Feast of St Patrick is not observed Psa l ter Week 1 C YCLE OF P RAYER : C ANDIDATES FOR THE S ACRAMENTS OF I NITIATION

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Ordo Ordo 138 Season of Lent Sunday FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT Purple 17 Ma r ch The Feast of St Patrick is not observed Psa l ter Week 1 C YCLE OF P RAYER : C ANDIDATES FOR THE S ACRAMENTS OF I NITIATION Monda y Lent Feria Purple 18 Ma r ch ( Optional commemoration of St Cyril of Jerusalem, Bishop And Doctor of the Church ) St Patrick, Duston: Patrona l Solemnity (Tra n sferred) Tuesda y ST JOSEPH, SPOUSE OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY White 19 Ma r ch St Joseph, Gerrard’,s Cross, Patrona l Solemnity St Joseph, Corby: Patrona l Solemnity St Joseph, Bedford: Patrona l Solemnity St Joseph, Aylesbury: Pa t rona l Solemnity On this day in 1990 Rt Rev Leo McCartie was Installed as 10 th Bishop of Northampton On this day in 2020 Rev Dr David Oakley was ordained as 13 th Bishop of Northampton †, Rev Patrick Byrne 1979 (All Souls, Peterborough) Wednesda y Lent Feria Purple 20 Ma r ch D IOCESAN P RAYER : T HE C ARDINAL AND BISHOPS OF OUR P ROVINCE

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Ordo Ordo 139 Season of Lent/Holy Week Thursday Lent Feria Purple 21 Ma r ch †, Mgr Charles Davidson 1975 (Waterbeach) †, Fr Albert Whya 1991 (North Walsham) Frida y Lent Feria Purple 22 Ma r ch Sa t urda y Lent Feria Purple 23 Ma r ch ( Optional commemoration of St Turibius of Mogrovejo, Bishop ) †, Fr Geoff,rey Brennan 1922 (The ord) †, Fr William Cooper 1927 (Felixstowe) †, Fr Augus ne Berrell 1995 (March) Sunday PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD Red 24 Ma r ch C YCLE OF P RAYER : C ANDIDATES FOR THE S ACRAMENTS OF I NITIATION †, Fr Joseph Teeling 1979 (Lowesto )

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Ordo Ordo 140 Holy Week Sunday PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD Red 24 Ma r ch C YCLE OF P RAYER : C ANDIDATES FOR THE S ACRAMENTS OF I NITIATION †, Fr Joseph Teeling 1979 (Lowesto ) Monda y Monda y in Holy Week Purple 25 Ma r ch C YCLE OF P RAYER : P ENITENTS AND W ANDERERS †, Bishop Leo Parker 1975 (7 th Bishop of Northampton) †, Canon Michael Hazell 2020 (Farnham Royal) Tuesda y Tuesda y in Holy Week Purple 26 Ma r ch C YCLE OF P RAYER : P ENITENTS AND W ANDERERS †, Fr Tony Whi ield 2021 (Oundle) Wednesda y Wednesda y in Holy Week Purple 27 Ma r ch C YCLE OF P RAYER : P ENITENTS AND W ANDERERS

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Ordo Ordo 141 HOLY WEEK / SAC RED PASCHAL TRIDUUM Thursda y Thursday in Holy Week Purple 28 Ma r ch The Mass of Chrism is celebrated in the Ca t hedra l White THE SACRED PASCHAL TRIDUUM THURSDAY OF THE LORD’,S SUPPER (MAUNDY THURSDAY) Evening Mass of the Lord’,s Supper White Frida y FRIDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD —, GOOD FRIDAY Red 29 Ma r ch Celebration of the Passion of the Lord Red Collection for the Holy Pla c es of Pa l estine †, Fr James Rooney 2011 (St Margaret , Luton,) Sa t urda y HOLY SATURDAY 30 Ma r ch †, Canon Bernard Murray 1924 (Lynford) †, Fr Henry Macklin 1956 (Cople) †, Fr Patrick Bailey 2022 (Chesham) EASTERTIME BEGINS THE EASTER VIGIL IN THE HOLY NIGHT White Sunday EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD White 31 Ma r ch C YCLE OF P RAYER : N EW M EMBERS OF THE C HURCH †, Fr F red rick Donovan 1940 (Stowmarket)

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Ordo Ordo 142 The Octave of Easter Sunday EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD White 31 Ma r ch C YCLE OF P RAYER : N EW M EMBERS OF THE C HURCH †, Fr F red rick Donovan 1940 (Stowmarket) Monda y MONDAY WITHIN THE OC TAVE OF EASTER White 1 April C YCLE OF P RAYER : N EW M EMBERS OF THE C HURCH Tuesda y TUESDAY WITHIN THE O CTAVE OF EASTER White 2 April The memoria of St Francis of Paola is not observed C YCLE OF P RAYER : N EW M EMBERS OF THE C HURCH †, Fr Bernard Hindle 1992 (Chesham) †, Fr Gerard Ryan 2010 (Olney) Wednesda y WEDNESDAY WITHIN THE OCTAVE OF EASTER White 3 April C YCLE OF P RAYER : N EW M EMBERS OF THE C HURCH †, Mgr Canon John Ashmole 1938 (Cathedral)

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Ordo Ordo 143 The Octave of Easter Thursda y THURSDAY WITHIN THE OCTAVE OF EASTER White 4 April The memoria of St Isidore is not observed C YCLE OF P RAYER : N EW M EMBERS OF THE C HURCH †, Fr Michael Foley 1979 (Chesham) Frida y FRIDAY WITHIN THE OC TAVE OF EASTER White 5 April The memoria of St Vincent Ferrer is not observed C YCLE OF P RAYER : N EW M EMBERS OF THE C HURCH †, Canon John Abbo 1858 (Norwich) †, Fr Denis Brophy 1992 (Felixstowe) †, Mgr Noel Burdi 2000 (Nazareth House, Northampton) Sa t urda y SATURDAY WITHIN THE OCTAVE OF EASTER White 6 April C YCLE OF P RAYER : N EW M EMBERS OF THE C HURCH †, Fr Donald Hillier 1980 (March) Sunday SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER (or of DIVINE MERCY ) White 7 April The memoria of St John Baptist de la Salle is not observed Divine Mercy, Slough: Pa t rona l Solemnity Second Collection to be ta k en for the Diocesan Mission a n y Sunda y between now a n d August.

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Ordo Ordo 144 Season of Easter Sunday SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER (or of DIVINE MERCY ) White 7 April The memoria of St John Baptist de la Salle is not observed Divine Mercy, Slough: Patrona l Solemnity Monda y THE ANNUNCIATION OF THE LORD White 8 April ( Transferr ed from March 25 th ) Psa l ter Week 2 †, Fr William Poole 1867 (Kings Lynn) Tuesda y Feria White 9 April D IOCESAN P RAYER : T HE C ATHEDRAL C HAPTER AND C ONSULTORS Wednesda y Feria White 10 April D IOCESAN P RAYER : S ISTERS OF O UR L ADY OF N AMUR (K ETTERING ) †, F r Bernard McCaul 1932 (St Mary, Ipswich)

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Ordo Ordo 145 Season of Easter Thursda y St Stanisla u s, Bishop a n d Ma r tyr Red 11 April St Stanisla u s, Northa m pton: Patrona l Solemnity †, Canon Ernest Garne 1948 (Felixstowe) Frida y Feria White 12 April Sa t urda y Feria White 13 April ( Optional, St Martin I, Pope and Martyr ) Red †, Fr Michael Kennedy 1973 (Newmarket) Sunday THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER White 14 April Psa l ter Week 3

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Ordo Ordo 146 Season of Easter Sunday THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER White 14 April Psa l ter Week 3 Monday Feria White 15 April D IOCESAN P RAYER : T HE B ISHOPS ’, C ONFERENCE OF E NGLAND AND W ALES †, Fr Donald Heptonstall 1954 (Hunstanton) Tuesda y Feria White 16 April St Berna d ette, Rothwell: Pa t rona l Solemnity †, Fr James Mulle 1955 (Great Billing) †, Canon Edward McHugh 1963 (Aylesbury) Wednesda y Feria White 17 April †, Fr Tony Harris 2018 (Aylesbury St Clare)

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Ordo Ordo 147 Season of Easter Thursda y Feria White 18 April Sa c red Hea r t, Flitwick: Anniversa r y of Dedica t ion †, Fr Edward Wimbridge 1941 (Wolverton) Frida y Feria White 19 April Our La d y Imma c ulate, Slough: Anniversa r y of Dedication †, Fr Wallace Clare 1963 (Prep. School, Ipswich) Sa t urda y Feria White 20 April Sunday FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER White 21 April The memoria of St Anselm is not observed Psa l ter Week 4 C YCLE OF P RAYER : D AY OF P RAYER FOR V OCATIONS The Good Shepherd, Ha d denha m : Patrona l Solemnity †, Canon William Collis 1893 (Shefford)

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Ordo Ordo 148 Season of Easter Sunday FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER White 21 April The memoria of St Anselm is not observed Psa l ter Week 4 C YCLE OF P RAYER : D AY OF P RAYER FOR V OCATIONS The Good Shepherd, Ha d denha m : Patrona l Solemnity †, Canon William Collis 1893 (Sheff,ord) Monda y Feria White 22 April D IOCESAN P RAYER : T HE D IOCESAN V OCATIONS T EAM †, Canon Anthony Roberts 1997 (Gorleston) †, Fr Paddy Glynn 2004 (Haddenham) First Vespers of St George Tuesda y SAINT GEORGE, MARTYR, PATRON OF ENGLAND Red 23 April †, Fr Thomas Fitzgerald 1940 (Bedford) †, Bishop Leo McCar e 2020 ( 10 th Bishop of Northampton) Wednesda y Feria 24 April ( Optional, St Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Priest and Martyr ) ( Optional, St Adalbert, Bishop and Martyr ) D IOCESAN P RAYER : A RMED F ORCES C HAPLAINCIES †, Bishop Charles Grant 1989 (8 th Bishop of Northampton) †, Fr George Grace 1998 (Hun ngdon) †, Canon Edward McBride 2011 (Sherringham)

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Ordo Ordo 149 Season of Easter Thursda y SAINT MARK, EVANGELIST Red 25 April On this day in 1961 Mgr. Charles Grant was ordained Auxiliary Bishop of Northampton. Frida y Feria White 26 April On this day in 1967 Bishop Charles Grant was installed as 8th Bishop of Northampton. Sa t urda y Feria 27 April Sunday FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER White 28 April The memoriae of St Peter Chanel, Priest and Martyr or St Louis de Montfort, priest are not observed. Psa l ter Week 1

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Ordo Ordo 150 Season of Easter Sunday FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER White 28 April The memoriae of St Peter Chanel, Priest and Martyr or St Louis de Montfort, priest are not observed. Psa l ter Week 1 Monda y ST CATHERINE OF SIENA, Virgin a n d Doctor of the Church White 29 April Pa t ron of Europe C YCLE OF P RAYER : E UROPE Tuesda y Feria White 30 April ( Optional, St Pius V, Pope ) C YCLE OF P RAYER : D AY OF P RAYER FOR S URVIVORS OF S EXUAL A BUSE Wednesda y Feria White 1 Ma y ( Optional, St Joseph the Worker ) White St Joseph, Luton: Patrona l Solemnity SS Philip a n d Ja m es, Bedford: Anniversa r y of Dedication C YCLE OF P RAYER : A LL WORKERS OF THE WORLD †, Bishop Dudley Cary - Elwes 1932 ( 5 th Bishop of Northampton )

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Ordo Ordo 151 Season of Easter Thursda y St Atha n as ius, Bishop a n d Doctor of the Church White 2 Ma y D IOCESAN P RAYER : T HE S AFEGUARDING O FFICE AND C O - ORDINATOR On this day in 2001 Mgr Kevin McDonald was ordained 11th Bishop of Northampton. Friday S S PHILIP AND JAMES, APOSTLES Red 3 Ma y S S Philip &, Ja m es, Bedford : Pa t rona l Solemnity †, Fr John Duff, 1873 (Ramsey) Sa t urda y THE ENGLISH MARTYRS Red 4 Ma y St Martin, Luton: Anniversa r y of Dedication Our La d y, Wellingborough: Anniversa r y of Dedication Sunday SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER White 5 Ma y Psa l ter Week 2 C YCLE OF P RAYER : D AY OF P RAYER FOR E ASTERN C HRISTIANS Next week second collection for Ca t holic Communica t ions Network †, Dcn Earnest Mills 2005 (Burnham)

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Ordo Ordo 152 Season of Easter Sunday SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER White 5 Ma y Psa l ter Week 2 C YCLE OF P RAYER : D AY OF P RAYER FOR E ASTERN C HRISTIANS Next week second collection for Ca t holic Communica t ions Network †, Dcn Earnest Mills 2005 (Burnham) Monda y Feria White 6 Ma y D IOCESAN P RAYER : B ISHOP E MERITUS P ETER D OYLE Tuesda y Feria White 7 Ma y D IOCESAN P RAYER : P ARISH S AFEGUARDING R EPRESENTATIVES †, Mgr Provost Augus ne Peacock (1956 (Ipswich) †, Mgr Canon Harold Squirrel 1962 (Poringland) †, Mgr Provost Anthony Hulme 1987 (St Joseph, Bedford) †, Fr Stephen McGuinness 2018 (St John Ogilvie, Corby) Wednesda y Feria White 8 Ma y St Mary, Woburn Sa n ds: Anniversa r y of Dedication Holy Family, Slough: Anniversa r y of Dedica t ion First Vespers and Vigil Mass of the Ascension of the Lord

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Ordo Ordo 153 Season of Easter Thursda y THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD White 9 Ma y Frida y Feria White 10 Ma y ( , Optional, St John of Avila, Priest and Doctor of the Church) White St Peter, Biggleswade: Anniversary of Blessing Sa t urda y Feria White 11 Ma y ( Optional, St Fremund, Hermit and Martyr ) Red D IOCESAN P RAYER : T HE B ISHOP ’, S C OUNCIL Sunday SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER White 12 Ma y The memoriae of S aints Nereus and Achilleus and St Pancras are not observed. Psa l ter Week 3 C YCLE OF P RAYER : D AY OF PRAYER FOR THE RIGHT USE OF THE MEDIA Second Collection for Catholic Communications Network Our Lady of Czestochowa, Dunstable: Anniversary of Opening †, Canon Thomas Quinlivan 1885 (Cambridge)

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Ordo Ordo 154 Season of Easter Sunday SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER White 12 Ma y The memoriae of S aints Nereus and Achilleus and St Pancras are not observed. Psa l ter Week 3 C YCLE OF P RAYER : D AY OF PRAYER FOR THE RIGHT USE OF THE MEDIA Second Collection for Catholic Communications Network Our Lady of Czestochowa, Dunstable: Anniversary of Opening †, Canon Thomas Quinlivan 1885 (Cambridge) Monda y Feria White 13 Ma y ( Optional, Our Lady of Fatima ) White Our La d y of Light, Long Crendon: Pa t rona l Solemnity Our La d y of Light, Long Crendon: Anniversa r y of blessing On this day in 1969 Mgr Alan Clark was ordained as Bishop of Elmham and Auxiliary Bishop of Northampton. Tuesda y ST MATTHIAS, APOSTLE Red 14 Ma y D IOCESAN P RAYER : I NTERFAITH N ETWORKS IN THE D IOCESE ` Wednesda y Feria White 15 Ma y †, Canon Francis Sammons 1975 (Whittlesey )

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Ordo Ordo 155 Season of Easter Thursda y Feria White 16 Ma y St Brenda n , Corby: Patrona l Solemnity. †, Fr Thomas Richards 1957 (Aston-le-Walls) †, Fr Roger Edmunds 1999 (Aylesbury) Frida y Feria White 17 Ma y †, Fr Gerald Thornton 1986 (Langley) †, Fr Bertram Sammons 1988 (Wisbech) Sa t urda y Feria White 18 Ma y ( Optional, St John I, Pope and Martyr ) Red †, Fr Charles Joole 1883 (Slough) First Vespers and Vigil Mass of Pentecost Sunday PENTECOST Red 19 Ma y The memoriae of St Dunstan or Bl Peter Wright are not observed. C YCLE OF P RAYER : F OR THE C HURCH Holy Ghost , Luton : Pa t rona l Solemnity †, Can on George Dalby 1962 (Our Lady , Luton) Here ends Eastertide

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Ordo Ordo 156 Season of Easter / Ordinary Time Sunday PENTECOST Red 19 Ma y The memoriae of St Dunstan or Bl Peter Wright are not observed. C YCLE OF P RAYER : F OR THE C HURCH Holy Ghost , Luton : Pa t rona l Solemnity †, Canon George Dalby 1962 (Our Lady , Luton) Here ends Eastertide Monda y Ordinary Time resumes: Lectionary Year 2, Week 7 20 Ma y Ma r y, Mother of the Church White The memoria of St Bernardine of Siena is not observed. Psa l ter Week 3 Our La d y a n d St Ethelbert, Slough: Seconda r y Pa t rona l Fea s t St Dunsta n , Bourne End: Pa t rona l Solemnity. St Berna r dine, Buckingham: Patrona l Solemnity. †, Fr Patrick Harte (St Joseph , Bedford) Tuesda y Feria Green 21 Ma y ( Optional, St Christopher Magallanes, Priest and the Red Martyrs of Mexico ) D IOCESAN P RAYER : T HE D AUGHTERS OF THE H OLY S PIRIT (N ORTHAMPTON , B EDFORD AND L UTON ) †, Fr Hugh Capper 1988 (Fakenham) Wednesda y Feria Green 22 Ma y ( Optional, St Rita of Cascia, Religious ) White †, Fr Bernard Hughes 2022 (Holy Family, Luton) †, Fr Paul Hardy 2023 (St Edward, Milton Keynes)

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Ordo Ordo 157 Season of Ordinary Time Thursda y , OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, THE ETERNAL HIGH PRIEST White 23 Ma y D IOCESAN P RAYER : T HE P RIEST V ICARIATE Frida y Feria Green 24 Ma y Our La d y, Help of Christia n s, Luton: Pa t rona l Solemnity Our La d y, Help of Christia n s, Olney: Pa t rona l Solemnity Sa t urda y St Bede the Venera b le, Priest and Doctor of the Church White 25 Ma y St Bede, Newport Pagnell: Patrona l Solemnity. Sunday THE MOST HOLY TRINITY White 26 Ma y The memoria of St Philip Neri is not observed. Holy Trinity, Desborough: Patrona l Solemnity †, Fr Charles Meaden 1950 (The ord)

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Ordo Ordo 158 Season of Ordinary Time Sunday THE MOST HOLY TRINITY White 26 Ma y The memoria of St Philip Neri is not observed. Holy Trinity, Desborough: Patrona l Solemnity †, Fr Charles Meaden 1950 (The ord) Monda y ST AUGUSTINE OF CANTERBURY, BISHOP White 27 Ma y Psa l ter Week 4 St Augustine, High Wycombe: Patrona l Solemnity. Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Wellingborough: Patronal Solemnity. St Patrick, Northampton: Anniversary of Dedication. St Peter, Rushden: Anniversary of Opening †, Fr Robert Gates 1976 (Bury St Edmunds) Tuesda y Feria Green 28 Ma y D IOCESAN P RAYER : T HE B ON S ECOURS S ISTERS OF P ARIS (B OURNE E ND ) Wednesda y Feria Green 29 Ma y ( , Optional, St Paul VI, Pope ) White D IOCESAN P RAYER : T HE D IOCESAN L ITURGY C OMMISSION †, Fr Brendan Peters 1991 (Quiddenham) †, Mgr Gerald Moorcra 2011 (Princes Risborough) †, Mgr Pat McAleenan 2017 (Our Lady, Corby)

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Ordo Ordo 159 Season of Ordinary Time Thursda y Feria Green 30 Ma y ( Optional, Blessed Richard Newport , Martyr) Red †, Canon James Flint 1936 (Lynford) Frida y THE VISITATION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY White 31 Ma y †, Dcn Douglas Denny 2018 (Farnham Royal) Sa t urda y St Justin, Ma r tyr Red 1 June Holy Fa m ily, Luton: Anniversa r y of Opening †, Provost George Frederick Stokes 1928 (Ely) Sunday THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST [CORPUS CHRISTI] White 2 June The memoria of S S Marcellinus &, Peter is not observed. St Edmund Ca m pion, Wellingborough: Anniversa r y of Blessing

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Ordo Ordo 160 Season of Ordinary Time Sunday THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST [CORPUS CHRISTI] White 2 June The memoria of S S Marcellinus &, Peter is not observed. St Edmund Campion, Wellingborough: Anniversa r y of Blessing Monda y St Cha r les Lwanga an d Martyrs of Uga n da Red 3 June Psa l ter Week 1 D IOCESAN P RAYER : T HE P ASTORAL A REA OF L UTON Tuesda y Feria Green 4 June ( Optional, St Maria Elizabeth Hasselblad, Virgin ) White Our La d y of Pea c e, Burnha m : Patrona l Solemnity Christ the King, Bedford: Anniversa r y of Dedica t ion Wednesda y St Bonifa c e, Bishop a n d Ma r tyr Red 5 June Sa c red Hea r t a n d Our La d y, Aston - le - Wa l ls: Anniversary of Dedica t ion †, Canon John Mossey 1995 (Hunstanton)

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Ordo Ordo 161 Season of Ordinary Time Thursda y Feria Green 6 June ( Optional, St Norbert, Bishop ) White D IOCESAN P RAYER : T HE D EVELOPMENT V ICARIATE †, Canon Charles Eeles 1926 (Kings Lynn) †, Fr Thomas Phillips 1974 (Sheringham) First Vespers of the Sacr ed Heart of Jesus Frida y THE MOST SAC RED HEART OF JESUS White 7 June The memoria of St Robert of Newminster is not observed. N o Frida y ab stinence St Edward, Milton Keynes: Anniversa r y of Dedica t ion Holy Ghost, Luton: Anniversa r y of opening Sa c red Hea r t, Luton: Patrona l Solemnity. Sa c red Hea r t, Weston Fa v ell: Patrona l Solemnity Sa c red Hea r t, Leighton Buzza r d: Patrona l Solemnity Sa c red Heart, Flitwick: Pa t rona l Solemnity Sa c red Hea r t, Bedford: Patrona l Solemnity Sa c red Hea r t, Aston-le-Wa l ls: Patrona l Solemnity †, Canon Thomas Seed 1883 (Sheff,ord) †, Fr Edmund Worthy 2022 (Wellingborough) Sa t urday Imma c ula t e Hea r t of the Blessed Virgin Mary White 8 June Immaculate Heart of Mary, Great Missenden: Patronal Solemnity. †, Fr Francis Byrne 1924 (Costessey) Sunday TENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 9 June The memoriae of St Ephrem or St Columba are not observed. Psa l ter Week 2 St Columba Chesha m : Patrona l Solemnity On this day in 1880 Rev Arthur Riddell was ordained 3 rd Bishop of Northampton. †, Fr Anthony Dillon 1955 (Cambridge)

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Ordo Ordo 162 Season of Ordinary Time Sunday TENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 9 June The memoriae of St Ephrem or St Columba are not observed. Psa l ter Week 2 St Columba , Chesha m : Patrona l Solemnity On this day in 1880 Rev Arthur Riddell was ordained 3 rd Bishop of Northampton. †, Fr Anthony Dillon 1955 (Cambridge) Monda y Feria Green 10 June D IOCESAN P RAYER : B RIDGETTINE C ONVENT , I VER H EATH †, Dcn Joseph Billington 1991 (Burnham) †, Mgr Peter Hocken 2017 (Hainbourg, Austria) Tuesda y St Barna b as , Apostle Red 11 June Our La d y, Corby: Anniversary of the Dedication. †, Fr Richard Murtagh 1985 (Rushden) †, Fr George Walker 2003 (Chesham Bois) Wednesda y Feria Green 12 June St Thoma s More, Ra u nds: Anniversa r y of Opening

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Ordo Ordo 163 Season of Ordinary Time Thursda y St Anthony of Pa d ua , Priest a n d Doctor of the Church White 13 June St Anthony, Fa r nha m Roya l : Patrona l Solemnity. On this day in 1921 Bishop F r ed rick Keating was translated from Northampton to Liverpool as Metropolitan and Archbishop †, Fr Aus n O’,Sullivan 1921 (St Pancras, Ipswich) †, Fr James Purcell 1942 (St Ives) Frida y Feria Green 14 June The Good Shepherd, Ha d denha m : Anniversary of opening †, Canon Arthur Tille 1962 (Marlow) Sa t urda y Feria Green 15 June ( Optional, Our Lady on Saturday ) White D IOCESAN P RAYER : S CALABRINI F ATHERS (B EDFORD ) †, Fr Michael Bourke 1896 (Wroxham Hall) Sunday ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 16 June The memoria of St Richard of Chichester is not observed. Psa l ter Week 3 C YCLE OF P RAYER : D AY FOR L IFE Imma c ula t e Hea r t of Mary, Grea t Missenden: Anniversa r y of Dedica t ion Second Collection for the Day for Life †, Mgr George Davies 1911 (Costessey Hall)

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Ordo Ordo 164 Season of Ordinary Time Sunday ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 16 June The memoria of St Richard of Chichester is not observed. Psa l ter Week 3 C YCLE OF P RAYER : D AY FOR L IFE Imma c ula t e Hea r t of Mary, Grea t Missenden: Anniversa r y of Dedica t ion Second Collection for the Day for Life †, Mgr George Davies 1911 (Costessey Hall) Monda y Feria Green 17 June St Augustine, Milton Keynes: Anniversary of De dication Tuesda y Feria Green 18 June Wednesda y DEDICATION OF THE CATHEDRAL White 19 June Solemnity in the Cathedral, Feast in the Diocese Sa c red Hea r t, Leighton Buzza r d: Anniversary of Opening St Berna d ette, Rothwell: Anniversa r y of Blessing

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Ordo Ordo 165 Season of Ordinary Time Thursda y St Alba n , Ma r tyr Red 20 June St Alba n , Winslow: Patrona l Solemnity †, Fr Christopher McGregor 1943 (Ely) Frida y St Aloysius Gonza g a, Religious White 21 June D IOCESAN P RAYER : T HE W ORK OF THE C ATHEDRAL C ENTRE Sa t urda y SS JOHN FISHER , BISHOP AND THOMAS MORE, MARTYRS Red 22 June C YCLE OF P RAYER : D AY OF P RAYER FOR THE P ERSECUTED , O PPRESSED AND THOSE WHO ARE DENIED H UMAN R IGHTS Bea c onsfield: Fea s t of Seconda r y Pa t rons St Thoma s More,Towcester: Patrona l Solemnity St Thoma s More, Ra u nds: Pa t rona l Solemnity Sunday TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 23 J une The memoria of St Etheld r ed a is not observed. Psa l ter Week 4 Next week second collection for Peter’,s Pence

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Ordo Ordo 166 Season of Ordinary Time Sunday TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 23 June The memoria of St Etheld r ed a is not observed. Psa l ter Week 4 Next week second collection for Peter’,s Pence Monda y THE NATIVITY OF ST JOHN THE BAPTIST White 24 June Tuesda y Feria Green 25 June ( Optional, St Cadoc, Abbot ) White Wednesda y Feria Green 26 June †, Fr Edmund Rees-Jones 1982 (Diss) †, Fr Nigel Bourne 1990 (St Brendan, Corby)

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Ordo Ordo 167 Season of Ordinary Time Thursda y Feria Green 27 June ( Optional, St Cyril of Alexandria, Bishop and Doctor of the Church ) White Frida y St Irena e us of Lyons, Bishop a n d Ma r tyr Red 28 June Grea t Billing &, Chesha m Bois : Pa t rona l Solemnity (Our La d y of Perpetua l Succour) On this day in 2005 Mgr Peter Doyle was ordained as 12 th Bishop of Northampton. Sa t urda y Feria Green 29 June ( Optional, Our Lady on Saturday ) White †, Canon Timothy Russ 2013 (Great Missenden) First Vespers and Vigil Mass of SS Peter and Paul , Apostles Red Sunday SS PETER AND PAUL , APOSTLES Red 30 June ( The memoria of the First Martyrs of the Church of Rome is not observed. ) Ss Peter a n d Paul, King’,s Sutton: Patrona l Solemnity Second Collection for Peter’,s Pence †, Cano n Brian Frost 2018 (St Patrick , Corby)

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Ordo Ordo 168 Season of Ordinary Time Sunday SS PETER AND PAUL , APOSTLES Red 30 June ( The memoria of the First Martyrs of the Church of Rome is not observed. ) Ss Peter a n d Paul, King’,s Sutton: Patrona l Solemnity Second Collection for Peter’,s Pence †, Canon Brian Frost 2018 (St Patrick, Corby) Monda y Feria Green 1 July ( Optional, St Oliver Plunket, Bishop and Martyr ) Red Psa l ter Week 1 D IOCESAN P RAYER : T HE P ASTORAL A REA OF A YLESBURY Tuesda y Feria Green 2 July C YCLE OF P RAYER : T HE C HANCELLOR AND C HANCERY †, Fr Thomas McDonald 1875 Wednesda y ST THOMAS, APOSTLE Red 3 July St Thoma s , Ca d dington: Patrona l Solemnity St Francis, Shefford: Anniversa r y of Dedica t ion

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Ordo Ordo 169 Season of Ordinary Time Thursda y Feria Green 4 July ( Optional, St Elizabeth of Portugal ) White On this day in 1858 Fr Francis Kerril Amhurst was ordained 2 nd Bishop of Northampton †, Fr Maurice Hignett 1982 (Our Lady, Peterborough) Frida y Feria Green 5 July ( Optional, St Anthony Zaccaria , Priest ) ( Optional, Blessed Thomas Belson, Martyr ) White Red †, Fr Gerard Collins 1996 (Li le Chalfont) Sa t urda y PATRONAGE OF ST THOMAS BECKET Red 6 July The memoriae of St Maria Goretti, and Blessed Thomas Alfield are not observed Cathedra l : Fea s t of Seconda r y Pa t ron †, Fr Joseph Farrell 1986 (St Laurence, Cambridge) †, Fr John Cureton 2005 (Swa am) Sunday FOURTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 7 July Psa l ter Week 2 Next Sunda y second collection for Stella Maris (Formerly AOS) †, Canon Richard Ducke 1910 (Norwich)

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Ordo Ordo 170 Season of Ordinary Time Sunday FOURTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 7 July Psalter Week 2 Next Sunda y second collection for Stella Maris (Formerly AOS) †, Canon Richard Ducke 1910 (Norwich) Monda y Feria Green 8 July Our La d y, Aylesbury: Anniversary of Dedica t ion †, Fr George Web 1950 (The ord) Tuesda y St Augustine Zha o Rong, Priest a n d the ma r tyrs of China Red 9 July †, Fr Francis Wormall 1899 (Stowmarket) †, Dcn Peter Venes 2008 (Cathedral) Wednesda y Feria Green 10 July †, Fr William Hayes 1855 (Kingscliff,e) †, Provost Seth Eccles 1884 (Weston Underwood) †, Fr Edmund O’,Gorman 1974 (Rushden)

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Ordo Ordo 171 Season of Ordinary Time Thursda y ST BENEDICT, ABBOT, PATRON OF EUROPE White 11 July C YCLE OF P RAYER : F OR E UROPE Frida y Feria Green 12 July †, Fr Alexander Sco 1918 (Lowesto ) †, Fr Edward Hill 1990 (Li le Chalfont) Sa t urda y Feria Green 13 July ( Optional, St Henry, Confessor) ( Optional, Saturday Mass of Our Lady ) White White †, Dcn Hubert Grant Scarfe 1995 (Beaconsfi,eld) Sunday FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 14 July ( The memoriae of St Camillus or Bl Richard Langhorne are not observed. ) Psa l ter Week 3 C YCLE OF P RAYER : S EA S UNDAY : A LL S EAFARERS Second Collection for Stella Maris (formerly AOS)

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Ordo Ordo 172 Season of Ordinary Time Sunday FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 14 July ( The memoriae of St Camillus or Bl Richard Langhorne are not observed. ) Psa l ter Week 3 C YCLE OF P RAYER : S EA S UNDAY : A LL S EAFARERS Second Collection for Stella Maris (formerly AOS) Monda y St Bona v enture, Bishop a n d Doctor of the Church White 15 July Bridgettine Convert Cha p el: Anniversa r y of Opening †, Fr Tho mas Feighan 2016 (St Augustine, High Wycombe) Tuesda y Feria Green 16 July ( Optional, Our Lady of Mount Carmel ) White †, Fr Joseph Clemente 1918 (St Ethelbert, Slough) †, Fr William Joly 1982 (Costessey) †, Fr Bernard Nesden 1999 (Hunstanton) †, Bishop Alan Clarke 2002 (Auxiliary Bishop of Northampton, and first Bishop of East Anglia) †, Canon Patrick Carey 2015 (Bourne End) †, Mgr Anthony Philpot 2016 (Cambridge) Wednesda y Feria Green 17 July D IOCESAN P RAYER : D ISCALCED C ARMELITES (G ERARDS C ROSS )

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Ordo Ordo 173 Season of Ordinary Time Thursda y Feria Green 18 July ( Optional, St Edburga of Bicester, Religious ) White Frida y Feria Green 19 July Diocesa n Prayer: Vincentian Congrega t ion Sa t urda y Feria Green 20 July ( Optional, St Apollinaris, Bishop and Martyr ) ( Optional, Saturday Mass of Our Lady ) Red White †, Fr Lawrence O’,Toole 2010 (Sawston) Sunday SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 21 July ( The memoria of St Lawrence Brindisi is not observed. ) Psa l ter Week 4 †, Canon Denis McSweeney 2015 (Flitwick)

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Ordo Ordo 174 Season of Ordinary Time Sunday SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 21 July ( The memoria of St Lawrence Brindisi is not observed. ) Psa l ter Week 4 †, Canon Denis McSweeney 2015 (Flitwick) Monday , ST MARY MAGDALENE, APOSTLE TO THE APOSTLES White 22 July St Mary Ma g da l ene, Stony Stra t ford: Pa t rona l Festiva l Tuesda y ST BRIDGET OF SWEDEN, RELIGIOUS , PATRON OF EUROPE White 23 July C YCLE OF P RAYER : E UROPE Bridgettine Convent: Patrona l Solemnity †, Fr Vincent M a cRory 2013 (SS Philip and James, Bedford) Wednesda y Feria Green 24 July ( Optional, St Sharbel Makhluf , Priest ) White C YCLE OF P RAYER : F OR E UROPE †, Fr Joseph Parr 1983 (Our Lady of Lourdes, Peterborough)

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Ordo Ordo 175 Season of Ordinary Time Thursda y ST JAMES, APOSTLE Red 25 July D IOCESAN P RAYER : D IOCESAN P ILGRIMAGES On this day in 1933 Canon Laurence Youens was ordained 6 th Bishop of Northampton †, Canon Stephen Longman 1885 (Oxburgh) †, Fr Patrick Oates 1975 (Sacred Heart, Luton) †, Mgr John Drury 2010 (Kirtling) Frida y SS Anne a n d Joa c him , Parents of Our La d y White 26 July St Anne, Wendover: Patrona l Solemnity †, Canon Edward Stokes 1961 (English Martyrs, Cambridge) †, Fr Edward Rohan 1999 (Iver Heath) Sa t urda y Feria Green 27 July ( Optional, Saturday Mass of Our Lady ) White St Aida n , Northa m pton: Anniversa r y of Dedica t ion Sunday SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 28 July Psa l ter Week 1 St Martin, Brackley: Anniversa r y of Blessing †, Fr Montgomery Fulcher 1973 (Stoke - by - Nayland)

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Ordo Ordo 176 Season of Ordinary Time Sunday SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 28 July Psa l ter Week 1 †, Fr Montgomery Fulcher 1973 (Stoke - by - Nayland) Monda y , SS Mary, Ma r tha an d Laza r us White 29 July St Peter, Marlow: Anniversa r y of Dedica t ion Tuesda y Feria Green 30 July ( Optional, St Peter Chrysologus, Bishop and Doctor of the Church ) ( Optional, Blessed Everard Hanse, Martyr ) White Red D IOCESAN P RAYER : R EDEMPTORIST C ONGREGATION Wednesda y St Igna t ius Loyola , Priest White 31 July Our La d y of Perpetua l Succour, Chesha m Bois: Anniversa r y of Dedica t ion

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Ordo Ordo 177 Season of Ordinary Time Thursda y St Alphonsus Liguori, Bishop a n d Doctor of the Church White 1 August St Berna d ine of Siena , Buckingha m : Anniversa r y of Dedica t ion †, Mgr John Ryan 2008 (Olney) Frida y Feria Green 2 August ( Optional, St Eusebius of Vercelli, Bishop ) ( Optional, St Peter Julian Eymard, Priest ) White White D IOCESAN P RAYER : T HE P ASTORAL A REA OF S OUTH B UCKINGHAMSHIRE Sa t urda y Feria Green 3 August ( Optional, St Walthen, Abbot ) ( Optional, Saturday Mass of Our Lady ) White White D IOCESAN P RAYER : T HE D IOCESAN T RIBUNAL †, Fr Hugh Byron 1993 (Wisbech) Sunday EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 4 August The memoria of St John Vianney is not observed. Psa l ter Week 2

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Ordo Ordo 178 Season of Ordinary Time Sunday EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 4 August The memoria of St John Vianney is not observed. Psa l ter Week 2 Monda y Feria Green 5 August ( Optional, The Dedication of the Basilica of St Mary Major ) White D IOCESAN P RAYER : C LERGY W ELFARE O FFICE Tuesda y THE TRANSFIGURATION OF THE LORD White 6 August Wednesda y Feria Green 7 August ( Optional, St Sixtus II, Pope and Companions, Martyrs ( Optional, St Cajetan, Priest ) Red White D IOCESAN P RAYER : P ASTORAL M INISTRY O FFICE

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Ordo Ordo 179 Season of Ordinary Time Thursda y St Dominic, Priest White 8 August D IOCESAN P RAYER : C LERGY FROM OTHER DIOCESES WORKING WITH US Frida y ST TERESA BENEDICTA OF THE CROSS , VIRGIN AND MARTYR Red 9 August PATRON OF EUROPE C YCLE OF P RAYER : A D EEPER U NDERSTANDING BETWEEN C HRISTIANS AND J EWS C YCLE OF P RAYER : F OR E UROPE Sa t urda y ST LAWRENCE, DEACON AND MARTYR Red 10 August St Stanisla u s, Northa m pton: Seconda r y Patrona l Fea s t Our La d y, Olney: Seconda r y Pa t rona l Fea s t †, Canon Patrick Grogan 1940 (Wroxham Hall) †, Fr Thomas Walker 1949 (Gorleston) †, Fr Stephen Doupe 1972 (Hunstanton) †, Fr William Hughes 2005 (Our Lady, Luton) †, Dcn Michael Graney 2020 (St Gregory, Northampton) Sunday NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME White 11 August The memoria of St Clare is not observed. St Cla r e, Aylesbury: Patrona l Solemnity

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Ordo Ordo 180 Season of Ordinary Time Sunday NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME White 11 August The memoria of St Clare is not observed. St Cla r e, Aylesbury: Patrona l Solemnity Monda y Feria 12 August ( Optional, St Jane Frances de Chantal, Religious ) St Cla r e, Aylesbury: Patrona l Solemnity (tra n sfer red ) Tuesda y Feria Green 13 August ( Optional, SS Pontian, Pope and Hyppolytus, Priest, Martyrs ) Red D IOCESAN P RAYER : T HE S ICK AND R ETIRED C LERGY OF THE D IOCESE Wednesda y St Maximilia n Kolbe, Priest a n d Ma r tyr Red 14 August First Vespers a n d Ma s s of the Assumption

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Ordo Ordo 181 Season of Ordinary Time Thursda y THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY White 15 August Our La d y of Cha r ity, Da v entry: Pa t rona l Solemnity Our La d y, Woburn Sa n ds: Patrona l Solemnity Sa c red Hea r t, Aston-le-Wa l ls: Seconda r y Pa t rona l Fea s t †, Fr William Oddy 2007 (Costessey) Frida y Feria Green 16 August ( Optional, St Stephen of Hungary ) White Sa t urda y Feria Green 17 August ( Optional, Saturday Mass of Our Lady ) White Sunday TWENTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 18 August Psa l ter Week 4 †, Fr Ethelbert Payne 1976 (Wellingborough) †, Dcn Michael Parslow 2002 (St Brendan, Corby)

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Ordo Ordo 182 Season of Ordinary Time Sunday TWENTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 18 August Psa l ter Week 4 †, Fr Ethelbert Payne 1976 (Wellingborough) †, Dcn Michael Parslow 2002 (St Brendan, Corby) Monda y Feria Green 19 August ( Optional, St John Eudes, Priest ) White St Joseph, Bedford: Anniversa r y of Dedica t ion Tuesda y St Berna r d, Abbot a n d Doctor of the Church White 20 August D IOCESAN P RAYER : O LIVETAN B ENEDICTINES (T URVEY ) Wednesday St Pius X, Pope White 21 August †, Bishop Francis Amhurst 1883 (2 nd Bishop of Northampton) †, Fr John Lickert 1934 (Newmarket)

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Ordo Ordo 183 Season of Ordinary Time Thursda y The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Ma r y White 22 August D IOCESAN P RAYER : P ARISH P ASTORAL C OUNCILS †, Canon Norman Smith 2010 (Cathedral) Frida y Feria Green 23 August ( Optional, St Rose of Lim a , Virgin ) White †, Fr Joseph Mayne 1942 (Cathedral) Sa t urda y ST BARTHOLOMEW, APOSTLE Red 24 August †, Fr Andrew Kay 1932 (Slough) †, Mgr Canon Arthur Brewer 1972 (Our Lady, Luton) Sunday TWENTY - FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 25 August ( The memoriae of St Louis or St Joseph Calasanz or Bl Alice Rich are not observed ) Psa l ter Week 1 †, Fr Benjamin Camilleri 2010 (Dallington) †, Fr Maurice Leafe 2016 (Towcester)

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Ordo Ordo 184 Season of Ordinary Time Sunday TWENTY - FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 25 August ( The memoriae of St Louis or St Joseph Calasanz or Bl Alice Rich are not observed ) Psa l ter Week 1 †, Fr Benjamin Camilleri 2010 (Dallington) †, Fr Maurice Leafe 2016 (Towcester) Monda y Feria Green 26 August ( Optional, Blessed Dominic of the Mother of God, Priest ) White Our La d y of Czestochowa , Dunsta b le: Patrona l Solemnity Our La d y, Olney: Anniversa r y of Dedica t ion †, Mgr Canon William Hunting 1969 (Shefford) Tuesda y St Monica White 27 August D IOCESAN P RAYER : P ARISH C ATECHISTS †, Fr Frederick Lockyer 1954 (Bury St Edmunds) †, Dcn Robin Cooper 2003 (St Gregory, Northampton) Wednesda y St Augustine of Hippo , Bishop and Doctor of the Church White 28 August St Augustine, Milton Keynes: Patrona l Solemnity St Augustine, Datchet: Pa t rona l Solemnity Our Lady, Daventry: Feast of Seconda r y Pa t ron

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Ordo Ordo 185 Season of Ordinary Time Thursda y The Passion of St John the Ba p tist Red 29 August Frida y Feria Green 30 August ( Optional, Saints Margaret Clitherow, Anne Line and Margaret Red Ward, Martyrs ) St Thoma s , Ca d dington: Anniversary of Blessing †, Fr Patrick Crowe 2000 (Our Lady, Luton) Sa t urda y Feria Green 31 August ( Optional, St Aidan, Bishop and the Saints of Lindisfarne ) ( Optional, Saturday Mass of Our Lady ) White White St Aida n , Kingsthorpe: Patrona l Solemnity St Aidan, Little Chalfont: Patronal Solemnity Sunday TWENTY - SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 1 September Psa l ter Week 2 T HE S EASON OF C REATION BEGINS TODAY AND CONTINUES UNTIL O CTOBER 6 TH C YCLE OF P RAYER : T HE C ARE OF C REATION Second Collection for Sick a n d Retired Clergy to be ta k en on an y Sunda y between now a n d Christma s . Optiona l second collection next Sunda y for the Ca t holic Educa t ion Service

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Ordo Ordo 186 Season of Ordinary Time Sunday TWENTY - SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 1 September Psa l ter Week 2 T HE S EASON OF C REATION BEGINS TODAY AND CONTINUES UNTIL O CTOBER 6 TH C YCLE OF P RAYER : T HE C ARE OF C REATION Second Collection for Sick a n d Retired Clergy to be ta k en on an y Sunda y between now a n d Christma s . Optiona l second collection next Sunda y for the Catholic Educa t ion Service Monda y Feria Green 2 September C YCLE OF P RAYER : T HE D IOCESAN B OARD OF F INANCE AND T RUSTEES †, Fr Arthur Wallace 1898 (Convent, Ipswich) Tuesda y ST GREGORY THE GREAT, POPE AND DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH White 3 September St Gregory, Northampton: Anniversa r y of Dedication St Gregory, Northampton: Patrona l Solemnity Wednesda y Feria Green 4 September ( Optional, St Cuthbert, Bishop ) White Sa c red Hea r t, Bedford: Fea s t of Seconda r y Pa t ron †, Fr Michael Geraghty 1952 (Felixstowe)

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Ordo Ordo 187 Season of Ordinary Time Thursda y Feria White 5 September ( Optional, Bl. Richard Brown, Martyr ) Red †, Fr Jim Marks 1996 (Chesham) Frida y Feria Green 6 September Sa t urda y Feria Green 7 September ( Optional, Saturday Mass of Our Lady ) White Sunday TWENTY - THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 8 September The Feast of the Nativity of the BVM is not observed Psa l ter Week 3 C YCLE OF P RAYER : A LL INVOLVED IN E DUCATION Our La d y, Grea t Billing: Anniversa r y of Diocesa n Shrine Optiona l second collection for Ca t holic Education Service Next Sunda y Second Collection for Home Missions †, Fr Francis Glanfield 1986 (Cathedral) †, Fr Hamish Swanston 2013

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Ordo Ordo 188 Season of Ordinary Time Sunday TWENTY - THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 8 September The Feast of the Nativity of the BVM is not observed Psa l ter Week 3 C YCLE OF P RAYER : A LL INVOLVED IN E DUCATION Our La d y, Grea t Billing: Anniversa r y of Diocesa n Shrine Optiona l second collection for Ca t holic Education Service Next Sunda y Second Collection for Home Missions †, Fr Francis Glanfield 1986 (Cathedral) †, Fr Hamish Swanston 2013 Monda y Feria Green 9 September ( Optional, St Peter Claver, Priest ) White D IOCESAN P RAYER : O UR S CHOOLS AND ALL WHO SUPPORT THEM †, Fr Mortimer Flanagan 1946 (Swaffham) Tuesda y Feria Green 10 September D IOCESAN P RAYER : O UR S CHOOLS AND ALL WHO WORK THERE Wednesda y Feria Green 11 September D IOCESAN P RAYER : O UR S CHOOLS AND ALL Y OUNG P EOPLE AND THEIR F AMILIES †, Canon William Burrows 1959 (St Pancras, Ipswich)

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Ordo Ordo 189 Season of Ordinary Time Thursda y Feria Green 12 September ( Optional, The Most Holy Name of Mary ) White Our La d y of Pea c e, Burnha m : Anniversa r y of Dedica t ion Frida y St John Chrysostom, Bishop a n d Doctor of the Church White 13 September D IOCESAN P RAYER : O UR L ADY I MMACULATE A CADEMY T RUST Sa t urda y THE EXALTATION OF THE HOLY CROSS Red 14 September Holy Cross, Bedford: Patrona l Solemnity Sunday TWENTY - FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 15 September The memoria of Our Lady of Sorrows is not observed Psa l ter Week 4 C YCLE OF P RAYER : E VANGELII G AUDIUM D AY (H OME M ISSIONS ) 1 st Weekend of Parish Ma s s Count Second Collection for Home Missions Our La d y of Sorrows, Eton: Pa t rona l Solemnity †, Bishop Arthur Riddell 1907 (3 rd Bishop of Northampton)

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Ordo Ordo 190 Season of Ordinary Time Sunday TWENTY - FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 15 September The memoria of Our Lady of Sorrows is not observed Psa l ter Week 4 C YCLE OF P RAYER : E VANGELII G AUDIUM D AY (H OME M ISSIONS ) 1 st Weekend of Parish Ma s s Count Second Collection for Home Missions Our La d y of Sorrows, Eton: Pa t rona l Solemnity †, Bishop Arthur Riddell 1907 (3 rd Bishop of Northampton) Monda y SS Cornelius , Pope a n d Cypria n , Bishop, Ma r tyrs Red 16 September D IOCESAN P RAYER : M ISSION N ORTHAMPTON Tuesda y Feria Green 17 September ( Optional, St Robert Bellarmine, Bishop and Doctor of the Church ) ( , Optional, St Hildegard of Bingen, Virgin and Doctor of the Church ) White White D IOCESAN P RAYER : S T T HOMAS OF C ANTERBURY A CADEMY T RUST Wednesda y Feria Green 18 September D IOCESAN P RAYER : S T P AUL ’, S S CHOOLS P ARTNERSHIP , M ILTON K EYNES †, Fr Ronald Waldie 1911 (Rushden) †, Fr Francis Murphy 1994 (Marlow)

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Ordo Ordo 191 Season of Ordinary Time Thursda y Feria Green 19 September ( Optional, St Januarius Bishop and martyr ) ( Optional, St Theodore of Canterbury, Bishop ) Red White D IOCESAN P RAYER : D IOCESAN E DUCATION S ERVICE †, Fr George Miles 1931 (Stoke - by - Nayland) Frida y St Andrew Kim Ta e - gon a n d the ma r tyrs of Korea Red 20 September D IOCESAN P RAYER : U NIVERSITY , C OLLEGE AND S CHOOL C HAPLAINCIES †, Mgr Graham Adams 2014 (Aston - le - Walls) Sa t urda y ST MATTHEW, APOSTLE AND EVANGELIST Red 21 September On this day in 1840 Rev. William Wareing was ordained as Bishop of Aristopolis in partibus infidelium and installed as Vicar Apostolic of the Eastern district. Sunday TWENTY - FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 22 September Psa l ter Week 1 2 nd Weekend of Parish Mass Count Harvest Mass - Between 22 - 28 September, including the Sunday, a Mass may be celebrated in Thanksgiving for the fruits of the earth, or whenever Harvest Festivals are held. (See 6 th October, CAFOD) †, Provost William Blackman 1911 (Great Billing) †, Fr Brian Leatherland 2022 (Thrapston)

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Ordo Ordo 192 Season of Ordinary Time Sunday TWENTY - FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 22 September Psa l ter Week 1 2 nd Weekend of Parish Mass Count Harvest Mass - Between 22 - 28 September, including the Sunday, a Mass may be celebrated in Thanksgiving for the fruits of the earth, or whenever Harvest Festivals are held. (See 6 th October, CAFOD) †, Provost William Blackman 1911 (Great Billing) †, Fr Brian Leatherland 2022 (Thrapston) Monda y St Pius of Pietrelcina , Priest White 23 September D IOCESAN P RAYER : S ISTERS OF THE H OLY C ROSS (C HALFONT S T P ETER ) Tuesda y OUR LADY OF WALSINGHAM White 24 September Our La d y, Kempston: Anniversary of Opening St Edward, Kettering: Anniversa r y of the Dedication Our La d y of Wa l singha m , Corby: Pa t rona l Solemnity Our La d y, Kempston: Patrona l Solemnity Wednesda y Feria Green 25 September D IOCESAN P RAYER : P OLISH S OCIETY OF C HRIST (D UNSTABLE ) †, Fr Henry Colpman 1899 (Wisbech)

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Ordo Ordo 193 Season of Ordinary Time Thursda y Feria Green 26 September ( Optional, SS Cosmas and Damian, Martyrs ) Red D IOCESAN P RAYER : T HE O RDINARIATE OF O UR L ADY OF W ALSINGHAM †, Fr Edmund Golston 1990 (Woburn Sands) †, Fr Anthony Sketch 2012 (Lowestoft) Frida y St Vincent de Paul White 27 September D IOCESAN P RAYER : C ARITAS N ORTHAMPTON †, Canon William Moser 1911 (Peterborough) Sa t urda y Feria Green 28 September ( Optional, St Wenceslaus, Martyr ) ( Optional, St Laurence Ruiz and martyrs of Japan ) ( Optional, Saturday Mass of Our Lady ) Red Red White †, Fr George Page 1937 (Wisbech) †, Canon Anthony Griffiths 2019 (Marlow) †, Fr John Leaver 1998 (Bletchley) Sunday TWENTY - SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 29 September The feast of S S Michael, Gabriel and Raphael is not observed Psa l ter Week 2 3 rd Weekend of Parish Mass Count Next Thursda y is the CAFOD Ha r vest fa s t Da y Next Sunda y second collection for CAFOD On this day in 1982 Fr Francis Thomas was ordained 9 th Bishop of Northampton †, Dcn Jim Heath 2011 (St Joseph, Luton)

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Ordo Ordo 194 Season of Ordinary Time Sunday TWENTY - SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 29 September The feast of S S Michael, Gabriel and Raphael is not observed Psa l ter Week 2 3 rd Weekend of Parish Mass Count Next Thursda y is the CAFOD Ha r vest fa s t Da y Next Sunda y second collection for CAFOD On this day in 1982 Fr Francis Thomas was ordained 9 th Bishop of Northampton †, Dcn Jim Heath 2011 (St Joseph, Luton) Monday St Jerome, Priest a n d Doctor of the Church White 30 September Sa c red Hea r t, Luton: Anniversary of Dedica t ion St Teresa, Bea c onsfield: Anniversa r y of Dedication Tuesda y St Thé,rè,se of the Child Jesus, Virgin a n d Doctor of the Church White 1 October St Teresa, Bea c onsfield: Patrona l Solemnity St Teresa, Princes Risborough: Pa t rona l Solemnity SS Fra n cis a n d Thé,rè,se, Hunsbury: Seconda r y Pa t rona l Fea s t Wednesda y The Holy Gua r dia n Angels White 2 October D IOCESAN P RAYER : T HE P ASTORAL A REA OF N ORTH N ORTHAMPTONSHIRE †, Dcn Peter Hurrell 2001 (Great Billing)

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Ordo Ordo 195 Season of Ordinary Time Thursda y Feria Green 3 October ( Optional, St Thomas de Canteloupe, Bishop ) White St Teresa, Princes Risborough: Anniversa r y of Dedication †, Fr John Maunsell 1999 (Aston - le - Walls) Frida y St Francis of Assisi, Religious White 4 October T HE S EASON OF C REATION ENDS TODAY SS Fra n cis a n d Thé,rè,se, Hunsbury: Pa t rona l Solemnity St Francis, Shefford: Patrona l Solemnity CAFOD HARVEST FAST DAY †, Fr Francis Armstrong 1967 (Sheringham) †, Fr Cyril Henslow 1968 (Leighton Buzzard) †, Fr Geoffrey Crawford 1969 (Langley) Saturda y Feria Green 5 October ( , Optional, St Faustina Kowalska, Religious ) White ( Optional, Saturday Mass of Our Lady ) White D IOCESAN P RAYER : O NGOING F ORMATION Sunday TWENTY - SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 6 October The memoria of St Bruno is not observed Psa l ter Week 3 4 th Weekend of Parish Ma s s Count CAFOD Harvest Fast Day collection (See note for 22 September) Our La d y of Cha r ity, Da v entry: Anniversa r y of Dedica t ion †, Canon Robert Pa t e 1911 (Notre Da m e, Northa m pton) †, Fr Malcolm Cowan 1984 (Wymondham)

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Ordo Ordo 196 Season of Ordinary Time Sunday TWENTY - SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 6 October The memoria of St Bruno is not observed Psa l ter Week 3 4 th Weekend of Parish Ma s s Count CAFOD Harvest Fast Day collection (See note for 22 September) Our La d y of Charity, Da v entry: Anniversa r y of Dedica t ion †, Canon Robert Pate 1911 (Notre Dame, Northampton) †, Fr Malcolm Cowan 1984 (Wymondham) Monday Our La d y of the Rosa r y White 7 October Our La d y of the Rosa r y, Yelvertoft: Patrona l Solemnity Tuesda y Feria Green 8 October D IOCESAN P RAYER : P ARISH S ACRISTANS Wednesda y ST JOHN HENRY NEWMAN, PRIEST White 9 October St John Henry Newma n , High Wycombe: Patrona l Solemnity

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Ordo Ordo 197 Season of Ordinary Time Thursda y Feria Green 10 October ( Optional, St Paulinus of York, Bishop ) ( Optional, St Denis and the martyrs of Paris ) ( Optional, St John Leonardi, Priest ) ( Optional, St Osyth, Abbess ) White Red White White †, Fr William Lowndes 1929 (St Pancras, Ipswich) Frida y Feria Green 11 October ( , Optional, St John XXIII, Pope ) White St Columba , Chesha m : Anniversa r y of Dedica t ion †, Pope Boniface VIII (Benedetto Gaetani) 1303 (Towcester) Sa t urda y Feria Green 12 October ( Optional, St Wilfrid of York, Bishop) ( Optional, Saturday Mass of Our Lady ) White White Sunday TWENTY - EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 13 October The memoria of St Edward the Confessor is not observed Psa l ter Week 4 C YCLE OF :P RAYER : P RISONS W EEK BEGINS TODAY , UNTIL 19 TH O CTOBER P RAY FOR P RISONERS AND THEIR F AMILIES St Edward, Kettering: Pa s tora l Solemnity St Edward, Milton Keynes: Pa t rona l Solemnity Next Sunda y second collection for Missio On this day in 1164 Archbishop Thomas Becket fled from Northampton and went into exile. †, Fr Robert Middleton 1906 (Bedford) †, Fr Thomas Scott 1928 (Aylesbury)

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Ordo Ordo 198 Season of Ordinary Time Sunday TWENTY - EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 13 October The memoria of St Edward the Confessor is not observed Psa l ter Week 4 C YCLE OF :P RAYER : P RISONS W EEK BEGINS TODAY , UNTIL 19 TH O CTOBER P RAY FOR P RISONERS AND THEIR F AMILIES St Edward, Kettering: Pastora l Solemnity St Edward, Milton Keynes: Pa t rona l Solemnity Next Sunda y second collection for Missio On this day in 1164 Archbishop Thomas Becket fled from Northampton and went into exile. †, Fr Robert Middleton 1906 (Bedford) †, Fr Thomas Scott 1928 (Aylesbury) Monda y Feria Green 14 October ( Optional, St Callistus I, Pope and Martyr ) Red D IOCESAN P RAYER : P RISON C HAPLAINCIES Tuesda y St Teresa of Jesus, Virgin a n d Doctor of the Church White 15 October D IOCESAN P RAYER : S ISTERS OF THE H OLY C HILD J ESUS (M ILTON K EYNES ) †, Fr Edgar Hardwick 1971 ( Coldham Cottage) Wednesda y Feria Green 16 October ( Optional, St Hedwig, Religious ) ( Optional, St Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin ) White White †, Dcn Thomas Newland 1989 (Norwich)

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2024 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory

Ordo Ordo 199 Season of Ordinary Time Thursda y St Igna t ius of Antioch, Bishop a n d Ma r tyr Red 17 October St John Ogilvie, Corby: Anniversary of Dedica t ion †, Fr Michael Sellers 1987 (Wolverton) Frida y ST LUKE, EVANGELIST Red 18 October †, Fr James Sloan 1988 (Southwold) Sa t urda y Feria White 19 October ( Optional, Ss John Brebeuf and Isaac Jogues, Priests and Martyrs of Canada ) ( Optional, St Paul of the Cross, Priest ) ( Optional, Saturday Mass of Our Lady ) Red White White St Augustine, High Wycombe: Anniversa r y of Dedica t ion Sunday TWENTY - NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 20 October Psa l ter Week 1 C YCLE OF P RAYER : W ORLD M ISSION D AY Second Collection for Missio Holy Cross, Bedford: Anniversa r y of Dedica t ion St Frances Ca b rini, Bedford: Anniversa r y of Dedica t ion

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2024 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory

Ordo Ordo 200 Season of Ordinary Time Sunday TWENTY - NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 20 October Psa l ter Week 1 C YCLE OF P RAYER : W ORLD M ISSION D AY Second Collection for Missio Holy Cross, Bedford: Anniversary of Dedication St Frances Ca b rini, Bedford: Anniversa r y of Dedica t ion Monda y Feria Green 21 October D IOCESAN P RAYER : P ARISH F INANCE C OMMITTEES Tuesda y Feria Green 22 October ( , Optional, St John Paul II , Pope ) White Wednesda y Feria Green 23 October ( Optional, St John Capistrano, Priest ) White Holy Red eemer, Slough: Pa t rona l Solemnity †, Fr Kenneth Payne 2022 (Little Chalfont)

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Ordo Ordo 201 Season of Ordinary Time Thursda y Feria Green 24 October ( Optional, St Anthony Mary Claret, Bishop ) White D IOCESAN P RAYER : F RANSALIAN F ATHERS (N ORTHAMPTON ) †, Canon Bernard Smith 1903 (Marlow) †, Mgr Provost Frank Diamond 1992 (Great Billing) Frida y Feria Green 25 October †, Fr Henry Wace 2002 (Dereham) Sa t urda y Feria Green 26 October ( Optional, Saints Chad and Cedd, Bishops ) ( Optional, St Alfred the Great ) ( Optional, Saturday Mass of Our Lady ) White White White †, Canon William Hammond 1900 (Aston - le - Walls) Sunday THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 27 October Psa l ter Week 2 Next Frida y is the Holy Da y of All Sa i nts

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Ordo Ordo 202 Season of Ordinary Time Sunday THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 27 October Psa l ter Week 2 Next Frida y is the Holy Da y of All Sa i nts Monda y SS SIMON AND JUDE, APOSTLES Red 28 October D IOCESAN P RAYER : P ARISH W ELCOMERS Tuesda y Feria Green 29 October †, Fr William Bainbridge 1970 (High Wycombe) †, Fr Christopher Roberts 1999 (Kingsthorpe) †, Dcn Michael Stephenson 2009 (Great Missenden) Wednesda y Feria Green 30 October

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Ordo Ordo 203 Season of Ordinary Time Thursda y Feria Green 31 October †, Mgr An thony McDermott 2022 (St Aidan , Northampton ) Evening: 1 st Vespers and Mass of All Saints Frida y ALL SAINTS White 1 November All Sa i nts, Bletchley: Patrona l Solemnity St John, Luton: Anniversa r y of Opening Sa t urda y THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED Purple 2 November (ALL SOUL’,S DAY) †, Provost Frederick Charles Husenbeth 1872 (Costessey) †, Fr Dominic Rafferty 2006 (Guardian Angels, Aylesbury) †, Canon Michael Griffiths 2017 (Our Lady, Corby) Evening: Vespers of All Soul s Sunday THIRTY - FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 3 November The memoriae of St Martin de Porres, Religious or St Winif r ed Virgin are not observed Psalter Week 3 C YCLE OF P RAYER : M IGRANTS D AY (P RAY FOR MIGRANTS AND REFUGEES ) St Martin de Porres, Luton: Pa t rona l Solemnity

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2024 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory

Ordo Ordo 204 Season of Ordinary Time Sunday THIRTY - FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 3 November The memoriae of St Martin de Porres, Religious or St Winif r ed Virgin are not observed Psa l ter Week 3 C YCLE OF P RAYER : M IGRANTS D AY (P RAY FOR MIGRANTS AND REFUGEES ) St Martin de Porres, Luton: Pa t rona l Solemnity Monda y St Cha r les Borromeo, Bishop White 4 November D IOCESAN P RAYER : T HE P ASTORAL A REA OF M ILTON K EYNES †, Fr Robert Allen 1953 (Lowestoft) †, Mgr Canon Joseph McShee 1971 (Costessey) Tuesda y Feria Green 5 November D IOCESAN P RAYER : T HE D ECEASED C LERGY OF OUR D IOCESE Wednesda y Feria Green 6 November

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Ordo Ordo 205 Season of Ordinary Time Thursda y Feria Green 7 November ( Optional, St Willibrord, Bishop ) White †, Mgr Valentine Elwes 1966 (Clapham Park) †, Fr Brian Nightingale 1983 (St Oswald, Peterborough) Frida y Feria Green 8 November ( Optional, Blessed John Duns Scotus, Priest ) White Our La d y Help of Christia n s, Luton: Anniversa r y of opening Sa t urda y THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA White 9 November St Wulsta n , High Wycombe: Anniversa r y of Dedica t ion Sunday THIRTY - SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 10 November The memoria of St Leo the Great is not observed Psa l ter Week 4 Remembrance Sunday C YCLE OF P RAYER : A LL VICTIMS OF WAR †,

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2024 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory

Ordo Ordo 206 Season of Ordinary Time Sunday THIRTY - SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 10 November The memoria of St Leo the Great is not observed Psa l ter Week 4 Remembrance Sunday C YCLE OF P RAYER : A LL VICTIMS OF WAR Monda y St Martin of Tours, Bishop White 11 November Armistice Da y St Martin, Brackley: Pa t rona l Solemnity †, Canon Henry St Leger Mason 1940 (Southwold) †, Fr Basil Jones 1974 (Thetford) Tuesda y St Josa p ha t , Bishop a n d Ma r tyr Red 12 November D IOCESAN P RAYER : P ARISH H EALTH AND S AFETY R EPRESENTATIVES †, Fr Raymond Kerby 2009 (St Ives) Wednesda y Feria Green 13 November †, Fr Augustine Wilkinson 1934 (Coldham Cottage)

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Ordo Ordo 207 Season of Ordinary Time Thursda y Feria Green 14 November †, Bishop Laurence Youens 1939 (6 th Bishop of Northampton) †, Fr William Arrowsmith 1954 (Brantham) Frida y Feria Green 15 November ( Optional, St Albert the Great, Bishop and Doctor of the Chur ch ) White Sa t urda y Feria Green 16 November ( Optional, St Margaret of Scotland , ) ( Optional, St Gertrude, Virgin ) ( Optional, St Edmund of Abingdon, Bishop ) ( Optional, Saturday Mass of Our Lady ) White White White White St Margaret of Scotland, Luton: Patronal Solemnity Sunday THIRTY - THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 17 November The memoriae of St Elizabeth of Hungary Religious or St Hilda Religious or St Hugh of Lincoln, Bishop are not observed Psa l ter Week 1 C YCLE OF P RAYER : W ORLD D AY OF THE P OOR †, Fr J Richard B Smith 1971 (Thornton College)

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2024 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory

Ordo Ordo 208 Season of Ordinary Time Sunday THIRTY - THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Green 17 November The memoriae of St Elizabeth of Hungary Religious or St Hilda Religious or St Hugh of Lincoln, Bishop are not observed Psa l ter Week 1 C YCLE OF P RAYER : W ORLD D AY OF THE P OOR †, Fr J Richard B Smith 1971 (Thornton College) Monda y Feria Green 18 November ( Optional, the D edication of the Basilicas of SS Peter and Paul ) White †, Fr Bryan Houghton 1992 (Bury St Edmunds) Tuesda y Feria Green 19 November †, Canon Thomas Walmsley - Carter 1938 (Sheringham) Wednesda y Feria Green 20 November ( Optional, St Edmund, Martyr ) Red

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2024 edition of the Northampton Diocesan Directory

Ordo Ordo 209 Season of Ordinary Time Thursda y The Presenta t ion of the Blessed Virgin Ma r y White 21 November D IOCESAN P RAYER : C ANONS R EGULAR OF THE I MMACULATE C ONCEPTION (L UTON ) †, Fr John Kemp 1882 †, Fr William Barker 1958 (Fakenham) †, Fr Donald Jenkinson 1977 (Kettering) Frida y St Cecilia , Virgin a n d Ma r tyr White 22 November D IOCESAN P RAYER : P ARISH M USICIANS †, Canon Patrick Rogers 1918 (St Pancras, Ipswich) Sa t urda y Feria 23 November ( Optional, St Clement I Pope and Martyr ) ( Optional, St Columban Abbot ) ( Optional, Saturday Mass of Our Lady ) St Marga r et of Scotla n d, Luton: Anniversa r y of opening Sunday OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE White 24 November The memoria of St Andrew Dung - Lac &, Companions, Martyrs is not observed Psa l ter Week 2 Youth Day C YCLE OF P RAYER : F OR YOUNG PEOPLE Christ the King, Bedford: Pa t rona l Solemnity Christ the King, Milton Keynes: Patrona l Solemnity †, Canon Dan Cronin 2009 (St Brendan, Corby)

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Ordo Ordo 210 Season of Ordinary Time Sunday OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE White 24 November The memoria of St Andrew Dung - Lac &, Companions, Martyrs is not observed Psa l ter Week 2 Youth Day C YCLE OF P RAYER : Y OUNG P EOPLE †, Canon Dan Cronin 2009 (St Brendan, Corby) Monda y Feria Green 25 November ( Optional, St Alnoth, Martyr Red ( Optional, St Catherine of Alexandria, Virgin and Martyr ) Red D IOCESAN P RAYER : T HE S ERVANT K ING V ICARIATE †, Provost Hugh Parker 1961 (Gorleston) Tuesda y Feria 26 November D IOCESAN P RAYER : NYMO AND ALL INVOLVED IN Y OUTH M INISTRY †, Dcn Edward Connelly 2015 (Burnham) Wednesda y Feria 27 November †, Canon Denis Brennan 1967 (Our Lady, Corby)

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Ordo Ordo 211 Season of Ordinary Time Thursda y Feria 28 November D IOCESAN P RAYER : B ISHOP D AVID AND HIS M INISTRY Christ the King, Milton Keynes: Anniversa r y of Blessing †, Fr Henry King 1907 (Shefford) Frida y Feria 29 November †, Fr Francis Hacon 1989 (Cromer) †, Fr Edward Watkiss 1958 (North Walsham) †, Fr Gerard Hulme 1978 (Sheringham) Sa t urda y ST ANDREW, APOSTLE, PATRON OF SCOTLAND Red 30 November St Andrew, Cippenha m : Patrona l Solemnity Our La d y of Pea c e, Burnha m : Seconda r y Pa t rona l Feast St Cla r e, Aylesbury: Anniversa r y of Dedication †, Dcn Anthony McHale 2000 (Great Missenden) Sunday FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT Purple 1 December The memoria of St Edmund Campion is not observed Sunda y Lectiona r y: Yea r C (The Year of Luke) begins toda y †, Fr Henry Logan 1884 (Cambridge) †, Fr Ron Bustin 1992 (Little Chalfont) †, Canon Frank Duane 2005 (Aylesbury)

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Ordo Second Collections 212 SECOND COLLECTIONS 202 4 Date Taken For Whom? Why? Mandatory/ To where do Optional we send Collection the money Sunday Racial Justice Racial Justice Optional CaTEW via February 4 Sunday Finance Offices Sunday CAFOD Lent Fast Day Optional CaFOD directly February 25 (Previous Friday) Friday Holy See Holy Places of Mandatory Finance Offices March 29 Palestine (Holy See) Offices (Good Friday) Sunday Catholic World Mandatory CaTEW via Diocesan May 12 Communications Communications (Holy See) Finance Offices Network Sunday Sunday Bishops’, Day for Life Mandatory CaTEW via Diocesan June 1 6 Conference (CBCEW) Finance Offices Sunday Holy See Peter’,s Pence Mandatory Finance Offices June 30 (Holy See) Offices Sunday Stella Sea Sunday Mandatory Stella Maris July 14 Maris (CBCEW) directly Sunday Catholic Education Education Sunday Optional Diocesan Finance September 8 Service Offices Sunday Bishops’, Evangelii Gaudium Mandatory CaTEW via September 1 5 Conference Sunday - England (CBCEW) Diocesan Finance &, Wales Offices Sunday CAFOD Harvest Fast Day Optional CaFOD directly October 6 (Previous Friday) Sunday Missio World Mission Mandatory Missio directly October 2 0 Sunday (Holy See) Any time Missionary Orders Annual Mission Mandatory The order Appeal (CBCEW) concerned September National Catholic Optional Parish Quota Fund November Catholic Youth Optional Parish Quota Services

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Index of Parishes by Town Page Aston-le-Walls 64 Aston-Le-Walls 64 Aylesbury 65 Beach Hill 81 Beaconsfield 66 Bedford 68 Biggleswade 69 Bletchley 85 Bourne End 66 Brackley 69 Buckingham 69 Burton Latimer 79 Chesham 56 Chesham Bois 71 Cippenham 70 Corby 72 Datchet 73 Daventry 73 Desborough 79 Dunstable 74 Eton 73 Page Farley Hill 83 Flitwick 75 Gerrards Cross 76 Great Billing 76 Great Missenden 77 Haddenham 77 High Wycombe 78 Iver Heath 79 Kempston 67 Kettering 79 Kings Sutton 64 Langley 90 Leadenhall 86 Leighton Buzzard 80 Limbury 83 Little Chalfont 71 Long Crendon 77 Luton 82 Marlow 84 Milton Keynes 86 Near Corby 55 Page Newport Pagnell 86 Northampton 61 nr Luton 83 Olney 87 Oundle 75 Princes Risborough 88 Raunds 75 Rothwell 80 Rushden 88 Shefford 89 Slough 89 Stony Stratford 85 Thrapston 75 Towcester 62 Turvey 91 Uxbridge 76 Wellingborough 91 Wendover 92 Winslow 92 Woburn Sands 87 Yelvertoft 73 Index of Parishes by Town 214

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